Likoma CS-EPWP beneficiaries asked to save in VSLs

Likoma CS-EPWP beneficiaries asked to save in VSLs

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, August 13, Mana: Land Resource Conservation Officer (LRCO) for Likoma, Arthur Machila has urged Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Program (CS-EPWP) beneficiaries in the district to save their money in village savings and loans (VSL) groups.

Machila said this Tuesday in Chizumulu at the end of a pay parade exercise which was held in Likoma and Chizumulu Islands.

"The money received can be saved in VSL groups. They can also start small scale businesses to enhance economic security at household level," said Machila.

One of the beneficiaries, Alice Muzizimanga from Chiteko in Chizumulu said she has been investing her money into a fish business.

"Since I got enrolled in the project, I have been investing the money into a small business. I buy fish and sell it to my customers from the mainland. I use the profits to buy food stuffs for my family," said Muzizimanga.

She then urged her fellow beneficiaries to invest the money in any business, saying this will help them to be self-reliant when the program phases out.

Rose Mataka from Chioko in Likoma said she uses the money to pay school fees for her children who are in secondary school.

"I have also used part of the money to build boys quarters and every month I get rentals from these quarters. Before the project, I never had any business and life was not easy," said Mataka.

CS-EPWP is a government initiative under Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods Project being implemented by National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) with support from the Multi Donor Trust Fund and the World Bank.

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