

By Wakisa Myamba


Karonga, January 8, Mana: Two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Karonga, Youth Alliance Against Cancer (YOACA) and Fast Network, have embarked on menstrual health and cervical cancer lessons to adolescent girls in the district.


Speaking in an interview after the lessons at Ipyana Teachers Development Centre on Saturday, YOACA co-founder Spain Chimaliro said menstruation is one of the contributing factors to school dropout among girls in the district due to stigma. 


He said apart from the lessons, they also distributed menstrual materials to the girls in order to curb stigma and ease economic burden from their parents.


"We have partnered with Fast Network who have given out reusable sanitary pads to the adolescent girls, and we came up with lessons on menstrual health and cervical cancer to impart knowledge on cervical cancer management to the adolescent girls,” said Chimaliro.


He appealed for additional support from other stakeholders, saying his organization would like to extend the lessons and distribution of reusable pads to more adolescent girls in the district.


Primary Education Advisor Robson Kondowe thanked the two organizations for donating the reusable sanitary pads and also for the lessons on health issues, including on sexually transmitted infections and cancer management.

By Joel Phiri


Mzimba, January 8, Mana: Minister of Education Madalitso Kambauwa-Wirima says Inkosi Ya Makhosi M’belwa University in Mzimba is set to open its doors in August 2025 with an initial intake of 500 students.


According to Wirima, the university, formerly known as Mombera, will comprise school of basic sciences, school of veterinary medicine and school of animal science.


Speaking on Monday in Mzimba during a tour of the construction site, Wirima said first phase of construction works that have started at the site will complete in June 2025.


The phase comprises construction of school of basic sciences plus its ancillary structure, consisting of administration blocks, hostels, staff houses, cafeteria, auditorium, multipurpose hall, sports facilities, clinic, commercial complex and waste management systems.


‘‘The university’s construction works will be done in phases till its total completion in 2027. The first phase includes construction of two hostels. These are female and male hostels and will take 18 months. The companies constructing these hostels, Dec Construction company and Paramount Holdings Limited, are expected to complete the construction by June 2025,’’ said Wirima.


Wirima said government is committed and serious to see the construction works of the K190 billion first phase completed so that the first cohort of students starts learning next year.


The cost for the entire university construction, expected to complete in 2027, is pegged at K450 billion and the university will have an enrolment capacity of 10,000 students, according to Wirima.


She said government will ensure funds are made available to ensure works are not interrupted.


Wirima further said that construction and completion of the university will help government in absorbing huge volumes of students looking for university education opportunities.


Managing Director for Paramount Holdings Limited, Prakash Ghedia, said they are geared up for the works and assured the minister the construction works will be done to perfection by the deadline of June 2025.


District Commissioner for Mzimba, Rodney Simwaka, said the council is excited with the resumption of the construction works of the university, as it will help offer jobs to young people and also create business opportunities for people based in Mzimba.

Saturday, 06 January 2024 20:36

Communities embrace CS-EPWP in Thyolo

By Yamikani Yapuwa


Thyolo, January 6, Mana: People in Thyolo district have expressed hope that trees being planted under Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) will help to avert effects of climate change that come due to absence of trees.


Speaking during a supervision visit on Friday, one of the participants of the programme under Chimbidzi Catchment in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Changata, Mphatso Chandamale, said trees that were planted last cycle look promising since people are now aware of the importance of trees.


"Our area was heavily affected by the Cyclone Freddy with lots of roofs blown away. This happened because we have no trees to protect us from the strong winds.


"But with the coming of this programme, we are sure that in the next three to four years, it will be a thing of the past because the whole area will be covered and there will be protection from strong winds,” he said.


Another participant, Donata Phiri, whose house was damaged by strong winds, said the programme has even inspired her to plant more trees in the hotshots as well as around her house after having a bad experience from the effects of climate change.


"My house is located where wind blows heavily because there is no any tree around. It is against this background that I will plant more trees around my house so that similar incidents can be avoided in future," she said.


Desk Officer for CS-EPWP in Thyolo, Francis Yohane, said it is encouraging to see communities embracing the programme, observing that this is a symbol that people have started owning it.


He added that the second cycle has started well in all the 16 catchments where the programme is being implemented and participants are expected to continue planting trees, as well as carrying out water and land conservation activities.


CS-EPWP, a programme under the Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods Project (SSRLP), is being implemented with support from the Malawi Social Protection Multi Donor Trust funded by World Bank, USAID, Iceland, Ireland, UK-FCDO, EU and Norway.

By Kumbukani Kondowe


Lilongwe, January 6, Mana: Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda says Malawi needs to identify priority areas for multi-sectoral interventions on cholera to bring a long-term solution to the outbreaks. 


Chiponda said this on Friday at Ministry of Health headquarters in Lilongwe during a Presidential Taskforce on Covid 19 and Cholera press briefing organized to update the nation on the status of cholera in Malawi as the rainy season is intensifying.


Chiponda observed that every rainy season the nation talks about cholera outbreak, saying this has to change by working towards permanent cholera control measures and added that the government is committed to the global goal of ending cholera by 2030.


“Identifying priority areas for multi-sectoral interventions is of paramount importance for effective cholera control in Malawi, hence concentrating our limited resources and interventions in areas with heightened vulnerability will enable a more focused and efficient response to cholera threats,” said Chiponda.


She further said there are several other interventions that can be used to bring long-term solution to cholera outbreaks, such as sustained political will and leadership, resource mobilization, community engagement, strengthening coordination and stakeholder involvement, among others.


“As you have observed time and again that the President remains highly engaged and dedicated to the prevention and control of cholera in this country and I, as the Minister of Health, and my colleagues, the Minister of Water and Sanitation, all members of the presidential taskforce and technical experts remain actively alert and involved in the fight against cholera,” said Chiponda.


Chiponda also said that the media are one of the major stakeholders that can be used in combating cholera outbreaks through dissemination of important hygienic messages.


She therefore asked the media to highlight the risk factors for cholera, such as use of unsafe water, poor food hygiene, poor sanitation and low usage of pit latrines, which the public needs to know and prevent at all cost.


Minister of Water and Sanitation Abida Mia added that her ministry is doing all it can to fight cholera outbreaks through provision of boreholes in districts and rural areas so that people can have access to safe and clean water for use.


“My ministry has been engaging with CEOs for water boards to ensure that they provide water to people at all times because water interruptions can also lead to cholera outbreak, as it was the case in last year’s outbreak whereby most people affected were in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe and partly Mzuzu,” said Mia.


Currently, the cholera outbreak situation in the country remains very low and sporadic, far much better that at the same time last year.

By George Mponda

Mzuzu, January 5, Mana: Mzuzu based afro-pop artist Merchah, real name Uchizi Salala Msowoya is set to release his first single of 2024 titled 'Wane' on Monday.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) Merchah, who is signed with Magic Fingers Entertainment LLC co-owned by US-based Malawian Tionge Mhango and Nigerian producer Oluwaseyi Akelere, said the song is about professing love to a man or woman where one can do anything just to be with their soul mate.

"The song speaks of scenarios where one can even drop out of college just to be with the one they love and it also tells of how a businessman can allow his endeavour to start making losses in the pursuit of his potential spouse just to win them. In short the concept of the song is to show that love is so strong," explained Merchah.

"The song was produced by Chawabeats and Drzzbeats from Nigeria. It has also been mixed in Nigeria by Twin Beats Paul," he added.

The 'Naji' hitmaker who likes to sing in Tumbuka language also released two other singles last year titled Vyapachalo and Handede which enjoyed massive airplay.

"In 2024, I'm set to drop my debut project which is an album which I, together with my team have been working on since 2022 and we are happy that we can finally release it," said Merchah.

Official producer for Magic Fingers Malawi, Chawanangwa Ngoma said fans should get prepared for more songs from their artist as compared to last year.

"We have lined up a couple features with Nigerian, South African and Ghanaian main stream artists so fans should be prepared to listen to smashing hits from Merchah,"Ngoma said.

In his remarks, Gift Shaba one of Merchah's fans from Mzuzu said he is looking forward to listening to more music from him.

"He is a very talented musician but unfortunately, we only have a handful of songs from him so am really looking forward to the album which he is releasing this year," he said.

By: Andrew Mkonda

Lilongwe, January 3, Mana: Maula prison has transferred 58 young offenders who are preparing for their Primary School Leaving Certificate, Junior Certificate of Education and Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations to Bvumbwe Young Offenders Rehabilitation Centre in Thyolo district due to lack of learning facilities at the prison.

Malawi Prison Service Public Relations Officer Chimwemwe Shaba confirmed the development on Tuesday in an interview with Malawi News Agency.

Shaba said initially, Maula prison is not supposed to be keeping young offenders, but for those who would like to continue with their education, the arrangement is to send them where there are learning facilities.

One of the Leaders of the young offenders at the prison Dominic Sadick said all students that are supposed to write their examination this year, have not been learning for a long time due to lack of learning facilities at the prison.

“It is a pathetic situation even though we are in prison, we do believe that we still have a right to education as every young Malawian out there. It is disappointing to see that the prison here [Maula] doesn’t have learning facility for young offenders,” he said

Sadick said the situation has been there since August, 2023 when the MPS moved the young offenders from Kachere Rehabilitation Centre to Maula prison.

Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) Secretary Habiba Osman thanked the MPS for considering moving the young offenders where they can pursue their education while in custody.

However, Osman said there is need for MPS to identify a proper facility where they can inhabit young offenders to avoid such situation in the future, which lead to violation of their right to education.

“I feel we need to find a lasting solution to this issues, otherwise moving these young offenders from one place to another may lead to security concerns. Anything can happen in the process and that may also lead to violation of some of their rights, which will be very bad,” she said

Currently, Maula Young Offenders prison has 265 inmates.

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, January 2, Mana: Traditional dancers in Likoma converged at Mvumu ground on Monday to showcase Malipenga traditional dance in a bid to celebrate and preserve their culture.

Captain for Zomba Boma Malipenga dancers, Joseph Chirwa said the dance performances are held annually on the first and second day of January to celebrate the new year.   

“Traditionally, we have been coming together on 1 and 2 January every year for Malipenga dance performances since 1925.

“The purpose is to preserve our culture for future generation to follow suit and maintain culture for the island. We also do it as part of celebrations for the new year,” Chirwa said.

He expressed concern that this year’s performances were poorly patronized due to rainfall.  

Secretary for the dance troupe, Dustan Mhone said some people thought the program would be called off because acting Sub Traditional Authority for the area is sick.

Tuesday, 02 January 2024 08:51

Malawians urged to support the elderly

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Nkhata Bay, January 2, Mana: Minister of Homeland Security, who is also Malawi Congress Party (MCP) legislature for Nkhata Bay South Constituency, Ken Zikhale Ng'oma has called on Malawians to generate interest in supporting initiatives geared at promoting welfare of elderly people in the country.

Zikhale Ng’oma was speaking on New Year Day at Chifira Village in Nkhata Bay when he presented assorted items and K5,000 to each of 600 elderly people drawn from his constituency.

"Government is doing its best in taking care of elderly people. However, there is need to redouble our efforts as individuals in addressing the challenges faced by this particular group in our society,” said Zikhale Ng’oma.

He said the elderly take care of orphans and children in difficult circumstances hence it is important for businesses operators and other stakeholders to complement government efforts in addressing the plight of the elderly.

"Besides this charity initiative, government will also continue to mobilise food aid for those who are food insecure to ensure that no one dies of hunger," he said.

In her remarks, 78-year-old, Eluby Kamanga from Traditional Authority (TA) Malengamzoma commended Zikhale Ng’oma for sparing his time to celebrate the beginning of the new year with the elderly.

"This is a very special year to us as elderly people in this community. We lack a lot of things in our daily lives and today, we are privileged to be given such surprises which included packets of sugar, rice, soap, cooking oil, soya pieces and K5,000.00 cash each. We are very grateful for this,” said Kamanga.

Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe, January 2: Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule has hailed Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) The Jesus Nation Church for their efforts in driving spiritual tourism.

Kamtukule made the remarks in Kanengo, Lilongwe on Sunday during the ECG crossover service themed Night of Wealth Transfer.

She said tourism is a strategic sector of the economy hence the need for the church to take part in promoting the sector.

Kamtukule said what the church has accomplished is an embodiment of what the ministry embraces that Malawi is the warm heart of Africa.

“When the prophet invited me I thought I should honour it. There is no hotel in the city with extra room because of this conference. Therefore, I want to thank Prophet Bushiri and the leadership. The Night of Wealth Transfer has anchored our economy massively,” she said.

She, therefore, urged ECG to continue staging such events welcoming international conferences for women and the youth.

The minister also graced the hosts of worshippers with her melodic voice as she performed with ECG’s songstress, Swazi Dlamini.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri hailed Kamtukule for the recognition awarded to ECG for its contribution towards the economy, and all participants for gracing the crossover.

Bushiri, who preached on the essence of wealth transfer, said God will open doors for his people who walk in truth so as to enable the church help the poor in fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ which reads “you are the light of the world”.

“In 2023 we had the year of soul winning. We are many today because we took time to preach the word and so many people came to Christ. The Bible says we should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be added unto us. So, our main aim is to seek the kingdom,” Bushiri said.

The crossover had an attendance of almost 30,000 with thousands of visitors from South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Angola, Lesotho, Australia, United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.

In a bid to further the spread of the gospel the church announced the launch of the Jesus Nation Application and the Jesus 24/7 radio (95.4 FM).

Monday, 01 January 2024 16:56

Irrigation farming rekindles food security

By Aliko Munde


Chitipa, January 1, Mana: As most Malawian farmers rely on rain-fed agriculture, 51-year-old Jane Mtambo of Sendelera Village in the area of Senior Traditional Authority (STA) Mwenewenya in Chitipa District has found gold in irrigation farming.


Mother of five children - two boys and three girls - says she regrets after having wasted time on rain-fed agriculture, saying irrigation farming is more profitable than the latter.


“Irrigation farming is a game changer. I have been experiencing food shortage year in year out because I was only relying on rain fed farming,” Mtambo says.


Mtambo is one of the 437 farmers doing irrigation farming in a 131-hectare Mafinga Irrigation Scheme in Group Village Head Mwenechisenga under STA Mwenewenya in the district.


The K1 billion Mafinga irrigation Scheme was constructed by Programme for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE) Project with funding from International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).


PRIDE Project commenced construction of the irrigation scheme in May 2022, as one of the interventions towards reducing food insecurity in the district and country as a whole.


This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number two which emphasizes promoting sustainable agriculture, ending hunger and achieving improved nutrition by 2030.


“From a maize quarter acre piece of land, I am expecting to harvest 600 kilograms, which is equivalent to 12 bags, each weighing 50 kg. My plan is to sell a few bags and reserve some for consumption at my household,” she explains.


This initiative also serves SDG three, which talks of promoting healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages.


“After harvesting the maize, I plan to plant Irish potatoes. I am even thinking of paying a fee for another piece of land within the irrigation scheme so that I can have two plots for Irish potatoes,” she says.


Mtambo then appeals to other farmers to adopt irrigation farming, describing it is a viable agriculture intervention in the advent of climate change.


The irrigation scheme will go a long way in alleviating poverty amongst small holder farmers and households, as the initiative will also provide them with income and economic opportunities.


The Mafinga Irrigation Scheme is also going to cement SDG eight, which talks of promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth for farmers.


President for the scheme, Mathias Kanyika, assures the government that farmers will take good care of the facility for it to last long.


“In the past we have been failing to irrigate our crops because of shortage of water. But after the completion of the construction of this scheme, we have managed to utilize 27.4 hectares of irrigable land. After harvesting the first round of crops, we are expecting to put into use all the 131 hectares for the second round,” said Kanyika.


Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale says government has realized the importance of promoting irrigation agriculture in dealing with food insecurity.


“This is why apart from Chitipa District, the government is doing similar irrigation schemes across the country,” said Kawale.


He adds that his ministry is currently investing government resources as well as resources from the country’s development partners heavily in irrigation schemes to achieve food security as well as economic security both at household and national levels.


“The irrigation scheme that we are seeing here was financed by IFAD, and is one of the many schemes that we are developing in this country.


“Our goal is to make sure that we eliminate hunger by making sure that farmers across the country are harvesting two or three times annually,” Kawale says.


Kawale also says that the Ministry of Agriculture will not spare any resource the country has to make sure that government serves both smallholder and large scale farmers to invest in irrigation.


“I must be quick to say that we know the pressure surrounding food insecurity that we have currently as a nation. We will continue working with farmers of different calibres to sustainably sort out hunger. Some of them will be put on contract farming so that they produce more crops in a shortest period of time for us to achieve food security,” he explained.


He further explains that government is taking one step at a time to invest in different irrigation schemes across the country.


“Malawi can produce enough food to sustain itself as well as for export. We are on track,” says Kawale.