CSE-PWP, beacon of unity in public works

CSE-PWP, beacon of unity in public works

By Steve Chirombo

Dedza, July 18, Mana: People in Dedza district have described the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CSE-PWP) as a uniting factor among communities in finding solutions to address challenges affecting their lives.

The communities cited swale construction, ridge realignment, stone bands as well as the natural tree regeneration as some of the initiatives that have seen them joining hands to address issues like soil erosion, low crop production as well as deforestation among others.

They made the remarks on Wednesday during a media tour to the two catchments of Kakolo under Traditional Authority Kaphuka and Liwenga under Senior Chief Kachere in the district.

Group Village Head Chisangwi under Kaphuka Extension Planning Area (EPA) said in the past, farmers’ crops were being washed away but now the story is different.

“There is indeed power in unity. Our coming together to construct swales here has seen us blocking rain water, which used to wash away our crops. The programme has enhanced the collaborative efforts among us and it is our plea to see it continuing,” he said.

On her part, Alinafe Gumbo, one of the programme participants under Group Village Head Sefasi in Senior Chief Kachere, said the programme is benefitting them as they have managed to restore the degraded land and have greatly achieved on tree regeneration.

“I can assure you that we realized bumper harvests in the last harvest season because there are no soil erosions taking place and that trees have been restored making our area to experience good rains unlike in other parts of the district,” she said.

Dedza district council, CSE-PWP Project Facilitator, Jocaster Mnemba, commended participants for coming together to address some climate hazards.

“I am very impressed seeing how land has been retained thereby improving crop production. The natural trees regeneration will also go a long way in protecting soil from being washed away and also improve on rainfall,” she said.

Mnemba further said as one way of sustaining the interventions, communities are encouraged to participate in community contributions like manure making.

In Dedza, about 22,635 communities are participating under the CSE-PWP in eight Traditional Authorities under ten EPAs.

CSE-PWP is a Social Support for Resilient Programme being implemented by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) with support from World Bank and Multi-Donor Trust Fund.

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