Khuluvi cultural festival returns

Khuluvi cultural festival returns

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, June 20, Mana: Khuluvi Arts and Cultural Grouping Executive Member, Erick Trinta has assured communities in the Lower Shire districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje and the nation at large that this year’s Khuluvi Cultural Festival will take place from June 27 to June 30, 2024.

He said this during a Media briefing on Thursday at Nyamithambo Arts Centre at Nsanje Boma.

Trinta said this year’s event would be celebrated under the theme: ‘Time to shine and empower our people.’

He said the theme would be used to drum up support to complement government efforts to preserve the endangered fish species like Makakana and Mwanamfeluka endemic to Shire River.

“We have been implementing various interventions every year. So, this year our main focus is to preserve fish in our Shire River so that it should not be depleted, on the other hand, exploring other means to empower the communities,” the Executive member added.

Trinta said preparations for the event which would take place at Nsanje Prison Ground were at an advanced stage.

“We will have the event for three days from 27 up to 30 June,” he added.

One of the coordinators for the event, John Maganizo promised to make the event to be colourful.

“We have invited all Lower Shire giants including Chinafuna M’bale Stars and Stanley Nyandoro. We will have Utche and other traditional dances to celebrate Sena culture,” he added.

This is the third time the cultural grouping will be hosting the celebrations in the district.

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