Communities call for speedy opening of a police unit

Communities call for speedy opening of a police unit

By: Steve Chirombo

Dedza, May 7, Mana:  Communities under Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza have called on authorities at Dedza district council to open Namakasu Police Unit which they say once operational, will reduce long distance they cover to access justice.

The communities disclosed that they cover 48 kilometres to reach Chafumba which they said is their nearest police unit.

One of the community members, Isaiah Januwale, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) in an interview, on Monday that in the absence of a police unit, they cover a long distance to access help when need arises while others do not bother to report to police most incidences.

“Once this police unit becomes operational, we will get justice close and it will improve on our well-being. It is my plea to my fellow communities here to at least take care of the infrastructure because it belongs to us all,” he said

Another resident, Christina Lackison, said once operational, Namakasu Police Unit, will help them to quickly address issues such as theft, family disputes and property grabbing by men which are rampant in the area.

She said most women are being abused, but their cases do not see the light of the day due to longer distance which they can only get at Chafumba Police Unit.

“Now that we have this magnificent building here, there is hope that cases will be expedited. I call upon women to fully utilize this police unit once it becomes operational,” she stated.

On his part, Eleson Mchilindo, who is Group Village Headman Tsumbi where the police unit is built, said they resorted to request for a police unit having observed the long distance they cover to Chafumba Police Unit.

“Once this becomes operational and officers are deployed, we will ensure good working relationship and that their lives will be protected. Where things are wrong, we will always engage each other for a good resolution,” he said

Mchilindo further said that they have done several community meetings on the importance of having a police unit and that they will never entertain vandalism of the facility.

“Let me appreciate all the GVHs involved for proposing to have this infrastructure here, and government through Dedza district council for heeding to our cry and the communities for fully participating from the beginning to the end.

This is what we call teamwork. Our plea is that this structure becomes operational soon,” said Mchilindo

On his part, Macpherson Mwakhwawa, Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for Dedza, said his office is aware of the challenges communities around Namakasu police unit were facing and that they were liaising with their counterparts at Dedza police station on how best to address the situation.

“In the 2023/24 financial year, we had an allocation for the police unit at Namakasu. So, in the budget for the 2024/25 there is an allocation of a staff house. However, the expectation of the community is for us to handover the police unit before we construct the staff house,” said Mwakhwawa

The DPD further said, in their discussions with officials at Dedza police station, the assumption is that the first phase (police unit) be handed over to the communities as they wait for the construction of the staff house.

The K79 million Namakasu Police Unit comprising of two VVIP latrines was constructed under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF). Once complete, it is expected to provide services to communities under six GVHs in the area of T/A Kachere in the district.

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