SCTP transforming the Lupachi community in Nkhotakota

SCTP transforming the Lupachi community in Nkhotakota

By Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, May 29, Mana: Some Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) beneficiaries at Lupachi in the area of Sub Traditional Authority Katumbi in Nkhotakota says the program has made a notable impact on their livelihoods, transforming the entire community.

Speaking in an interview on Monday in Josiya Village, 43-year-old Joseph Nyirenda said he has benefited from the program as he has managed to build a decent house and ventured into livestock production to offer economic support to his family.

Nyirenda who started receiving the money in 2018, said the program has indeed improved his family through a group livestock business they ventured into as a community.

“I am now paying school fees for two of my children to a total tune of MK70,000.00 for Helshima Private School here in Lupachi and another at Ehehleni Community Day Secondary School in Mzimba district and it all started with the little money from Mtukula Pakhomo.

"Let me advise my fellow beneficiaries to invest the money they are receiving in small-scale businesses to become self-reliant for their economic well-being, while preparing themselves to graduate from the program, it is not too late," said Nyirenda.

Another beneficiary in the same community, Juvita Nkhata, a 53-year-old widow said that before enrolling in the programme in 2018, she was struggling to feed her family. Nkhata said she has the responsibility to feed her seven dependants and pay school fees for one of her children.

"I joined a village savings and loans (VSL) group in our community. I have managed to buy pigs and iron sheets for my house using proceeds from the group. Now, I am relying on livestock and VSL operations to feed my family and pay school fees for my child who is in Form 3 at St. Bosco Private School," said Nkhata.

Principal Social Welfare Officer for Nkhotakota district, Oswald Mwale says they continually advise beneficiaries to join VLS groups to develop a saving culture, maximize benefits, and become self-reliant once they exit the program.

Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) was introduced in the Nkhotakota district in 2018, to support the ultra-poor community with financial support through the Social Support for Resilient Livelihood Program (SSRLP) implemented by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) with funds from the World Bank through the Malawian Government.

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