Mwanza SDAs urged to be committed to God’s work

Mwanza SDAs urged to be committed to God’s work Featured

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, August 3, Mana: Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church members in Mwanza District have been called upon to be prepared to serve God submissively as the earth is not their permanent home because God is about to judge the world.

Pastor for Mwanza District SDA Church, John Muhoko, made the call on Saturday at the end of a five-day annual prayers under the theme: “Camp Gathering” held at Mwanza Main SDA Church.

“As you can see here that we are sleeping in temporary grass shelters to symbolize the Israelites moving from Egypt on their way to the Promised Land of Canaan,” Muhoko who is also Pastor for Mwanza Main SDA Church said.

Muhoko added that signs of the last days have been fulfilled, meaning that Jesus is coming soon; therefore, it was important for Christians to avoid sins and instead submit themselves to God.

Chairperson of the organizing committee of the prayers, Kingsley Chabwera, thanked members for the support rendered towards preparation of the event.

“Although we are going through financial crisis, but the congregants voluntarily mobilized their resources so that the ceremony should not fail,” said Chabwera.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA), a member of the church, Takondwa Mambere, described the function as a revival in his spiritual life, saying during the prayers he was reminded of the importance of tithing as a sacrifice to God.

“I have been encouraged to give tithe to God because it is said that you end up being rewarded in multiples by God. So, I want to be blessed at my household,” said Mambere.

In her remarks, a young lady Simbisayi Yamikani who also attended the prayers, asked her fellow youths not to shun away from serving God by being taken away by youthful life but rather be responsible. 

“Saving God does not look at the age of a person but it is the way of seeking God’s blessings,” said Yamikani.

This year’s theme of prayers is: “Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon” taken from the book of Matthews 24 verse 26 and guest speaker at the function was Pastor Yohane Grant from Chikwawa.

About 1,500 members drawn from 17 congregations such as Mwanza Main, Mwanza Central, Chimwangoni, Chimwachawa and Kankhonde under Mwanza District SDA Church.


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