NRWB calls for protection of Kalenge River

NRWB calls for protection of Kalenge River Featured

By Andrew Gondwe


Chitipa, June 27, Mana: Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) has urged people living along Kalenge River in Chitipa to be utilizing smart farming technologies to ensure that the river remains a sustainable source for water supply in the district.


Community Mobilization and Training Manager for NRWB, Gerald Ngulube was speaking Thursday an open day on Climate Smart Technologies for Enhanced Natural Resources Management and Food Security at Yeniyeni in the area of Senior Chief Mwenemisuku in the district.


He said that the water utility body decided to sensitize and involve the people in protecting the river where board abstracts water as they are a community which utilizes the river for livelihood interventions such as farming hence the need to promote water and soil conservation.


“In 2014, we discovered that most rivers in the district such as Kalenge could be degraded due to non-friendly environmental human activities which include bad cultivation methods,” Ngulube said.


He added that for the Board to sustainably provide good and quality water, people living along river banks should refrain embarking on activities that lead could to water contamination.


Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources for Chitipa District Council, Lumbani Msiska urged farmers utilize the knowledge and skills enhancing food security as they conserve the river.


"It is good to learn from others through their good works. Therefore, let's all follow good agricultural technologies that can enhance the sustainability of water supply in Kalenge River," he said.


Chairperson for Chitipa District Council, Towerachalo Munyenyembe said it was sad to note that some people cultivate along the river banks including the river bed and warned that any one found perpetrating the malpractice will be penalized.


Senior Chief Mwenemisuku thanked the NRWB for the intervention, saying the development would change people's mind set towards environmental conservation.


“We have by-laws and one of the by-laws is that anyone being found cutting down trees along river banks has to pay a fine of at least a goat or K60,000.00," he said.

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