Dodma reaches out to 30 households in Senior Chief Kalolo

Dodma reaches out to 30 households in Senior Chief Kalolo Featured

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe, September 7, Mana: People of Senior Chief Kalolo in Lilongwe district have expressed excitement over the timely donation of relief items by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (Dodma).

 Dodma donated to 30 households whose houses and property were destroyed due to chieftaincy wrangles between the people of Masula and Mvuto villages in Lilongwe district.

Speaking on Friday at Chalimba primary school ground during the distribution exercise, an 80-year-old man Selemani Sikelo from Masula village said he had nothing at home, as everything got burnt.

“I am thankful to the government for this timely donation, as I will be able to live a normal life again,” he said.

The Disaster Risk Management Officer for Lilongwe district, Anganire Kalonga said it is their duty to oversee and support people whenever they face any disaster.

"As a department, we are geared to offer our support whenever people in the district have encountered any form of disaster and we are expecting the beneficiaries to use the relief items for the intended purpose,” she said.

The relief items distributed include bags of maize, cooking pots, blankets, wooden sticks, plates, roles of plastic sheets to be used for roofing their houses and plastic buckets.

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