SEHAS trains learners, cane growers and motor bike taxi operators in First Aid

SEHAS trains learners, cane growers and motor bike taxi operators in First Aid

By Ivy Yohane

Blantyre, September 26, Mana, Status Environmental Health and Safety (SEHAS) is conducting First Aid trainings among learners, cane growers and motor cycle taxi operators to build their capacity to save lives during emergencies.

SEHAS Public Relations Officer, Chisomo Petani told Malawi News Agency in an interview that the organization is committed to provide First Aid knowledge and skills in a number of areas that need immediate attention.

“We are moved with what happens often in our communities and this is the reason we feel there is need to help people to know more about First Aid. We therefore train people understand issues about cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), choking, severe bleeding, burns, head injuries and many more,” she said.

So far SEHAS has conducted trainings on First Aid Blantyre Girls Primary School, St. Andrew Primary School in Blantyre, and a school at Chikwawa Boma,

The organization also trained cane growers at Bangula in Chikwawa and motor cycles riders in Zomba.  

Petani said SEHAS will reach out to many communities across Malawi with skills to build capacity on how to respond to situations that require First Aid in time of emergencies.

“It is our plan to reach many areas throughout the country to provide First Aid training. We are planning to engage a lot of partners that can help us achieve our goal across Malawi," she added.

One of the trained cane growers in Chikwawa, Elizabeth Kampesi hailed SEHAS for providing the training, saying this has built her capacity to handle situations that shall need immediate actions to save lives among people working in sugar cane fields.

“I believe the training is important to my community because l will be able to provide First Aid in time of emergences to save lives and prevent further injuries. This can be important in situations where professional medical help is not immediately available,” she said.

SEHAS was established in 2019 to train people in First Aid and safety skills and is helping to bridge the gap in emergency response capabilities, saving lives and improving community resilience.

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