ODL instrumental to development

ODL instrumental to development

By Paul Madise

Lilongwe, May 18, Mana: Nalikule College of Education has said that Open Distance Learning (ODL) remains instrumental to move the country into upper middle income. 

Deputy Principal for Nalikule College of Education, Mathias January made the remarks Saturday in Lilongwe during the celebration ceremony of ODL Day.

He said ODL could help to achieve an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized, upper-middle-income country.

The Deputy Principal added that in a bid to attain the Malawi 2063 National Education Policy (NEP), the Authorities of Nalikule College of Education have commended government for initiating and effectively spearheading the implementation of the US$ 3.3 million Skills for a Vibrant Economy (Save) project.

January disclosed that the institution plans to enroll 1000 students per academic year reaching out to 5,000 students through the whole project implementation.

He expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the project citing its relevance in addressing some education challenges which include education facilities and sophisticated educational skills.

"By implementing this project we believe that we are going to help a good number of students since Mathe Lawian Education corridor cannot accommodate every student," January added.

Senior Group Village Head, Chinoko Kawenga from the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chimutu said the coming of the project signifies the strategic approach to improving manpower skills and promotion of entrepreneurship.

The Project is coming with the construction of computer Lab, offices and Library is being financed by the World Bank and Malawi government implementing partners through the Ministry of Education.

The Celebration attracted traditional leaders from around the community, parents and secondary school students from Malikha Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), Magwero CDSS, Mseche CDSS and Nalikule Demonstrations.

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