Schools hail Camfed for supporting learners

Schools hail Camfed for supporting learners Featured

By Luckia Akim

Zomba June 27, Mana: Teachers from various Primary Schools in Zomba have commended Campaign for Female Education (Camfed) for the support given to leaners which has among others improved attendance and performance among beneficiaries.

Camfed supports selected needy learners with school uniform and shoes, exercise books, sanitary pads to ensure menstrual hygiene among girls and provision of development funds among others.

A Teacher at Mpachika Primary School, Mary Bomasi said the Camfed’s support has been source of motivation to learners to work hard in class, adding that the support eventually reduced absenteeism.

She added that before the support, it was challenging for the students to attend classes as they lacked essential needs for education such as school uniforms and sanitary pads.

“The learners under Camfed Programme come from very poor families and it was hard for their parents and guardians to buy them uniform, shoes and many more. However, the support has ignited their urge for school,” Bomasi added.

Another Teacher from Milila Primary School, Wilson Chawaya observed that Camfed support brough good results in learner’s school performance.

 “Apart from the material support, Camfed is implementing various activities such as study circles, home visits to check on leaners that dropped out of school. This has helped to improve leaners performance and bring back those that dropped out of school,” he said.

A Standard 7 student, Triza Likango said Camfed motivated her to remain in school after various support and expressed hoped that the package would help her to realize see her dream.

“Camfed has been providing me with exercise books, pens and school uniform. Before being a Camfed beneficiary, my parents struggled to provide me with all school materials and this affected my attendance and performance in class," she added.

Apart from supporting learners in Primary School, Camfed is assisting female students in Secondary and Universities across the country with school materials.

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