DC upbeat on LAPA performance

DC upbeat on LAPA performance

By Solister Mogha

Zomba, June 7, Mana: District Commissioner (DC) for Zomba, Reinghard Chavula has vowed to perform better to score position one in the next Local Authority Performance Assessment (LAPA) scheduled for September, 2024 through various internal strategies.

Speaking Thursday during the district LAPA results dissemination meeting, she said Zomba District Council would employ all strategies to satisfy all necessary requirements to ensure it comes on top of all other councils.

“Having failed previously, we have learnt and we won't accept that any longer come next performance assessment. Zomba will be on position one,” the DC said.

Chavula added that among other strategies, the council plans to have regular meetings where sectors would be assessed within before the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC)'s consultants, support each and every sector to ensure their planned activities are fully implemented and institute team spirit amongst council staff.

She said the council would award sectors that have wonderfully passed the LAPA assessment.

Speaking on the current district performance where the district has scoped position 10 from 23 last years, Chavula said hard work plus dedication were the driving factors.

She said was excited to see the Council climbing the ladder, saying; “Our focus now is to strengthen systems so that even if someone is transferred, the council performance should remain intact. However, it is pleasing for the status we have achieved so far,”

Out of the total 28 councils, Zomba got 77 percent which is the high class performance that is recommended by NLGFC for councils to get the performance based budget.

Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Anjoya Mwanza hailed Zomba District Council for the confidence.

“The Ministry is always pleased to see council's taking challenges. We commend Zomba council for the confidence," she added.

LAPA is a yearly assessment which aims at assessing the council's strength and weaknesses and how best to improve on grey areas.

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