Social cash transfer bails people out of poverty

Social cash transfer bails people out of poverty

By Manasse Nyirenda

Rumphi, September 3, Mana: Social Cash Transfer Programme beneficiaries in Rumphi have praised the programme for bailing them out of extreme poverty.

In an interview on Monday, one of the beneficiaries, Lucy Nyasulu from Madumura Village in Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe said her family was trapped in deep poverty before being selected to be one of the beneficiaries.

"At the time I became a beneficiary, we were living in a shack and struggling to find food for our family. But once we got enrolled, we worked very hard to transform our lives for the better by venturing into farming using Social cash transfer money," she said.

She said she joined village loans and savings groups which made her earn interest on her savings which she later invested in farming.

She has since earned over K5 million from tobacco farming and has built a house and also owns a hair salon business.

The 31-year-old mother of three is now focusing on growing more tobacco to earn more money and transform her home’s well-being.

Another beneficiary, Fyness Kayira from Nthumbatumba Village in Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe said the programme is her lifeline.

"I am now under the care of my grandchildren who are not well-to-do. I lost my husband and all my children who were supporting me. I cannot imagine how I would survive without this money I get. The money helps me to meet my needs," she said.

On her part, Mayilesi Gumbo, 42, from Chilakata Village says she invested part of her receipts in piggery farming and now owns 10 pigs.

She added that her household is now food secure and that she and her husband can meet their needs including four children.

District Social Welfare Officer for Rumphi, Zindaba Lungu says many beneficiaries on the programme have built decent houses, bought livestock and own thriving businesses which have helped lessen the burden of poverty in the communities.

Social Cash Transfer Programme is a Malawi Government programme under Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods (SSRLP).

It is funded by the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), the World Bank and the Malawi Government and coordinated by the National Local Government Finance Committee.

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