SCTP beneficiaries in Likoma asked to use money wisely

SCTP beneficiaries in Likoma asked to use money wisely

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, July 3, Mana: Principal Social Welfare Officer in the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Gilbert Kaponda has asked social cash transfer program (SCTP) beneficiaries in Likoma District to use their money wisely to sustain their livelihoods.  

Kaponda made the call in an interview on Wednesday.

He urged the beneficiaries to start small scale businesses and join village saving loans (VSL) groups where they can be able to make savings and access soft loans.

“They also need to embark on other interventions like manure production in order to boost their agricultural productivity while reducing their dependency on affordable input subsidy program. Above all, they need to enroll their children in school in order to break the cycle of poverty,” said Kaponda. 

One of the beneficiaries, Veronica Kumpolota said she has invested her money in a small scale business, saying she trades in rice, fish, soap and other items.  

“I have a disability so I cannot manage going to the market to sell the stuffs. My daughter helps with ordering the goods for me. We are surviving through the business,” said Kumpolota.

She thanked government for the program saying it has saved many households that did not have capital to venture into small scale businesses to make ends meet.

Another beneficiary, Stanley Mwinama said through the program, he has managed to plaster his house.

“Recently, I received K116 000 from the program. I managed to buy some bags of cement and I plastered my house. It had not been easy to complete my house,” said Mwinama.

Government through Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare is implementing SCTP, a safety net program targeting ultra-poor households.

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