Women prayer group donates to Kasungu prison

Women prayer group donates to Kasungu prison Featured

By Richard Kagunda

Kasungu, July 9, Mana: Christian women under World Women's Day of Prayers on Monday donated assorted items to Kasungu Prison to cheer up inmates as the country celebrated 60 years of independence.

Chairlady for the group, Eness Chilipapa, said they decided to donate the items to the prison because the bible tells them to be generous and cheerful to those that are going through trying times.

“The bible says if we do not carry out charitable works, the Lord will rebuke us on judgement day for not having done enough as Christians.

“The bible is clear that the Lord will remind us that He was hungry but we did not feed Him; He was naked but we did not give Him clothes to wear and that He was a prisoner and we did not cheer Him up and that is exactly why we decided to do this,” Chilipapa said.

She appealed to the public to spare some time to visit prisons and at least donate whatever they can afford to.

“One does not need to be a millionaire for him or her to donate to inmates. Sometimes we waste foodstuffs while inmates are starving and we throw away clothes that could be donated and be used by the inmates,” she said.

Officer in-Charge for Kasungu Prison, Risted Mabeti, expressed gratitude to the World Women's Day of Prayer for what he dubbed as a timely donation.

“I would like to applaud World Women's Day of Prayer for this donation which we did not expect. It is always our desire that inmates should go back home with a healthy life after completing their sentences.

“The number of inmates here is always rising and we feel good when people like these come to assist us,” Mabeti said.

The donated items included soap, maize, salt, soya pieces, beans, plates, cups and bibles, amounting to K1.5 million.

Kasungu prison is one of the most congested correctional facilities with at least 706 inmates against a capacity 200.

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