Latest News

Minister urges Nsanje Council to promote economic empowerment to save Matandwe Forest

By Tiyanjane Tsankhwimbi and Robert Nayeja Nsanje, January 30, Mana: Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change, Owen Chomanika called…

NGO combats environmental degradation through tree planting competition

By Hope Chimwala Blantyre, January 30, Mana: In an effort to restore the degraded environment, a youth-led non-governmental organisation called…

Fruit Trees at the heart of Balaka's 1.5 Million tree plan

By Andrew Phiri Balaka, January 30, Mana: At least 1.5 million trees are set to be planted in Balaka following…

Government committed to improve learning environment in Malawi

By Andrew Phiri Balaka, January 30, Mana: Minister of Basic and Secondary Education, Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima has said Government is…

Kasungu District to plant 3 million trees

By Wanangwa Tembo Kasungu, February 5, Mana: District Forestry Officer for Kasungu, Fletcher Mhone, says the Climate Smart Public Works…

Popular News

By Vincent Khonje Mchinji, March 22, Mana: Mchinji District Council…
By Zenak Matekenya Dedza, March 22, Mana: Women’s Legal Resources…
By Robert Nayeja Nsanje, March 22, Mana: Oxfam Country Director,…
Chiradzulu, March 23, Mana: Chiradzulu District Council has called on…

MDF to be deployed to Zomba Plateau

By Solister Mogha Zomba, January 28, Mana: Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change Owen Chomanika on Monday disclosed of…

Paramount Chief Kaduya calls for environment conservation

By Linda Likomwa Phalombe, January 25, Mana: Phalombe District Council has launched 2024/2025 forestry season with a call from Lhomwe…

NGO urge communities to plant trees in graveyards

By Emily M'mangisa Zomba, January 25, Mana: Community Energy Malawi, a non-governmental organization promoting use of solar technologies has appealed…

CISONECC warns against environmental damage

By Charlie Ligomeka Machinga, January 22, Mana: The Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has warned people in Machinga…

Nkhata Bay DESC urged to promptly resolve wage claim cases

By Chisomo Kmabandanga Nkhata Bay, January, 18, Mana: Training Officer for the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) Louis Sichali…