GESD support transforms education sector

GESD support transforms education sector

By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, May 15, Mana: Communities around Mgonachawu Primary School at Traditional Authority (TA) Liwonde area in Machinga have cherished construction of a classroom block at the school under the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD), saying the structure has improved learner enrollment and reduced absenteeism.

One of the parents, Jamia Ligomeka told Malawi News Agency (Mana) in an interview Wednesday that said the classroom block which accommodates Standard 1 and 2 learners and has provided a conducive learning environment, adding that parents were able to send their children to school on assurance of safety.

"We are now comfortable to send our children to school. We cherish that our children learn under secure environment and I'm extremely happy with what the council has done," she added.

Mgonachawu School Head Teacher, Loveness Chikopa said that enrollment in standard 1 and 2 classes has increased since the commissioning of the classroom block four months ago.

“In standard 1, number of learners has double from 164 to 214, within the four months,” the Head Teacher disclosed.

“Our school was constructed about two years ago but classes were conducted under trees.  Attendance was very low by then. When Machinga District Council constructed this classroom block, attendance is overwhelming and we are still registering new learners," she recalled.

Councilor for Mbonechera Ward, Jenala Makunganya said a similar project was undertaken at Masidi Primary School where for 15 years, the school had no block, making it hard for learners to access better education.

Chairperson for Machinga District Council, Councilor, and Cidreck Stande said the district has transformed within the few years as a result of numerous projects contracted with GESD funds, adding that it was pleasing to see the Council continuing receiving funds for bridge construction, an advantage to children who faced many difficulties when crossing rivers to school.

He said the district recently received K750 million funds and this year the district was yet to receive K1.8 billion.

Stande said apart from school blocks they have constructed bridges among others that have improved mobility of school going children who faced difficulties to go to school.

"We have lined up several development projects in readiness for next funding. We want to see   development that shall improve people's lives,” he added.

District Councils are implementing development activities through GESD with financial support from the World Bank.

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