Availability of computer laboratory to increase school pass rate

Availability of computer laboratory to increase school pass rate

By Emily Kaliwo

Chiradzulu, May, 23, Mana: School authorities at Chigodi Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in Chiradzulu, have hailed Malawi Communication Authority (MACRA) for its intention to construct computer laboratory to help the school access important information to achieve quality education.

Chigodi DCSS Deputy Head Teacher, Dereck Keyala, made the remarks Wednesday when MACRA launched construction of the computer laboratory under the Connect-a-School Project which is being implemented in all districts across the country to improve access to information through internet.

“We are happy because of this facility as it will enable us access relevant information for teaching because materials become scarce sometimes,” he said.

Keyala urged the contractor to build quality structure that should benefit the school and surrounding community for a long time and generations to come.

Senior Chief Likoswe thanked MACRA for deciding to construct the facility at a school in his area.

He expressed hope that the facility will benefit students and the community in accessing important information through internet.

MACRA Deputy Director of Broadcasting, Kelton Masangano, said the project is meant to improve ICT access and learners’ performance in rural areas so that they should be on the same level with their urban counterparts.

"Research showed that due to lack of ICT facilities in rural areas, learners in urban areas were always above in terms of school performance. So, this project will help all learners to be on the same page,” said Masangano adding that the project will also bring electricity and a lot of positive change in the area.

Masangano urged learners to be responsible for the project as the facility will not belong to MACRA but the community.

Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu Central, McTimes Malowa, was happy to see that Universal Fund has trickled down to Chiradzulu.

"I am happy that we are going according to our plans and people are ready to benefit more from this project,” he said adding that all leaders in the district will join hands to ensure that the computer laboratory is used for the intended purpose for the good of the area and the district.

Malowa was hopeful that internet connectivity at Chigodi CDSS will attract development interventions such as tap water, electricity and a tarmac road.

Apart from Chigodi, MACRA will also construct another computer laboratory at Mbulumbudzi CDSS at Traditional Authority Mpama in the district.

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