Thyolo consulted on regulations to operationalize Disaster Risk Management Act

Thyolo consulted on regulations to operationalize Disaster Risk Management Act

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, September 13, Mana: As one way of enhancing disaster preparedness and response in Malawi, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) held a consultation meeting on Thursday with the Thyolo District Disaster Risk Management Committee (DRMC) to gather input for developing regulations to operationalize the Disaster Risk Management Act.

Chief Disaster Resilience Officer Samuel Gama said the consultation aimed to gather views and recommendations from stakeholders on what should be included in the regulations, as the government moves towards operationalizing the Act to strengthen disaster preparedness and response mechanisms across the country.

 "We are here to ensure that the voices of local stakeholders are heard and reflected in the regulations. Their insights will help us create robust guidelines that address the realities on the ground," he said.

Gama noted that DoDMA intends to develop regulations starting with establishing a Disaster Risk Management Trust Fund (DRMTF) to ensure timely and efficient disbursement of resources to victims during emergencies.

 “We want to make sure that when disasters strike, funds are available and reach those in need without unnecessary delays,” he explained.

He also mentioned that the department aims to create a code of conduct for assisting actors involved in disaster response to ensure accountability and coordination.

“Having a clear code of conduct will streamline operations and ensure all actors work together effectively”, added Gama.

Furthermore, Gama said DoDMA is focusing on managing high-risk areas by developing guidelines to prevent disasters and reduce vulnerability, along with setting clear regulations for the implementation of relocation and resettlement programs to ensure the safety and well-being of communities at risk.

"The views from stakeholders will provide crucial guidance to the department in drafting these regulations. By incorporating local insights and expertise, we can develop regulations that are not only comprehensive but also practical and tailored to the needs of our communities," said Gama.

One of the committee members Gerald Zgambo described the engagement as crucial because it ensures that local realities are considered.

"We are the ones on the ground, dealing with disasters firsthand, and our input is essential for creating practical and effective regulations," said Zgambo.

Zgambo added that involving district councils and communities ensures that the regulations will not only be comprehensive but also practical and adaptable to the specific needs of each district.

"It is not just about creating regulations; it is about making sure those regulations are grounded in the experiences and needs of our communities”, he added.

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