Migration of parents to SA affecting education in Mzimba

Migration of parents to SA affecting education in Mzimba

By Lommah Jelome

Mzimba, September 28, Mana: Traditional Authority (TA) Jalavikuba says migration of parents to South Africa (SA) is affecting education in Mzimba district by increasing school dropout rate in the district.

TA Jalavikuba said this Friday during commemoration of Day of the African Child at Eswazini in TA Kampingo Sibande in the district.

He said migration of parents to South Africa is also leading to a decline in moral values due to lack of parental care.

“Parents play a significant role in the academic journey of their children. They also play a key role in encouraging positive attitude towards education of their children and this has become a challenge since many parents are far away”, Jalavikuba said.

District Social Welfare Officer for Mzimba South, Benard Nangwale, said migration is a big issue in Mzimba and has lead into poor parenting that has resulted in other social problems in the district.

“It has resulted into juvenile delinquency, child marriages, school dropout and teenage pregnancies because children lack care,” Nangwale said.

Director of Education and Sports for Mzimba South, Bridget Nungu, expressed concerned with the increase in school dropout rate.

The day was commemorated under the theme ‘Promoting Quality and Inclusive Education’.

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