ADC and VDCs acknowledges the role in decision making

ADC and VDCs acknowledges the role in decision making

By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, September 16, Mana: Area and Village Level Development Committees at Nsanama in Machinga have acknowledged significance of women and young people and people with disabilities holding key decision making positions as the country expects to go for General Elections in 2025.

Members of Nsanama Area Development Committee (ADC) told Malawi News Agency Sunday after a two days training on Promoting Gender Transformative and Youth Inclusive Democracy in Malawi organized by Women Legal Resource Centre (WOLREC) and Oxfam with support from European Union (EU).

A participant, Bertha Kaunda, acknowledged that most of the vulnerable groups in their area have not been given decision making positions, saying the society believe that women and youths were not capable to make right decision when elected in key position in the society.

She said the training had been informative such that the ADC and Village Development Committees (VDCs) have realized the need to champion mind set change in the society to allow more women and youth to take up key positions of influence.

“Let’s accept that these people were being left out as most of the people have had a feeling that women, youths and people with disabilities have nothing to offer and this is the reason they have not been considered for decision making positions,” Kaunda added.

She pointed out that, “As leaders, we have even failed to understand that people women, youths and people with disability are capable to leading in our society. The training was relevant and has prepared us well to sensitize communities so that they should start appreciating the potential in women, youths and people with disabilities.”

Makumba VDC Chairperson, Annie Adam observed that electing women, young people and people with disabilities in leadership positions was a reflection of inclusivity.

“Women, young people and people living with disabilities’ participation in decision making positions is e not just a right, but also key to sustainable development. We need to do more to ensure that they attain decision making positions as we are preparing for the 2025 general elections,” she added.

Machinga District Council, Principal Gender Officer Rita Sukasuka commended WORLEC for providing the ADC and VDCs capacity to raise awareness on the need to elect women, young people and people with disability in decision making positions ahead of the 2025 general elections.

She expressed optimism that Nsanama ADC would reach out to wider area with the right message that shall improve women, young people and people with disability representation in the full council and national assembly.

“WORLEC has taken a good decision to train the committees. We are very optimistic that these committees will assist in disseminating necessary information to the masses so that the marginalized should actively participate decision making processes,” Sukasuka said.

The training was meant to prepare ADC and VDCs for intensified community awareness on the need to elect women, young people and people with disability in decision-making democratic structures as Malawi prepares for 2025 general elections.

WOLREC in partnership with Oxfam is implementing a project called; Promoting Gender Transformative and Youth Inclusive Democracy in Malawi within a period, November 1, 2023 to March 31, 2027.

The Project seeks to enhance meaningful participation of women, youth and marginalized groups in political processes and decision-making in the country.  

The Project is being implemented in seven districts; Rumphi, Mzimba, Salima, Dedza, Machinga, Mulanje and Nsanje with focus on 42,768 women, 15,724 young people aged between 18 to 35 years and 4,403 marginalized people mainly concentrating on persons with disabilities.

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