DRTSS advise people to be road safety cautious

DRTSS advise people to be road safety cautious

By Memory Kutengule Chatonda

Blantyre, September 3, Mana:  Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services (DRTSS) has advised Malawians to be road safety cautious, observing that 98 percent of road accidents happening in the country could be prevented.

Principal Road Transport Officer responsible for safety at the DRTSS, Charles Maluwa, said in Blantyre, Tuesday when the directorate established the District Road Safety Committee.

He added it was always disheartening to note that the country continues to lose a lot of lives and property because of the culture of 'carelessness.'

"We should know that 95 to 98 percent of road accidents are preventable, so it is high time that we embraced a culture that could help people prevent accidents so that we save lives and property," he said.

In the meantime, the DRTSS is setting up district-based road safety committees across the country to promote road safety through effective coordination and implementation of road safety initiatives to reduce fatalities and injuries at the district level.

Maluwa said that so far, the DRTSS has set up committees in 12 districts, including Blantyre, Thyolo, and Chikwawa.

"The committees will act as a steering committee for the delivery of the National Road Safety Strategy 2022-2030, which, among other result areas, seeks to capacitate institutions to mitigate accidents in the best way they can," he said.

He therefore advised committee members for Blantyre to identify and address district road safety concerns by conducting regular meetings and site visits.

The Director of Administration for Blantyre District Council, Redgson Mkolombwe, hailed DRTSS for the initiative, saying the council will collaborate with various stakeholders on road safety best practices.

The committee will be chaired by the District Commissioner and will have members from various departments, such as health, education, police, public works, civil society organizations, local elected leaders and traditional leaders.

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