Person with albinism gets house after surviving attack

Person with albinism gets house after surviving attack

By Leonard Masauli

Lilongwe, August 17, Mana: Government and Standing Voice, has handed over a K13 million  house to a girl with albinism who survived an attack in Traditional Authority Chilikumwendo in Dedza district.

In 2019, six masked thugs abducted and killed a 14-year-old boy with albinism, Goodson Makanjira, while his parents and sister were sleeping. During the attack, the girl's parents and a relative who attempted to rescue the boy were injured while saving him.

Speaking at the handover ceremony on Friday, Director of Administration at the Ministry of Gender, Community Development, and Social Welfare, Benson M'bwana, said the houses are being built to enhance security of people with albinism against such attacks.

He said many homes in the villages are not strong or secure enough, making it easier for attackers to target people with albinism.

“After the attack in 2019, the government strengthened the laws to ensure severe punishment for perpetrators. Additionally, we began constructing homes for people with albinism to enhance their security. Today, we are handing over a house to Faith, a girl who survived the attacks," M'bwana said.

"We are also raising awareness within communities to ensure the protection of people with albinism. As a ministry, we are pleased to see that, thanks to our awareness efforts, cases of attacks have decreased,” he added.

Executive Director of Standing Voice and Commissioner for the Malawi Human Rights Commission, Bonface Massa, expressed his satisfaction at finally handing over the house to one of the survivors of the attacks.

“Malawians will remember the tragic and unique case of Buleya Lule, where a brother with albinism was murdered, and Lule himself died in police custody. Since the surviving girl left home, this is her first return, and it is a success story," said Massa.

"In addition to building houses, we are also providing skin cancer screenings, supported by the European Union, Suncare, and Yoneco, along with dermatology services and psychosocial support for victims of torture,” Massa added.

He emphasized that Standing Voice is continuing to intensify awareness efforts, especially as the country approaches the general elections, noting that such cases tend to rise during this period.

The mother of the surviving girl, Misa Fanizo, thanked the government and Standing Voice for providing her daughter with a safer home.

“I am grateful for the new house built for my daughter. Most importantly, I am overjoyed to be reunited with her after five years. Many people had negative things to say about my daughter, but today they are silent, seeing her return healthy and beautiful,” Fanizo said.

Traditional Authority Chilikumwendo affirmed that chiefs have strengthened security measures to ensure the protection of people with albinism in their communities.

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