Mzuni Alumni Association Motivates Home of Hope

Mzuni Alumni Association Motivates Home of Hope

By Winfrida Kamwana


Mchinji, September 22, Mana: As part of practicing one of the pillars of Mzuzu university which is providing service to people in the society, Mzuzu University Alumni Association visited Home of Hope orphanage to motivate the children not to give up on their dreams.


Speaking on Saturday during the interaction, President for Mzuni Alumni Association in the Central Chapter, Masozi Kasambala said the visit was not only to donate the clothes they brought, but to also give hope to the children that anything is achievable if they put their mind to it.


"As service providers we are obliged to give hope to such children and assure them that no matter their background they can still do something great and achieve so much more.


“This should be a pace setter to them to work hard so that one day they also become alumni of different universities and give hope to the ones coming after them," said Kasambala.


Concurring with Kasambala, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Joel Makiyi asked the children during his motivational speech to always have the hunger to work hard in order to achieve their goals.


“Nothing comes free in this life, when you want to reach your goals you have to always set standards that will help you achieve your goals, it may not always be comfortable but your eyes should be on the prize," explained Makiyi.


Reverend Thomson John Chipeta, founder of the Home of Hope orphanage, expressed his gratitude for the donation, stating that contributions like these are essential for the continued operation of the orphanage.


"We cannot manage to run the orphanage on our own that is why when such help comes, we are always short of words and very thankful because we know some of the challenges that we are facing have been addressed," said Chipeta.


He further said despite government and other well-wishers helping them, the orphanage needs more people to help them with groceries as the orphanage has more than seven hundred children and to feed them all is a hustle due to the rise of prices of goods on the market.


In his remarks, Thokozani Chisi, one of the children at the orphanage said this has helped them to reflect on their behavior especially in the education sector. He said this will help them to work hard to achieve their goals.


He further said they do not take this help lightly and hopes that one day they will also be able to come back to the orphanage after they have achieved their goals to motivate others.


Mzuni Alumni Association donated clothes to the orphanage with help from Development Aid from People to People (DAPP). DAPP provided the alumni with 50 bales of clothes which the alumni are donating to different orphanages and charitable organizations.

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