CS-EPWP enhances participants’ well-being in Machinga

CS-EPWP enhances participants’ well-being in Machinga

By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, August 23, Mana: Machinga District Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resource (DAENR) Thursday said Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) has enhanced both participants’ economic and social well-being while promoting sustainable practices that are crucial for long-term resilience.

Isaac Ali made the observation in an interview during the launch of the districts participants pay parade for third phase of the works in Likwenu micro-catchment in the area of traditional authority Nkula.

Ali said apart from the program generating employment opportunities, especially for vulnerable groups, including women and youth, and contributing to the local economic development, the participants’ household income has improved.

“By providing wages after working, it has improved household income, allowing for better access to food, healthcare, and education. For instance, this time around when most of the people have no food and cannot be able to find money to buy food for their families, participants of the programme will be able to buy food with what they have received. This will lessen their food and economic challenges,” explained Ali.

Fifty-two year old Chrissie Madona  acknowledged that their participation in CS-EPWP has brought about several positive impacts, including receiving wages that supplement their household income and food security.

Madona said with the current hunger situation which has hit hard most of them, the money they have received will caution the situation.

“I am happy that I participate in this work and be able to get money in the end. For your information, the money which I have received will assist me to buy food though the money is not that enough,” she said.

Another participant Elita Abasi of 41-years-old with six children who comes from Kaphuka Group Village Head said the money she has received has come at a right time.

“Although the money is not enough, it has come at a right time as part of it will be used to buy writing materials for my children as school is about to open,” she narrated.

Abasi however urged the authorities to think of adjusting the amount they receive as wages to make sure that they afford to buy a bag of maize which is now expensive.

“I want also to beg that if possible government should also be providing us with a bag of maize during the working period apart from the wages. I am asking this since working needs energy,” she urged.

The CS-EPWP is being implemented by National Local Government Finance Committee with funding from the World Bank and aims to provide social protection through labor-intensive public works.

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