New classroom block brings hope at Chitundu Primary School

New classroom block brings hope at Chitundu Primary School

By Innocent Kachingwe

Blantyre, May 22, Mana: Blantyre District Council is constructing a classroom block at Chitundu Primary School in Traditional Authority (TA) Kuntaja to improve learning environment.

Most learners at the school are accommodated in make shifts structures while others learn in the open.

Chitundu Primary School Head Teacher, Yobu Masiye, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Wednesday that   the school has one classroom block occupied by standard seven and eight learners.

The school, which has an enrollment of 442 against that one classroom block, has no head teacher’s office.

“Other learners learn in makeshift structures which were constructed by communities and others learn under the shades of trees leading to poor attendance. This is worrisome because it affects learners’ performance,” he said.

Masiye hailed Blantyre District Council for initiating the project which will see construction of a classroom block and teacher’s office.

He believes that teachers will have space to prepare for their lessons before going for classes.

“I believe enrollment will increase as standard five and six learners will now be learning in a proper structure. As of now the school has enrolled extra 28 learners,” he said.

Masiye, therefore, appealed to the Council to construct more classroom blocks and build a house for the head teacher, saying he currently walks a distance of about eight kilometres every day to and from the school.

One of the learners, Bridget Bwanali, expressed gratitude with the new classrooms which, she said, will provide better learning environment.

“Most girls complained that sitting on the floor and learning under trees compromised their well-being such that some resorted to dropout due poor learning environment,” she said.

Director of Education, Youth and Sports, Paul Chimphanda, said the new classroom block will provide favorable learning environment.

He acknowledged that most junior classes learn under the shades of trees which disrupts classes especially during rainy season.

“This is a good development because school enrollment will increase as learners will be motivated to attend classes without disruption. On the other hand, teachers will also enjoy teaching because the new classroom has a storeroom to keep their teaching materials,” he said.

The project at Chitundu Primary School is being implemented with Constituency Development Fund at a cost of K39.4 million.

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