

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe, March 29, Mana: Government says it appreciates the role different stakeholders play in complementing its efforts in providing good health service delivery to people across the country.

Deputy Minister of Health Halima Daud made the remarks on Wednesday at Chilimampunga ground in Traditional Authority Njewa in Lilongwe during the launch of Rotary Family Health days whose aim was to bring health care services closer to the community.

Daud said what Rotary Club International is doing by bringing health services closer to the community is what government is advocating for, and called on other players to emulate the gesture, stressing that government on its own cannot manage to offer all the services.

“As government, we are so happy with this initiative because many people will have an opportunity of being diagnosed different type ailments such as eyes, ears, dental, family planning, TB, HIV and AIDS,” she said

Daudi further said the rotary family health days will also assist the people who could not have access to health facilities which are very far from where they stay.

President of the Rotary Club International Dr. Gordon Mcinally said the family health care days help to minimize the time and costs people use when visiting health facilities.

"This is the beauty of rotary family health days which are mobile clinics, we are bringing health care services closer to the people so that they should not travel long distance to access health services,” he said.

Mcinally then assured the people that they will continue working hand in hand with government in order to improve health services in the country.

in a separate interview, one of the beneficiary residing in Mtandile township Elina Kamanga expresses gratitude and excitement to rotary family health days, saying she has been visiting the hospital to know whether she had Tuberculosis (TB) or not, but no to avail.

"I want to applaud this initiative, because today they have diagnosed me with TB, and I also went to test my eyes and they have given me eye glasses. I am encouraging those who feel they have got health problems to utilize this opportunity by getting free treatment," she said.

With funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) the Rotary Club International also conducted similar initiative last year to the tune of US$3.5 million at Mitundu Community Hospital in Lilongwe.

By Wellington Sibale

Neno, March 29, Mana: Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has urged district councils to integrate Early Warning Systems (EWS) including loss and damage issues into the council’s District Development Plans (DDP).

The network’s National Coordinator, Jullius Ng’oma, made the call during a meeting with Neno district council officials in Blantyre.

Ng’oma said councils should incorporate the importance of including loss and damage at policy and strategy level considering various challenges coming due to climate change.

“We have increased in frequency and density of climate related hazards, risks and disaster over the past few years and these need to be feared if we are actually trying to plan for any other interventions at national level including at district council level,” Ng’oma said.

He added that there is need to have guiding laws for the implementation of the policy to materialise.

The National coordinator said the country’s economy is bleeding because the climate-related issues are affecting social economical system.

He therefore, said there is need to scale up financing towards loss and damage to manage issues related to climate change.

Neno District Council Director of Planning and Development, Charles Lomoni said the initiative is very crucial as the district has been experiencing issues of climate change, indicating that they are formulating their district development plan.

“CISONECC has invited us here and help us to plan as we are preparing our district development plan which we are in the process of formulating and we will include issues of climate change” Lomoni said.

In his remarks, Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DoDMA) Recovery officer, Ollings Mghandira said all councils need to embrace climate change in their plans.

“This art of incorporating these issues of loss and damage where most of the communities are affected and lose a lot of properties, will help the district to plan better as to what they are supposed to do and even if the district is not exposed to these other hazards,” said Mghandira.

CISONECC and Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) with funding support from Christian Aid are implementing the Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Energy in Malawi (CCASE): Investments for prevention of Loss and Damage in Malawi Project in Neno.

The project aims at developing anticipatory, Absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities in Neno while financing risk reduction measures to prevent, minimise and address loss and damage ultimately strengthening national and local resilience to disaster risk and promoting sustainable development.

By Patuma Kachoka

Machinga, March 29, Mana: International Centre for Tropical Agriculture through Business Acceleration for Youth (BA4Y) on Thursday awarded grants to 20 young entrepreneurs in Machinga district as business start-up.

The organization’s Business Incubation and Acceleration Officer, Oganive Chingakule in an interview during the awarding of the grants in Machinga said successful entrepreneurs were identified through a business idea pitching session.

Chingakule said about 50 youth have undergone trainings and coaching by Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute (SMEDI) since August 2023 and 30 shortlisted youth entrepreneurs presented their business ideas to a panel of judges where 20 qualified for the grant.

"We are awarding every successful youth entrepreneur K4, 250, 000 grant. And we are giving out to the 20 successful Machinga youth entrepreneurs. The idea behind this grant is to help the youth to manage their businesses effectively since most of the youth that are trying to start a business lack means to monetize ideas they have.

So through the grants, some of the young entrepreneurs will be able to buy small machinery and raw materials to create products so that they can take them to the market," she said.

Chingakule further added that her institution together with SMEDI will conduct series of field visits to monitor those that have received the grant if they are practicing what they indicated in their business plans.

One of the beneficiaries, Rabecca Kachigamba from Traditional Authority Kawinga who is into bar-soap making, says she will use the money to boost her business and create employment opportunities for fellow youths.

"My plan so far is to extend my business so that I can reach out to some other youths, there are a lot of young people out there who are doing nothing so with my company I am sure will employ some other youths" she said.

BA4Y project is funded by USAID targeting young individuals aged 18 to 35 in nine districts.

Friday, 29 March 2024 14:30

Thyolo CBO commission new offices

By Andrew Phiri

Thyolo, March 29, Mana: Thyolo District Gender and Development Officer, Gerald Zgambo has emphasized the need for various Non-Governmental Organizations that are working towards elimination of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the district to create safe and conducive environment where victims would be open to report the matters without interferences.

Zgambo made the call on Thursday when Chipembere Community Development Organization (CCDO) was opening their newly constructed offices.

The Gender officer said the council is delighted to see the organization’s potential of creating a safe and conducive area where victims of GBV such as children, women and the elderly will have freedom to report matters,

He added that that the building will also motivate its staff members to work effectively and efficiently on various projects they are rolling out in the district.

"These new offices have lifted the face of Thyolo district and now, we are pretty sure that cases of Gender Based Violence will be handled successfully right here because the affected parties will have adequate safety when reporting the cases.

"We applaud Chipembere Community Development Organization for committing to alleviate GBV cases because here in Thyolo, poverty, cultural beliefs and bordering areas of Mozambique are among the major factors that are fueling the occurrence of this malpractice," he said.

He therefore called for collective effort from the police, Civil Society Organizations, community and other parties to work on revamping the community victim support unit that will help to eradicate the challenge.

Executive Director for CCDO, Dalitso Chiwayula said since in 2010 when the organization was being established, it has been their dream to have a conducive environment where they would complement government's effort by working efficiently and effectively in dealing with issues of poverty, health, education and social welfare of communities in general.

"So far, we have managed to eliminate over 540 cases of early marriages in Thyolo. However, the issue of GBV is still a major challenge because many young girls are getting married and for this reason, we are facing various setbacks to alleviate the vice.

Parents are resisting to let their children return to school attributing to lack of school fees and other necessities that would enable their children's education successful," he said.

Senior Group Village Headman Chide from Traditional Authority Bvumbwe has since commended the organization for committing itself in uplifting the lives of rural communities in sectors of health, education and social welfare.

He called for all community leaders in the district to encourage the beneficiaries of such initiatives to embrace and transition various knowledge shared by these NGOs.

By Leah Malimbasa

Chikwawa, March 29, Mana: Deputy Minister of Health Halima Alima Daud has commended Partners in Health (PIH) for donating an Oxygen Plant to Chikwawa District Hospital.

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the facility on Thursday, Daud said the donation will go a long way in providing quality medical oxygen to patients in the Lower Shire.

“It is my plea that other well-wishers will complements your efforts to provide service contract cover for the plant and help government to secure additional oxygen plants and other oxygen therapy technologies for hospitals which are not yet covered,” she said.

Daud added that it is important to take good care of the Oxygen Plant installed at the hospital, which was procured by PIH at the value of USD 1.16 million equivalent to approximately K3.2 billion.

In her remarks, PIH Executive Director Basimenye Nhlema said the oxygen plant was installed under the “Building Reliable Integrated & Next Generation O2 Services (BRING O2)” Grant.

“This project is made possible thanks to Unit aid’s funding and support. The organisation accelerates access to innovative health products and lays the foundations for their scale-up by countries and partners,” said Nhlema.

She added that PIH, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, started the project following the observed gap in access to medical oxygen supplies in health facilities.

“As indicated in the Malawi National Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Roadmap 2021–2026, the country needs an estimated supply of oxygen amounting to 115,156,050 litres (equivalent to 16,935 “J” cylinders) per month,” she said.

Nhlema added that it was impossible to meet the demand due to inadequate Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) plants, inability to maintain existing PSA plants, insufficient oxygen cylinders to capture and store oxygen, as well as a lack of distribution systems to reallocate supply.

“It is for this reason that PIH embarked on a journey to increase the oxygen delivery capacity and access across the country in 2021. This project mainly focused on six districts of Neno, Mwanza, Balaka, Chikwawa, Nsanje, and Nkhata-Bay to alleviate PSA plant supply and demand pressures but also strengthen oxygen equipment, delivery, and logistics,” said Nhlema.

The oxygen plant has been strategically installed in Chikwawa to serve the two districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa.

Initially, these two districts were accessing oxygen from Blantyre at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and at a privately-owned Afrox center. Both Chikwawa and Nsanje would also go as far as Lisungwi to collect oxygen cylinders after its commissioning in 2021.

By Beni Bamusi


Thyolo, March 29, Mana: Farmers in Thyolo district have been urged to take farming as business if they are to make profits and improve their economic livelihoods.

The statement was made on Thursday during Agriculture Field Day which took place at Chinguluwe Primary School ground in the area of Traditional Authority Bvumbwe.

Speaking after visiting model farms and under the theme, “Promoting Diversified and climate resilient approaches for increased and sustainable agricultural productivity,” Thyolo District Commissioner, Hudson Kuphanga said it is high time farmers should emulate modern farming techniques and treat their work as business saying he is impressed with what the farmers are doing as it has potential to champion national development.

“Today we have visited farmers who are into fish farming, dairy farming and others are into macadamia nuts combined with maize farming, and this is an indication that people are serious with agriculture. For instance, macadamia nuts; this product has the capacity to replace tobacco.

“As council, we ask government to make feed for fish available to farmers on the local market since you can rarely find it as indicated by farmers, instead they use other alternatives as feed and this inhibit the growth of the fish” he said.

Kuphanga added that macadamia farming has the potential to replace tobacco which provides foreign currency to the country.

“Macadamia nuts generate huge sum of money hence there is a need for mindset change for people and government to abandon tobacco and put much effort in the nuts by making it accessible on the market to macadamia farmers.” he added.

Chief Land Sources Conservation Officer from Blantyre Agriculture Development Division, Medson Thole said the field day is important to small holder farmers as it promote good agriculture practices among them which in turn boost their productive.


Michael Somanje who represented Kambiri Estate which practices fish and banana production in Dwale Area said they have learned a lot from the field day adding they will expand into other farming activities which other farmers are doing.


During the day, Bvumbwe Research Station showcased newly released varieties of sweet potato, groundnuts, soybeans potato and pigeon peas, also One Acre Fund, and other Agribusiness enterprises showcased their pavilions.

Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe 28 March, MANA: Malawi Parliament has passed a Private Members Bill No.1 of 2024: The Cannabis Regulation (Amendment), allowing for the controlled cultivation of locally produced Cannabis Sativa, with the aim of harnessing its advantages both domestically and internationally.

The bill, which underwent intense scrutiny and discussion during a budget meeting on Thursday, reflects the complexities surrounding the legalization of cannabis for medicinal and industrial purposes.

In an interview, Member of Parliament for Lilongwe South, Peter Dimba, who moved the bill, expressed excitement over passing of the bill highlighting its historical significance and potential economic contributions.

“We want to legalize the controlled, regulated cultivation of the local cannabis. In 2018, we introduced the cultivation of cannabis, but somehow, we discriminated against it, yet it's highly sought after on the global market because of its properties," he said.

 Dimba further noted that extensive consultations had taken place over the past four years and anticipates presidential assent for the bill.

Leader of the House, Richard Chimwendo Banda, clarified that the bill does not legalize the transportation or usage of cannabis for recreational purposes and that only licensed individuals can grow cannabis.

“What Malawians should understand is that chamba growing shall continue to be illegal however this bill will allow growth with strict regulations in place to prevent abuse and protect the youth,” Banda said.

Spokesperson for United Democratic Front Nedson Poya raised concerns about the high costs associated with licensing, emphasizing the need for equitable benefits for local farmers but stressed that the bill aims to support medicinal use rather than promote youth smoking.

During the debate, questions arose regarding the intended use of cannabis, prompting clarification from members.

MPs from constituencies such as Rumphi Central Macdowel chidumba Mkandawire and Lilongwe Kumachenga Marko Chingonga Banda also advocated for proper regulation to support local farmers and expand the economic potential of cannabis beyond smoking.

In contrast, Dedza South Ismael Ndaila Onani highlighted the positive uses of cannabis in various industries while urging a balanced approach focusing on its economic benefits.

However, concerns were also raised regarding its potential impact on mental health, with calls for strict regulations similar to those governing firearms.

Despite these deliberations, the bill ultimately received parliamentary approval. Members acknowledged the risks associated with cannabis usage but emphasized its economic potential and the importance of effective regulation to mitigate adverse effects.


The passage of the Cannabis Regulation Bill signifies a significant step towards unlocking the economic benefits of cannabis cultivation in Malawi while addressing concerns surrounding its usage and societal impacts. As the country moves forward with implementation, attention will remain on striking a balance between economic opportunity and public health considerations.


Friday, 29 March 2024 10:12

NGO moves to conduct GBV research

By Mwai Kumanda

Lilongwe, March 29, Mana: Human Rights of Women and Girls with disability (WAG), a local organisation which is aimed at fighting gender based violence among women and girls with disabilities says it will soon conduct a research to establish the main causes of GBV cases among the people with disabilities.

Speaking on Thursday in Lilongwe, WAG Disability Rights Programmes Manager Doris Butao said the goal of this research project is to see that women and girls with disabilities in the country are being protected and live a life free from violence and abuse.

Butao said the research will target women with disabilities from the age of 18 to 46 years, following the 2016 demographic survey that indicates that this age group is at higher risk of facing violence.

“Many times people take advantage of women with disabilities by abusing them. They do not live to their full potential, hence this research project will therefore promote and protect them and advance for their active and meaningful participation in socio economic development of their lives, communities and the country at large,” she said.

She further said the research will bring to light information and guidance to women with disability whose rights have been violated and also empower these women to exercise and defend themselves when exposed to violence.

“Most of the times the society believes that these women cannot make sound decisions on their own, this research will dwell on customs and traditions that discriminate women with disability and will advocate for change,” she said.

Lilongwe Police Community Policing Coordinator Sub-inspector Frank Kaila commended the initiative by WAG saying the research will help to bring to lime light cases that were not reported to the police and this will help them to make a follow-up.

“As Police we are so happy for this research because it will make us more knowledgeable in handling such cases since these women will be taking the leading role in reporting any form of abuse,” he said.

Lilongwe District Council Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Blessings Makhiringa thanked the organization for the initiative saying it will help a lot of women who face GBV abuse and it will also help in eliminating customs and traditions that discriminate women with disability.

Makhiringa said the research project results will also assist other stakeholders to recognize the number of women with disability facing GBV and assist them to get the necessary support they need.

Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe, 28 March 2024 - The Football Association of Malawi (FAM) has taken a significant step towards enhancing football development in the country by donating footballs and expressing eagerness to collaborate with Members of Parliament (MPs) to further improve the sport.

FAM President Fleetwood Haiya, announced these initiatives during a briefing held today at the Parliament building before Minister of Sports Uchizi Mkandawire, Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara and other ministers.

The donation of five footballs each to 193 constituencies aims at grassroots football development underscores FAM's commitment to nurturing talent from an early age and at senior level during bonanza’s especially during campaign periods. President

Haiya emphasized the importance of providing adequate equipment to schools and local district football clubs to facilitate skill development and promote participation in the sport.

"We believe that investing in grassroots football is vital for the long-term success of Malawian football. By donating footballs to schools and communities across the country, we aim to create a conducive environment for young talent to thrive," stated Haiya.

On the other hand, Mkandawire commended FAM's efforts, highlighting the positive impact such initiatives would have on youth engagement and sports development.

"The government fully supports FAM's endeavors to promote football at the grassroots level. Initiatives like these not only encourage physical activity but also instill discipline and teamwork among our youths," remarked Mkandawire.

In addition to the equipment donation, FAM expressed a keen interest in collaborating with Members of Parliament to enact policies that foster football development nationwide.

Speaker Gotani Hara welcomed FAM's proposal, stressing the importance of leveraging legislative support to address challenges and unlock opportunities in the football sector.

"As representatives of the people, Members of Parliament play a crucial role in advocating for policies that advance sports development, including football. FAM's willingness to collaborate with MPs signifies a proactive approach towards addressing the needs of the football community," stated Gotani Hara.

FAM hailed MPS for always aiding football development noting total contributions of up to K2 billion Kwacha.


The collaboration between FAM and Parliament holds promise for addressing various issues affecting football in Malawi, including infrastructure development, talent identification, and capacity building. By working together, stakeholders aim to create an enabling environment for football to thrive, ultimately contributing to the socio-economic growth of the nation.

By Amos Phiri Chigwa

Mchinji, March 28, Mana: Deputy Director for Child Affairs in the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Justin Hamela, says national minimum standards and guidelines for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential in dealing with WASH related challenges in Early Childhood Development Centre’s (ECDCs) in Malawi.

Hamela disclosed this in Lilongwe during the handover of National Minimum Standards and Guidelines for WASH in ECDCs booklet to central region district councils.

He expressed optimism that the standards and guidelines will help in mitigating challenges faced by ECDCs in Malawi.

"We had challenges in our ECDCs such as lack of toilets, water and proper kitchens. Some other Centre’s have them but of low standards which has contributed to waterborne diseases and other related problems," Hamela said.

He stressed that the standards and guidelines will ensure uniformity in the construction of ECDCs in Malawi which has been a problem in the past as every organization was coming with its own design due to lack of standards and guidelines.

Water Aid Malawi Coordinator for Policy and Sector Engagement, Lloyd Mtalimanja, emphasized on effectiveness of the standards and guidelines in ECDCs.

"These guidelines state basic minimum requirements for WASH service provision in ECDCs; they outline the core WASH areas and thresholds to be met for implementation, rehabilitation and commissioning of WASH services in ECDCs. These standards will harmonize WASH service provision in ECDCs," Mtalimanja said.

He, therefore, asked for coordination among stakeholders within the councils for effectiveness and efficiency of the standards and guidelines.