People in Likoma commends government for SCTP

People in Likoma commends government for SCTP

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, June 6, Mana:  People of Chizumulu Island have commended government for Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP) which is being implemented in Likoma District, saying it has improved their livelihoods.

In an interview Friday, after receiving her stipend, Marla Njakale of Chiunda Village at the island said the program is a relief to her household as she is able to provide for her children.

 “I have been assisted a lot since the inception of this program, I am able to provide for my family beside investing some of the money into fish selling business.

I also manage to pay fees for my two children who were at Likoma Secondary School and now are done with their secondary education. My dream now is to build a house,” said Njakale.

Arthur Chirwa 78, of Msoka Village said the program has helped him and his household to increase uptake of balanced diets with six food groups and has also bought fishing nets.

 “I stay with my grandchildren and they depend on me for everything, My son in-law is the one who goes fishing using my fishing nets and we are earning a living through this SCTP” said Chirwa.

He commended government for increasing monthly stipend from K4,000.00 to K8,500.00 for each befitting household saying   beneficiaries will manage to invest in various small scale businesses.

Principal Social Welfare Officer in the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Gilbert Kaponda said the program aims at reducing poverty, increase school enrolment and reduce malnutrition.

He said, government decided to increase the money from old cash transfer to current transfer levels due to inflation.

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