Japanese Embassy hands over classroom block in Phalombe

Japanese Embassy hands over classroom block in Phalombe

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, July 18, Mana: The Japanese Government on Wednesday handed over a classroom block to Chitokolo Primary School in Phalombe, constructed out of a K120 million grant also meant for a construction of a toilet facility, procurement of desks and rehabilitation of classroom blocks.

Speaking during the handover cermony, Japanese Ambassador to Malawi, Yoich Oya said in November 2023 his office and Chitokolo Primary School signed a K120 million grant for the construction of a classroom block and toilets, procurement of desks and rehabilitation of one classroom block which was damaged by Tropical Cyclone Freddy induced stormy rains.

Oya said Japan believes that primary school education is the foundation of humanity and essential for the growth and development of the nation, hence the assistance.

“The project also contributes to the recovery of the surrounding community and learners from the devastating effects of Tropical Cyclone Freddy which occurred in March 2024. Let me also thank Japanese non-governmental organization, Can Do, which has been supporting the education sector in Phalombe since 2019 and also assisted Chitokolo Primary School during the construction period,” Oya said.

Phalombe District Commissioner, Douglas Mofati thanked the Japanese and Malawi government`s cooperation for supporting Phalombe District Council in the construction and rehabilitation of Chitokolo School block, saying this is in line with development aspiration of providing equal education for all.

He said the classroom blocks at Chitokolo Primary School will also provide a conducive learning environment in pursuit for quality education.

Chitokolo School, Head teacher, Patricia Makumbi thanked the Japanese government for the assistance which she described as timely.

She said the additional classroom block will accommodate Standard 8 learners in the next academic year to start in September this year.

“We only had learners in Standard 1 to 7 because of limited classrooms, but now that we have the additional two classrooms and well-furnished, we asked the office of the Director of Education, Youth and Sports (DEYS) to allow us to have Standard 8,” she said.

Makumbi said the Directorate of Education, Youth and Sports agreed that Chitokolo School should introduce Standard 8 and that it should also be an examination center.

Construction and rehabilitation works were funded by the Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Project which was introduced in 1989 to respond to diverse development needs in least developed countries by providing financial assistance to non-profit development organizations to implement projects at grassroots level.

Chitokolo Primary School has 1,100 learners with nine class rooms blocks.

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