Tropical Cyclone hits Kalungu

Tropical Cyclone hits Kalungu Featured

By Paul Madise

Kasungu, December 16, Mana: Classes at Kasungu Teachers Training College (TTC) have been disrupted following the devastating impact of the cyclone.

The cyclone, arrived in the district on Sunday, 15th December, 2024 and has left roofs of some structures blown off.

College Principal, Ndamyo Mwanyongo has confirmed that strong winds and heavy rains have caused extensive damage to the college's infrastructure including classrooms and other infrastructures leaving roofs of some of the buildings completely blown off.

Mwangongo said the college's administration is currently working to assess the extent of the damage and come up with a plan to repair the damaged structures.

“The disruption of classes has affected over 659 students who are currently enrolled at the college. The students are in the middle of their academic semester and some are sitting for end-of-semester examinations. However, the college's administration is working tirelessly to ensure that the academic programme is not disrupted for too long,” Mwanyongo added.

The impact of the cyclone has not only affected the college but also the surrounding community as many homes in the area have been destroyed, leaving families without shelter.

Meanwhile, the district's authorities are on the ground working to provide relief to the affected families.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education in a statement signed by Rachel Chimbwete, Principal Secretary for Basic and Secondary education announced the suspension of classes for primary and secondary schools in Machinga, Mangochi, Zomba, Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Neno, Mwanza, Balaka, Ntchewu and Dedza to ensure safety of learners and teachers.

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