By Robert Nayeja
Nsanje, January 6, Mana: A full council meeting at Nsanje District Council approved a K28 billion 2025/2026 budget on Thursday.
Council Chairperson, Councillor, Hussein Ngwali said the budget is meant to improve the socio-economic livelihoods of people in the district through the provision of essential facilities.
“I thank you members of the full council for passing the budget,” he added.
Nsanje District Commissioner, Dominic Mwandira said the council will take on board all the advice from the members of the council.
“We are committed to implement the budget that is responsive to the needs of the people,” added Mwandira.
Senior Chief Chimombo urged Nsanje District Council to improve transparency and accountability during the implementation of activities in the budget.
Nsange District Council 2024/2025 budget was about K7.4 billion and part of it was used to construct school blocks, market shades and drilling of boreholes among others