Ministry asked to speed up construction of houses for PWA's

Ministry asked to speed up construction of houses for PWA's

By George Mponda


Karonga, July 12, Mana: Minister of Gender Community Development and Social Welfare Jean Sendeza has asked the Ministry of Lands to fast track the construction of houses for persons with albinism by cutting out some processes that are causing delays.


The Minister said this, Thursday at Kwiyala Village, in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu in Karonga where she together with the Minister of Lands, Deus Gumba were handing over a house which government has constructed for a family which has children with albinism.


"These houses are supposed to be constructed in all districts in Malawi and as we speak, 67 have been completed. However, there are alot of persons with albinism who need these houses so there is need to expedite the construction process by cutting out some of the procurement processes which are slowing down the work," Sendeza said.


On his part, Minister of Lands Deus Gumba said government is committed to ensuring that persons with albinism are protected.


"Although we were facing problems at the beginning of this project, we have sorted those out and in this year’s national budget, K600 million has been allocated which will be used to construct 15 houses for people with albinism," Gumba said.


He reiterated governments commitment towards protecting persons with albinism.


"Years ago, our collegueas were being hunted for their body parts and some of them could not even find the body lotion which they use. But the adminstration of Lazarus Chakwera has ensured that persons with albinism are protected and enjoying the same rights as other citizens in Malawi," Gumba said.


President for the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM), Young Muhamba described the house which has been constructed at Kwiyala Village in Karonga as the best under the project.


"We have handed over several houses under this project but this one has been well constructed and I would like to encourage other builders to emulate this design and come up with safe, beautiful houses," Muhamba said.


Muhamba called on local authorities in districts to include persons with albinism in various social protection programs like the social cash transfer for them to be self sufficient.


He also asked for a review the national action plan on the protection of persons with albinism to ensure that gaps which exist are rectified.

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