

By Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe, August 16, Mana: Coach for Brave Hearts Ladies, Griffin Kaluwa has called for collaborated efforts in the development of well-rounded skillful female basketball players who will compete in the local leagues as well as represent the country at regional level.

Kaluwa made the sentiments in an interview with Malawi News Agency(MANA) on Wednesday as he analyzed the Brave Hearts Ladies recent invitation trip to South Africa for the Wits Bucks Women Tournament that run from 9th to 13th August, 2023.

While acknowledging that Malawi has teams that can compete at regional level such as Arkangels, Katana, Mystics and Kukoma Eagles, he admitted that the Malawian level of competition is not at par with that of South Africa which has good facilities, coaches and a pool of ladies to choose from.

“Our grass root development is not very good; we don’t have a lot of ladies playing basketball. Last year, for the national team, we could not easily find a tactically gifted point guard and that has always been an issue for us.

“We need to drill kids that can handle the ball intelligently, to put their mates in positions to excel because relying completely on players from other countries to fill out positions is not always healthy,” he said.

Kaluwa described the Bucks tourney as competitive as it offered ladies a chance to show case their talent.

He hopes such tournaments may also be staged in the country.

“We topped our group but lost to Corinthians BWA (35-32) an all-star team that was really good. We made tactically mistakes but we were also fatigued due to playing five games in two days since we arrived when the competition had already started,” Kaluwa said.

Bravehearts have three international players on academic scholarships; Mary Shibweche and Riana Damaris who was voted all Star, are from Kenya; Orlin Londo is Tanzanian while scouting is also being done in Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania.

Captain of Bravehearts, Tama Mazulu hailed the experience of playing teams from South Africa and hopes their team prepare enough to shine in the upcoming Braveheart’s International Basketball Championship (BIBC).

“BWA is a fantastic team, our game with them was a thrill to watch. Saying we didn’t learn from our loss wouldn’t be smart, it’s actually a step forward to improving our game ahead of the BIBC,” Mazulu said.

The BIBC tournament which will attract teams from Zambia, Kenya and Tanzania is set for September 7-9, 2023.

In the group stage of the tourney, Bravehearts beat Hornets 75-20, defeated Wits University 38-28, topped MSE Queens 59-13, conquered VAAL University of Technology 42-21 and won against Phoenix Flames 35-23.


By Sarah Munthali

Lilongwe, August 8, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has reaffirmed government’s commitment and determination to achieving universal water access by 2030 through implementation of water supply and upgrading projects in the country.

He made the remarks Tuesday when he commissioned the Raised and Rehabilitated Kamuzu Dam 1 at Malingunde in Lilongwe.

“The problem we have had is that for the longest time we have lacked proper management of water resources as a matter of priority and urgency, even as a matter of human rights. This is something I was determined to change.

“In the context of Malawi 2063, it was clear to me that there is no way we can reach becoming an inclusively wealth, self-reliant and industrialised nation without equitable access to water,” he said.

Chakwera said his administration tripled budget allocation for water resource management and created a standalone ministry to oversee implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal of reaching 100 percent water and sanitation access by 2030.

He said, through support from development partners, his administration has been aggressively pursued multiple developmental partnerships in the water sector.

“If we do that, we will continue the Lilongwe Water Resource Efficiency Programme, Southern Region Water Board’s implementation of Nkhudzi Bay Water Supply Project in Mangochi and the Chikwawa, Ngabu, Nchalo and Bangula Water Supply Upgrading projects and implementation of the Nkhatabay and Karonga Water Supply Project,” he noted.

Chakwera said the commissioning Kamuzu Dam 1, with support from European Investment Bank (EIB) embraces government’s vision of putting investments into projects that make communities self-reliant.

Minister of Water and Sanitation, Abida Mia said there is need for communities to have access to clean water to reduce waterborne diseases such as Cholera.

“My ministry will ensure that the majority of Malawians have access to water which is their fundamental human right’” she said.

Lilongwe Water Board Chairperson, Inkosi Ya Makosi Mbelwa said the Board embarked on the project to increase the water reservoir storage by raising the height of the existing dam.

“The dam has been raised by an additional seven metres comprising of five metres in concrete and an additional two metres installation of an inflatable rubber dam, a unique feature that allows for efficient storage and release of water on the spillway as required, for proper management of the reservoir,” he said.

He said the Board recognizes Lilongwe’s ever-growing water demand hence implementing complementary projects namely Lilongwe Water Sanitation and Malingunde Water Supply Project that are in the pipeline to prevent people’s vulnerability to waterborne diseases.

Speaking on behalf of EIB, European Union (EU) Ambassador to Malawi Une Skinnebach said the support for rehabilitation and raising of the Kamuzu Dam 1 demonstrates Europe’s close cooperation with Malawi to support priority investment under the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy.

According to Skinnebach, EIB is currently looking at supporting other water boards with investment projects and various proposals are under review which may be selected depending on their technical and economic merits.

Lilongwe Water Board signed a work contract for raising and rehabilitation of Kamuzu Dam 1 with Motal Engil Engenharia Africa on 27th July, 2018 at a total cost of €27 million.

With the raising of Kamuzu Dam, the combined storage water capacity for both Kamuzu Dam 1 and 2 will increase from 23.4 million cubic metres to 43.4 million cubic metres which has enhanced the water resource security for Lilongwe City and surrounding areas in the short to medium term.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023 02:50

LWB upbeat on nonrevenue water reduction

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, August 23, Mana: Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sili Mbewe said his institution is optimistic that it would manage to deal with the issue of water loss caused by illegal water connections, pipe leakages and vandalism of water supplying equipment among others.

He made the remarks on Wednesday during Project for Strengthening the Capacity of Non-Revenue Water Reduction for Lilongwe Water Board (LiSCaP) 9th Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) meeting which was held in Lilongwe.

Mbewe said that as water board they are looking forward to reduce the issue of water loss in a range of 25 percent reaching the year 2025.

“If we are to ask our customers they will say we want 0 percent nonrevenue water, but unfortunately the reality is we cannot have zero percent across the globe even in Japan where we are learning the experiences they still have non-revenue water within 10 percent.

“For us when we look at our annual targets we are looking at least managing 35 percent but in terms of our strategic plan we are looking at 25 percent by the year 2025 specifically in June,” Mbewe said.

LWB is currently losing about 38 percent of water that it produces annually which translates to the money loss of about K15 billion, according to the CEO.

He further expressed confidence that through various interventions that are implementing which include; replacing old water supplying equipment with new ones among others would help them solve the issue of water loss.

“Under the Lilongwe Water and Sanitation Project we actually have a specific component to look at non-revenue water reduction so it looks at the whole essence of replacing the aged pipe line but again within the project we are also implementing what we are calling District Metered Areas (DMAs).

“The DMAs allow us to demarcate supply areas into manageable areas where we are able to measure how much water has gone into a particular DMA, how much water has been lost and where we have higher incidences of nonrevenue water, therefore we are very optimistic that we should be able to reduce nonrevenue water,” he said.

He also hailed Japan International Cooperation Agency (JAICA) for assisting LWB in dealing with the issue of nonrevenue water through the LiSCaP which is scheduled to phase out in December 2024.

In his comment, JAICA Chief Representative, Kazuhiro Tambara said that as JAICA they are committed to providing LWB with different support such as the latest equipment and capacity that would assist in dealing with the issue of nonrevenue water.


By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, August 21, MANA: United Nation Childrens Fund (UNICEF) in partnership with the United States of America and Germany government on Monday donated assorted medical equipment to the Ministry of Health.

Speaking in Lilongwe, during the handover ceremony, UNICEF Representative to Malawi, Shadrack Omol said Malawi has for years faced numerous health challenges from significant gaps in the work force due to frequent shortages in essential medical supplies.

“As UNICEF we want to reach every child in the rural and remote areas because when health emergencies like Covid-19 or outbreaks such as Cholera arise it is difficult for Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) to work due to shortages of medical equipment,

"As such we have donated community health, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Screening and Immunization supplies,” he said.

Receiving the donation Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda acknowledged UNICEF for the kind gesture adding that the donation has come in good time as the ministry is conducting polio and cholera campaigns.

“We appreciate for the support that UNICEF has done by donating equipment worth 14 million USD, as Ministry of health we will make sure that all the donation has worked for the intended purpose in the community, so that we can improve our health sector”, She said,

The donation includes three refrigerated vans, 280 vaccine refrigerators,100 cold boxes,6000 vaccine carriers, 100,000 water packs, 700 push bicycles, 11,000 Gumboots, 11,000 Back packs, 11,000 Rain courts, 350 Phone tablets, 12,300 Glucometers and 12,300 BP machines.

By Emily Kamisa

Mzuzu, September 1, Mana: Deputy Minister of Education, Nancy Chaola Mdooko has pledged government support towards completion of Jalira Secondary School which is under construction in the area of Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe in Rumphi district.

The deputy minister made these remarks on Friday as she inspected the school.

“I am impressed with the development that is taking place here and I pledge my direct support wherever necessary. I will also report to the Honorable Minister of Education, Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa as well as His Excellency Dr. Lazarus Chakwera,” she said.

Korean Missionary, Young Sim Baek who is funding the construction of the school expressed optimism on the future of the construction project as now they have assurance from the government.

“We have faced many challenges due to lack of electricity and water which has delayed the completion of the project. But now we look forward to having quality infrastructure which will translate to quality education,” said Baek.

Member of Parliament for Rumphi West, Wiza Mkandawire said that water will be available at the project site soon, as he together with the district council have already engaged stakeholders who are working towards rectifying the problem.

“We had members of the Northern Region Water Board who took samples from various boreholes in the community and we are working on having a high yield borehole that should be able to provide at least 50 000 litres of water per day,” said Mkandawire.

Mkandawire also disclosed that government has given them a grant through the African Development Bank through the NRWB which is expected to roll out in 2026 for a long term provision of safe and enough water.

Jalira Girls Secondary School whose construction started in June 2022, is part of the bigger vision of the funder Missionary Young Sim Baek who plans to construct other infrastructure in the area including a hospital and a university.

By Solister Mogha

Zomba, September 2, Mana: Minister of Tourism. Vera Kamtukule launched tourism month in Zomba where she appealed to Malawians to cherish and conserve Malawi’s natural beauty and resources and exercising patriotism by visiting tourist attraction sites across the country.

Kamtukule made the appeal in Zomba Friday and observed that for many years Malawians have opted to spend their holidays outside the country despite Malawi having many tourism attractions sites across.

She said most countries admire Malawi’s natural resources and beauty but further observed that most of the citizens ignore the resources and beauty to travel outside.

“My key message today is to ask Malawians to start loving all tourist attraction sites. We have a lot of treasurer that we need to be proud of and promote.

“This year, we would like to make a lot of noise so that we attract more tourists both domestic and international,” she added.

She said Ministry of Tourism will unlock the tourism industry, pointing out that tourism sector has potential to change Malawi’s economic status despite some challenges such as high taxes on tourism.

“Yes we have challenges but we are working towards addressing them so that we have a vibrant tourism sector. We will be discussing with the ministry of finance to consider reducing some taxes on tourism,” she said.

Kamtukule therefore called on Malawians to celebrate the tourism month by visiting the country’s beautiful cites and to bring out all the hidden and rich culture that Malawi is known for.

Chairperson for Zomba Tourism Association, Meya Kalindekafe appealed to the Ministry of Tourism to invest in the tourism sector to attract both domestic and foreign tourists,

She observed that the tourism sector has the potential to contribute to the Malawi’s social- economic development if much is done in collaboration with other sectors.

“As an association we are geared to promoting the tourism sector so that we achieve the country's aspiration of making Malawi a favourite tourism destination,” said Kalindekafe.

Senior Chief Mlumbe of Zomba also hailed the ministry for launching the tourism month in Zomba which he said is one of the tourist destinations in Malawi but receive little attention.

The senior chief added that Zomba has a number of tourist attraction sites but most of them are not promoted and are in a dilapidated state.

He cited Zomba plateau which is almost bare due to deforestation and called for larger scale reforestation of most parts of the plateau to reclaim its lost glory of forest total cover and beauty

“The ministry needs to do more especially in protecting all tourist attraction places. Look at our mountain. It is bare and if people are to come what will they be seeing,” he wondered.

Malawi hold annual tourism month in September to market Malawi’s tourism and this year’s launch is being held under the theme: Tiziyamba ndife a Malawi.

The day started with a solidarity march led by the Malawi Prison brass band and pavilion displays by partners in tourism, dances and music performances took place at Gymkhana Club ground where a new kid on the bloc, Gibbo Pearson and another well-known musician Attohti Manje took the stage to entertain people.

By Fletcher Chiponda

Nkhotakota, September 1, Mana: Men in Nkhotakota have been challenged to take a leading role in encouraging women to breast feed their children until the rightful age.

Speaking on behalf of the District Commissioner for Nkhotakota, Chief Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CAENRO), Siliro Nkhukuzalira Magomero, said the week should be a reminder that a persons’ good health starts at breastfeeding stage.

He was speaking during the launch of a world breast feeding week which took place at Abuja ground in Mgombe Village, Traditional Authority Kalimanjira in the district,

Magomero said, “Life starts at birth because it determines the future of the new born, so once a child is born it is very important to breast feed them because in the breast milk there are all essential nutrients that help in building the immunity of the child which helps in fighting against various diseases.”

He challenged fellow men that there is need to take part and contribute in these breastfeeding exercises such as encouraging women to breast feed their children frequently.

Concurring with Magomero, Nkhotakota District Hospital Nutrition Officer, Lissa Nthiliro said some men leave the duty of taking care of a child to women alone saying this is as good as abandoning their responsibility to escorting their wives and babies to hospitals.

She said failure to take part contribute to the malnourishment of many children in the district. hence having high number of malnutrition cases.

This year’s World breast feeding week is being commemorated under the theme ‘Enabling Breastfeeding, making a difference for working parents.’

Friday, 01 September 2023 02:19

FBOs committed on crime reduction in Thyolo

By Beni Bamusi

Thyolo, September 1, Mana: Interfaith Committee on Community Policing in Thyolo says is committed to take a role in community sensitisation to reduce mob justice, homicide, suicide and gender based violence which contribute to high of crime currently increased by 48 percent.

The Interfaith Committee on Community Policing made the commitment during interfaith prayers at Blessings Private school ground in Thyolo where committee chairperson, Pastor Lloyd Somela said the prayers were organised to seek God’s interventions on crime in the district which is believed to be driven by the evil powers.

 He said faith leaders and religious bodies are collaborating with the police to reduce crime by preaching evils of crime during prayers.

“We’re here to seek divine intervention because we hear cases of homicide, suicide, rape and gender based violence every day,” he added, expressing hope that with God guidance the faith leaders will be able to deal with the devil induced crimes.

A business person at Thyolo Boma Market, Marini Kavalo admitted that rituals among business people is a factor contributing to various crimes.

Such religious gatherings will help business people to know how a person prospers in business. A person can only succeed in business through hard work, determination and blessing from God and not doing rituals,” he added.

He said security and safety are key to business, adding that this is the reason why people fail in business after being robbed of their properties

Thyolo Police Officer in Charge, Isaac Norman commended the faith leaders for their prayers

Member of Thyolo Thava, Mary Navitcha also attended the prayers.

By Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, September 1, Mana: The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) says Illovo Maize production initiative in response to Cyclone Freddy under the mega farms project has potential to improve the country’s food security.

Speaking during activities surrounding the company's Corporate Social Responsibility, LUANAR lecturer who is also team leader for the initiative, Thomas Lubeni Nyanda, commended Illovo Sugar Limited for providing free land and water for the initiative.

Nyanda said the initiative started after cyclone freddy hit the nation and impacted negatively on infrastructure and Agricultural production leaving thousands homeless and at high risk of starvation.

"We are providing technical expertise on the farms and government is providing the funds. We hope that about 618 metric tons of maize will be produced on 103 hectares of land provided," said Nyanda

Manager for Illovo Sugar Limited, Dwangwa Estate, McLean Debwe, said Illovo will continue to assist government in different interventions and at the same time creating a thriving Malawian community.

Senior Chief Kanyenda of the area, said government should do more on the initiative to fulfill its agenda of creating a self-reliant nation. He commended Illovo sugar limited for taking a leading role in the initiative.

During the day, various officials and the media, visited projects that have been done this year under the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility around Dwangwa.

The projects include construction of a Mortuary and a brick fence at Nkhunga health Centre, construction of a brick fence at Nkhunga Community Day Secondary School, a donation of desks at Majiga primary school and construction of classroom blocks and teacher houses at Majiga Community Day Secondary School.

Friday, 11 August 2023 02:09

KB cruise past Dedza Dynamos 2-0

Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe August 11 Mana: The Yellow Submarines, Kamuzu Barracks (KB) claimed three points on Thursday after defeating the Sugar Babies, Dedza Dynamos Salima Sugar FC 2-0 in a TNM Super League showdown at Civo Stadium.

The game began on a backdrop of a noisy reception from curious onlookers who wondered why both teams started play with nine on-field players. In the 15th minute KB’s Michael Mtonyo and Dedza’s Lameck Gamphani entered field of play to even the numbers while the referee flashed yellow cards to both players.

The match proceeded to extended dull moments when both teams struggled to settle into the game.

The yellow Submarines’ Christopher Mtambo was teasing the Dedza defense from the flanks but his attempted crosses were all neutralized.

Moments later, Dedza’s Charles Chipala dazzled through the KB defense but released a weak shot which Lehman Nthala punched away only to have Gamphani shot wide on the subsequent rebound.

As the game drugged on, KB kept piling chances which disappointedly fell off target. Chipala should have put Dedza up by one in the 42nd minute, when he took a close ranged shot but Nthala was once again up to the task.

In the second half, Marque striker Clement Nyondo began to find his groove as he constantly exchanged passes with Chipala in attempts to unlock the KB defensive wall.

In the 55th minute Gregory Nachipo broke the deadlock after calmly slotting home a cross from Olson Kanjira.

Seven minutes later, the Submarines struck again through Hope Namadzunda’s well curved free kick after goalkeeper Anthony Singini caught the ball just outside the penalty area.

Dedza went down fighting and came closest in the 73rd minute when Victor Lungu and Nyondo’s connection set up substitute Chifuniro Mpinganjira whose effort smashed the goal post for a corner.

Speaking on the side lines of the match, Coach for KB, Alick Chirwa expression satisfaction with the match and is hopeful his men will capitalize on the result.

“It was a difficult match because we were both desperate for a result, but I was able to tell my boys to remain to calm and read the game,” Chirwa said.

His counterpart, Dedza Dynamos Gaffer, Gilbert Chirwa decried the match officiation and called for instant improvements.

“The game was just fine though we missed a lot of chances, however the second goal was orchestrated by the referee because the goalkeeper had not handed the ball as it was claimed,” Chirwa said.

The result elevates KB to position six from eight on 22 points while Dedza Dynamos drop to position 10 from nine with 19 points.