

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, March 26, Mana: District Commissioner for Thyolo, Hudson Kuphanga has challenged partners implementing HIV and AIDS programmes to have work plans that should be tracked to measure positive impacts on district HIV and AIDS response.

Kuphanga made the remarks on Tuesday, during the district's HIV and AIDS stakeholders meeting supported by the National AIDS Commission (NAC) where all key partners in the district merged to discuss coordination, data review as well as HIV and Aids programming.

“We want all partners working in HIV and AIDS programmes to develop work plans for us to see what they plan to do and what has been achieved over time. We want them to challenge us with issues and problems and sit together to brainstorm how we can solve them,” said Kuphanga.

Kuphanga also urged the partners to have goals and targets that are measurable for easy tracking. There is need to track progress being made in regards to HIV and AIDS in the district.

"Further, they should embed issues of nutrition for people living with HIV as well as taking the life prolonging drugs as this is key to adherence to drugs.

“When making such plans, think about nutrition. We expect people on ART to adhere to drugs but let's think about nutrition.  Are they able to get food to eat well? What about those school going children? Are they going to concentrate on their education while on medication when they have no food?” said Kuphanga.

Principal Nutrition and HIV and AIDS Officer for Thyolo, Kondwani Luwe said the HIV and AIDS stakeholders meetings play a vital role in HIV and AIDS response in Thyolo through collaboration, information sharing, advocacy and strategic planning.

“Partners need to know the significance of collaboration and partnership in addressing the complex challenges posed by HIV and AIDS. There is also need for collective action involving various stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, healthcare providers, community organizations, and affected individuals,” said Luwe.

Luwe also urged partners to focus on prevention efforts, including education, access to condoms, harm reduction strategies for high-risk populations, and promotion of HIV testing and counseling.

Thyolo District HIV prevalence rate is 14.9 percent and a total of 60,012 people living with HIV are on Antiretroviral Therapy, Luwe disclosed.

During the meeting various stakeholders like EGPAF, Pakachere, Banja La Mtsogolo and the District Health Office presented information and data on what they achieved through their various interventions in the district.

By Beni Bamusi

Thyolo, March 26, Mana: Thyolo District Social Welfare Office has hailed SPARK Disability Inclusive for Rural Transformation Programme for imparting skills and business knowledge to people with disabilities to uplift their lives and   help them be self-reliant.

District Social Welfare Officer, Tobias Milanzi said this on Monday when International Labour Organization and the district team toured some of the traditional authorities in the district to appreciate SPARK programme activities.

"Since the introduction of the programme in 2022, people with disabilities have been empowered and most of them have changed into farming and other activities.

"People with disabilities have been provided with various skills such that the skills helped them to improve their living standards," said Milanzi.

He also asked the programme implementers to extend it to other T/A's to enable more people with disabilities acquire business knowledge and skills to become economically self-reliant.

SPARK Disability Inclusion Facilitator Hazewell Pilato who is responsible for traditional authority, Chimaliro and Kapichi, said since the introduction of SPARK programme, people with disabilities realized that “disability is not inability,”

“As SPARK, we work hand in hand with TRADE to ensure inclusion of people with disabilities in dairy value chain. We went to milk bulk groups and make people with disabilities get involved in dairy farming such that we made sure that they are provided with milk cow here in Chimaliro” he said.

Eviness Daniel who takes care of her uncle, a person with disability said the uncle got a dairy cow and he was able to provide for his family.

“SPARK provided us with guidance up to the extent that we secured a dairy cow and now we are able to buy fertilizer after selling milk and meat whereas the dung is used for manure which makes us to harvest more maize.” she said.

Daniel who spoke on behalf of her uncle, pleaded for more financial support saying the dairy farming did not give much needed gains because their cow fail to produce enough milk for sale.

“I wish we could have access to adequate capital to make the dairy farming more productive,” added Daniel.

SPARK programme operates in six TAs and reaches out to 168 households with people with disabilities. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 13:57

SDA Church youths for cleaning exercise

By Joel Phiri


Mzimba, March 26, Mana: Principal environmental officer for M’mbelwa District Council, James Pelani has hailed Mzimba Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church youths for a clean-up exercise they conducted in the district on Sunday.


The youths from various branches of the church engaged in sweeping of various areas of Mzimba Boma such as markets, roads, churches, and residential areas.  


They also slashed overgrown grass and removed sand and debris that choked some bridges.


"We as Council take pride in the civic responsibility shown and taken by youths of SDA church in the district. We urge other youths from other churches to emulate the same spirit.


“What the youths from the church have done by cleaning various places of our district will help in bringing about sanity in terms of cleanliness and enhancing scenic beauty of the Central Business District,” said Pelani.


Pelani said as a council they have been engaged in clean-up exercises to maintain cleanliness of the district hence applauded the youths for joining the cause.


Youth’s secretary for Mzimba district SDA Church, Macdonald Kumwenda said the clean-up initiative was part of annual Global Adventist Youths Day in which they take part in various community outreach works.


"This year’s theme was ‘Show up in the Cities'. During this year’s Youths Day, Adventist youths took to the cities for various voluntary works such as donating blood and doing some charity work. We as Mzimba youths decided to clean up some places of Mzimba Boma as part of the activities marking the day", said Kumwenda.

By Maria Tembo

Ntchisi, March 26, Mana: At least 49 graduates from the area of Senior Chief Vuso Jere in Ntchisi district who were withdrawn from coffee and tobacco farms and reinstated into technical schools to acquire various vocational skills, have been equipped with start-up tool kits.

The 49 were withdrawn under the Accelerating Action in the Elimination of Child Labour (ACCEL Africa) project which is being implemented by Impact Centre for Economic Empowerment and Development funded by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The project was inspired by the increasing number of children being involved in child labour activities across the country according to ILO Technical Officer for Social Protection Patience Matandiko who was speaking Monday, during the handover ceremony of tool kits in the district.

Matandiko said with the skills the youths had acquired, it is her hope that they would be able to act as role models in their communities and create jobs to fellow youth and train others on the same.

“The statistics we have, indicate that 37 percent of children in Malawi are involved in child labour and the numbers are very high and the children are denied a chance of being involved in productive activities of the country,” she said.

Impact Centre for Economic Empowerment and Development (ICEED) Director Madalitso Chidumu Baloyi said her organization’s goal was to make sure that children withdrawn from child labour activities are economically empowered and independent to be able to sustain a comfortable livelihood.

She said so far 283 youths have been trained with vocational skills in the districts’ of Thyolo, Mulanje, Chitipa, Mzimba and Ntchisi and hope that more youths will benefit from the same.

“These youths will be able to help their families as they will be able to generate income through the vocational skills they have gained and will also be able to employ fellow youth in their communities,” explained Baloyi.

In his remarks, Regional Service Centre Manager for Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) Josephy Sambaya says this is a significant development as most youths that have undergone different vocational skills, only get certificates and not the skills startup toolkits.

He said he was confident that the youths would be able to get employment from different organisations in the district while others would be able to start their own businesses.

One of the graduates, Mtendere Mphadwe, who has acquired skills in carpentry and joinery says the vocational training is timely and hopes to impart his fellow youths with the same skills.

The startup toolkits that have been given to youths in the district are worth MK 58 million.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 10:48

Man arrested for illegal drug possession

By Maston Kaiya


Ntcheu, March 26, Mana: Police in Ntcheu have arrested Christopher Zimbiri 27, for possessing assorted medical drugs without license.


Ntcheu Police Station Public Relations Officer Jacob Khembo said Zimbiri was arrested on Monday, at his house after police got a tip-off from members of the public that the suspect buys and sells such drugs on market days.


"Following his arrest, detectives searched his house, found and seized assorted medical drugs including 26,500 tablets of paracetamol, 3,000 tablets of indocile, 320 bottles of triclofen, 40 bottles of gentamicin, 20 tubes of diclofenac, 720 tablets of abendazole and many more," said Khembo adding that when asked for any document, he couldn't produce and this prompted police to arrest him.


Zimbiri will be taken to court soon to answer the charge of being found in possession of medical drugs, without license.


Zimbiri comes from Bula Village in Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu district.


Meanwhile, police in the district commended the general public for providing them with the tips and have also launched investigations to arrest other accomplices to establish the source of these drugs.


By Patience Longwe

Lilongwe, March 25, MANA: Director of Programmes at National Aids Commission (NAC), Chimwemwe Mablekisi says a newly introduced injectable Prep will help to reduce new HIV cases in the country.

Briefing the media in Lilongwe on Monday, Mablekisi said the injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PREP) will be given to people who are at risk of contracting and sexually transmitted infections.

"As you are aware our goal is to end HIV as a public health threat by 2030. For us to achieve that goal, we must ensure that we do have as many HIV prevention methods as we can. We have a combination HIV prevention methods and through this, we are continuously introducing new products, and injectable PREP is one of them. This will be given to people who are at substantial risk of contracting HIV," She said.

Mablekisi further urged the public to utilize combination prevention methods to avoid contracting the virus saying those on injectable prep are still at risk of getting HIV.

"I would like also want to emphasize that injectable PREP is not a vaccine but a prevention method. It is just like any other method that people use to prevent HIV. A vaccine for HIV has not yet been found and studies are still on-going," she explained.

In her remarks, Director of HIV and Aids and Viral Hepatitis in the Ministry of Health, Rose Nyirenda said currently, injectable PREP is being administered in Lilongwe and Blantyre saying these districts have higher prevalence rate of HIV infection at the moment.

"We have indeed started implementing long injectable PREP to people who are at risk of contracting the virus. We have started with Lilongwe and Blantyre because for the past two years, these districts have registered high number of HIV infections," she said.

By Patricia Kapulula

Lilongwe, March 26, Mana: Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) has expressed concern over lack of an allocation to the public health emergency response in the 2024/2025 national budget.

MHEN Executive Director, George Jobe, sounded the concern in Lilongwe Monday evening when it, in partnership with Oxfam, Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM), SAT Malawi and SRHR Alliance, presented the 2024/2025 budget analysis report on the health sector.

MHEN and partners met leaders of parliamentary committees to present the report.

Jobe said, much as Covid-19 and Cholera have subsided, the country still experience natural disasters such as floods and cyclones which require funding to address health related challenges associated with such disasters.

“There is no public health emergency allocation at the moment compared to previous years. We should not only look at Covid-19 that it is not there and Cholera is not affecting us, but also at disasters that we are experiencing. These require the health sector to have emergency response funding,” he said.

He, therefore, called upon parliament to critically look at this and consider an allocation to the response.

SRHR Alliance Executive Director, Hastings Saka, emphasised on the need to put in place strategies that would address demands in supplies and commodities in the health sector in order for the country to achieve universal health coverage by 2030.

Chairperson for Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance, Gladys Ganda, appreciated concerns raised saying as Members of Parliament they will lobby the house to consider funding and increasing funding to critical areas.

“The analysis has helped us appreciate areas that government has done well and to see gaps that are there.

“Some of the gaps that we have noted are to do with achievement of the universal health coverage by 2030,” she said.

She said much as the country is going towards that, as the budget allocation to the health sector has increased, there is need to note where that allocation is going to.

The health sector has been allocated 12.2 percent of the 2024/2025 total budget.

By Sylvester Kumwenda


Dowa, March 25, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has commissioned the commencement of construction works of the 25 billion-litre capacity Kholongo Multipurpose Dam in Dowa, with a call for the country to invest in irrigation agriculture for sustainable food security and development.


Chakwera said Malawi has experienced intermittent levels of rainwater, a development which has brought mixed fortunes to the country's food security, hence the need to switch to irrigation.


"Low water levels have damaged our crops. High levels of water have also washed away our crops and we are in a state of emergency with 23 out of the 28 districts in Malawi at risk of food shortages. Therefore, one thing for sure is that we can no longer rely on rain-fed agriculture.


"It is for this reason that we must invest in irrigation agriculture, where we should be able to harvest water and use it for our irrigation activities to improve food security. That is why we are commissioning the construction of this multipurpose dam," he said.


The dam, which is being constructed at Kasese Village under Senior Chief Chakhaza, will carter for 1,507 hectares of irrigation land.


The 22-metre high and 1.1-kilometre long earth dam is also expected to serve 8.5 hectares of fish farms and other recreation activities.


Chakwera also said that as the country talks of a new Malawi under Agenda 2063, one critical issue to look at is the availability of potable water for people's good life.


"The dam will, therefore, also provide potable water to surrounding communities like Kasese, Mtiti and Mponela, with 140,000 people expected to benefit in terms of safe water consumption.


"Today is, as such, a very important day for people around Kasese, Madisi, Mponela, Mtiti and the rest of the country," said Chakwera.


He then called upon all involved contractors and partners to work with dedication, considering the magnitude of the project which is being financed by Malawi Government.


The launch also coincided with commemoration of World Water Day, aimed at raising awareness and tackling challenges facing the water sector which internationally falls on March 22.


Minister of Water and Sanitation Abida Mia said the objective of the project is to positively impact people and bring an era of prosperity to the communities.


"It is a significant step in promoting reliable access to water to communities. It will also provide sustainable income generation activities to people surrounding the communities, hence enhancing sustainable socioeconomic growth, which is a vision of government," she said.


She added that the flagship project represents collaboration between various sectors like irrigation, fisheries, and sanitation.


Mia then commended government for what she described as a huge investment in the project.


Speaking during the event, Chairperson of Central Region Water Board (CRWB), Eddison Mombera, said the launch marks a significant milestone in the board's quest of providing potable water to its catchment areas.


He, however, said it was important for the board to secure more funding for its activities, especially at the time when the board has suffered huge infrastructure damage.


"As CRWB, we are however committed to ensure all people have access to potable water, and we remain firm in implementing the President's vision," he said.


Parliamentarian for Dowa, Ngala Arthur Mabvuto Sungitsa, in his remarks commended the President for fulfilling his promises to the people of Dowa and the country at large.


He said the dam will not only improve water sanitation and irrigation activities, but also improve the overall socio-economic status of the people.


"It will open up small and medium scale business opportunities amongst locals. It will also open tourism activities as people from outside the country will be interested to visit the dam. We also expect a boom in social amenities around the community. So, we are very excited about the whole project," he said.


Speaking earlier, Senior Chief Chakhaza said the project will solve huge water challenges facing his area and surrounding communities. He therefore asked the communities to take care of the project.

Monday, 25 March 2024 16:27

Malawi eyes to end TB, Leprosy by 2030

By Mtsano Chasweka

Mulanje, March 25, Mana: Ministry of Health has put in place a number of interventions to end Tuberculosis (TB) and Leprosy by 2030.

Chief of Health Services Reforms in the ministry, Dr Mathias Joshua, disclosed this on Sunday during World TB and Leprosy Day commemoration in Mulanje. 

The commemoration was held at Khaya Primary School in Senior Chief Chikumbu's area under the theme ‘Yes! We can end TB’ and ‘Act now: End Leprosy’.

“We are aiming at raising awareness, investments in mobile diagnostic vans, equipment and treatment, among others,” said Joshua.

He added that Ministry of Health and partners were doing all necessary ways and means to eradicating TB and Leprosy.

Word Health Organization (WHO) Technical Officer, Ishmael Nyasulu, called for collaborative efforts to end TB and Leprosy by 2030.

“Malawi should increase domestic funding for TB because all the procedures require   adequate resources,” he said.

One of TB survivors in the district, Tonias Mlimbo, urged communities to go for hospital medication, testifying that TB is treatable and curable with proper diagnosis and treatment.

Milimbo said was diagnosed and cured of TB between 2017 to 2019.

During the commemoration, Mulanje was awarded best performing district, alongside Mwanza and Karonga, on TB treatment.

By Wellington Sibale & Trinity Kamwani

Neno, March 25, Mana: Philanthropist, Triphonia Mpinganjira, through her foundation Africa Child on Sunday launched a K10 million football and netball league in Neno.

Speaking during the launch, Mpinganjira who is spouse to business magnet, Dr Thom Mpinganjira, said the trophy will promote sports and raise awareness on non-communicable diseases like diabetes, asthma and epilepsy.

Mpinganjira, who comes from Neno, said the league targets both primary and secondary schools in Traditional Authority (TA) Chekucheku in the district.

“The foundation will work hand in hand with teachers to identify children that abscond from school for a week and make follow up,” she said.

She observed that most of the children are compelled to drop out of school from suffering from non-communicable diseases at the ignorance of parents or guardians and as such Africa Child will reach out to the children that drop out school.

District Youth Officer for Neno, Ian Sukali, commended Mpinganjira for the league describing it first of its kind.

He requested that the league be extended to other excluded traditional authorities.

During the launch, Chiwale Secondary played against Chikonde Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) while Chikonde Model Primary tussled with Kaponda Primary School and social teams, Neno United played against Neno Eagles FC.

All participating teams were presented with Triphonia Mpinganjira League branded kits.

Present at the event were former Malawi National Netball Team shooter, Mary Waya, and comedian Andrea 'Mr. Jokes' Thonyiwa.

Police parade spiced it up while Amapiano sensation, Zeze Kingston, performed before the crowd.

Africa Child Foundation has branches in Kasungu and Salima to ensure quality child education, child protection and health intervention for improved well-being.