NAC and NCHE collaborates in dealing with HIV and AIDS

NAC and NCHE collaborates in dealing with HIV and AIDS Featured

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, August 15, Mana: National Aids Commission (NAC) and National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) have joined hands in the fight against HIV and AIDS pandemic in public universities through combining resources and expertise.

In an Interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Thursday, Public Relations Officer for NCHE, Priscilla Zikapanda underscored the significance of collaboration as it plays a key role in the creation of a safe and supportive environment where students can succeed both academically and personally, free from effects of HIV and AIDS.

“We have a plan called HIV and AIDS Strategy for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with strategies on how to deal with the pandemic. The strategy spells out clearly the need for the universities to promote safe practices and provide support services to affected students,” Zikapanda said.

She disclosed that NCHE is dedicated to tackling the HIV and AIDS epidemic in universities by working with NAC as they combine resources and expertise in the fight against the disease.

Zikapanda said NCHE’s goal is to lower the number of new cases in public universities and colleges.

“NCHE is guided by the National overarching laws and policies, such as the Malawi 2063 and the National HIV and AIDS strategy. So in taking our active role in embracing those guiding policies, our goal through the strategy is to lower new cases of HIV and AIDS among students,” she said.

Acting HIV Protection and Prevention Officer for NAC, Francis Mabedi said the commission recognizes that young people have specific needs which require different delivery approaches from the adult population, and collaborating with NCHE is one way of addressing the challenges.

“The commission in collaboration with NCHE is implementing various HIV prevention activities in HEIs which comprises universities and colleges. The commission recognizes that the young people have specific needs which needs various delivery approaches from adult population,” Mabedi said.

He said the commission is involved in various interventions aimed at dealing with HIV and AIDS among the young generation.

According to Zikapanda, apart from working with all universities, it is also working with other communities targeting the young generation.

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