Dodma in DRM Act regulation consultations

Dodma in DRM Act regulation consultations

By Solister Mogha

Zomba, September 10, Mana: The Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (Dodma) has rolled out consultations on regulations for the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Act.

Dodma Deputy Director for Disaster Response, Fwawupi Mwafongo said the consultations targeting 11 sampled districts will assist the department in coming up with demand-driven regulations for the smooth operationalization of the Disaster Risk Management Act of (2023) which repealed the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act of 1991.

Speaking on Tuesday in Zomba, Mwafongo said the new DRM Act gives a holistic legal framework for the implementation of various disaster risk management programmers with a focus on building the resilience of communities and the nation to disasters compared to the 1991 Act, which focused on response.

"The act became operational on 1st November 2023 and the guidelines will cement its operationalization as they will state laid down procedures to be followed in ensuring compliance of the Act," said Mwafongo.

During the meeting, DoDMA also revealed of the DRM Trust Fund, a resource basket that will be accessed by councils depending on disasters faced.

District Commissioner for Zomba, Reighgard Chavula described the consultations as important considering that they provided room for contributions from councils.

Chavula hoped for the smooth operationalization of the Act.

"We expect a more coordinated response when a disaster strikes," Chavula said.

Among the sampled districts where the consultations will take place are Karonga, Nkhata Bay, Nkhotakota, Salima, Kasungu, Dedza, Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo, Mwanza and Zomba.

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