

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 16:12

Former Flames keeper body off to KK for burial

By Arkangel Tembo


Lilongwe, February 21, Mana: The mortal remains of former Flames goalkeeper, Charles Swini, left area 51 in Lilongwe Wednesday afternoon for Lozi Village in Nkhotakota where he will be laid to rest.


Hundreds of football supporters led by Malawi's Attorney General, Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda, stood at exactly 1:15pm and watch the convoy of white Civo United 36 seater coaster leave Swini's residence.


Football supporters braced the heat to watch their hero being whisked away in a brown coffin bought by Member of Parliament (MP) for Kasungu North, Mike Bango, who was his closest friend.


Silver Strikers and Civo United players as well supporters turned out in their large numbers to pay homage to Swini, who also played for their clubs.


Swini died Tuesday at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe after stones were found in his kidney.


Speeches were made from the bereaved family, football officials and the clergy before the body’s departure for Nkhotakota.


Choir members were singing, "Amayi tsalani ngakhale mundikonda Ambuye tsogoleleni ndili ndekha,"As the driver of the coaster kick start the bus to start their journey.


The convoy headed out towards the main road to Area 25 all the way to the M1 road.


People gathered along the route to bid a final farewell to Swini, with many making a cross with their arms. Other took photos with their cellphones.


In area 25 road, the convoy was warmly received, with hundreds of people singing and waving at the coffin as it passed by.


There was a festive atmosphere, with fans dressed in Silver Strikers regalia, waving, as some were chanting, "A Charlo yendani bwino Mulungu akuyang'anireni."


Swini, who was born on 30th April, 1983 is survived by a wife and three children.


Mana photo journalist, Arkangel Tembo captured the ceremony on camera.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 15:16

Blantyre DC dates head teachers, PEAs

By Memory Kutengule Chatonda


Blantyre, February 21, Mana: District Commissioner for Blantyre, Alex Mdooko, has advised head teachers from primary schools under Blantyre Rural South West Education Division to desist from chasing learners out of classes because of school development fund and uniforms.


Mdooko made the remarks in Blantyre on Wednesday during the management and refresher meeting with Primary Education Advisors (PEAs), inspectors and head teachers for all primary schools from the division.


Mdooko said no learner in the district should be denied chance to attend school saying the tendency contributes to absenteeism.


“No child should be sent away simply because of failure to pay such funds. You have School Improvement Grants that can be used instead to bridge some gaps. Also, learners coming from poor families should be supported by School Management Committees and Parents Teacher Associations,” he said.


Mdooko cautioned head teachers against giving corporal punishment to learners noting: “This is outlawed and should not be condoned and those punishments that are meted to unruly pupils should not be harmful. If anything a child should be allowed to attend lessons and do the punishment during free time or after knocking off.”


He, therefore, commended PEAs, inspectors and head teachers in Blantyre Rural for improved performance in Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations results where the district moved from number 28 to number 16. 


Mdooko advised authorities to work harder so that the district could move to a single-digit position.


He also appealed for strong collaboration between teachers and members of the community so that together they can reduce absenteeism, early pregnancies which lead to child marriages.


Head Teacher for Naotcha Primary School, Lawrence Msaleni, commended Mdooko for the tips, pledging to take every advice given with seriousness.


Msaleni, who is also Inspector of Schools for Blantyre Rural, said head teachers will continue to dedicate themselves to work to achieve the goals set to promote education standards in the district.


“We pledge to obey the rules and regulations as stipulated in the public service which include discipline,” he said.

By Wakisa Myamba

Karonga, February 21, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson for Electoral Services Committee, Commissioner Olivia Liwewe, has expressed satisfaction with voters’ turn-up for verification exercise at different registration centres in Karonga.

She made the sentiments Tuesday after inspecting registration Centre’s ahead of the local government by-elections to be held in the district on March 26, 2024.

"I have inspected 13 registration Centre’s; eight on Monday and five today (Tuesday). We have positive start in all these centres as majority of people are coming for the exercise," said Liwewe.

While admitting low turn-up for new registrants, Commissioner Liwewe expressed optimism that the status quo will improve.

"New registrants are likely to be few because these are people who have just attained 18 years. Another reason is that registration exercise has just started. Majority of people will show up after information about the exercise fully reaches out their localities," she said.

Supervisor for Baka Primary School Registration Centre, Joyce Kapepa, emphasized on the need to intensify community mobilization to encourage more people to go for registration and verification exercises.

The by-elections will be taking place after three wards in the district fell vacant on September 1, 2023 following conviction of three ward councilors who were found guilty of pocketing K2.4 million from 80 Karonga market vendors promising them plots in 2019.

By Patience Longwe

Lilongwe, February 22, Mana: Minister of Homeland Security, Ken Zikhale Ng'oma, says relocating a refugee camp from Dowa to Chitipa will minimize the security lapses in the country by some refugees who come with intentions to disturb the country’s security.

Responding to a question by Member of Parliament (MP) for Chitipa Wenya, Davis Ng’ambi, in Parliament on Tuesday, Ng'oma said Malawi was the only country which was not following laws enacted by United Nations (UN) regarding refugee campsite.

Ng’ambi asked the Minister to clarify on steps which were followed to identify and establish a campsite in relation to international boundary or protected game reserves and engagement with surrounding communities.

"UN laws regarding refugee camps asserts that a refugee camp should be 50 kilometres away from the boarder. Malawi as a sovereign state respects the rule of law, so moving a campsite from Dowa to Chitipa is in line with UN laws," he said.

Ng'oma further said government used a contact and dialogue criteria with stakeholders in choosing a place for the refugee camp in Chitipa.

"The District Commissioner for Chitipa invited all stakeholders for a meeting. Information regarding the meeting was published. So, for the MP to say that he is not aware of the meeting is a surprise to me. This demonstrates that he is sleeping on the job," he said.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 11:47

MACRA to roll out ‘Yathu’ data network

By Lyte Ali

Mangochi, February 21, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is set to roll out a community brand band network known as Yathu data across the country as one way of ensuring that Malawians have access to reasonably priced data.

MACRA Director General, Daud Suleman, disclosed this in Mangochi on Tuesday during a training of community broadband operators.

The operators will help the Authority in providing a test to the new model on a pilot phase in eight districts across the country.

Suleman said the coming in of Yathu data will help to bring a competitive market on data thereby allowing Malawians access to affordable data bundles and access to internet.

“Very soon people will see a network on their mobile phone called Yathu. Click that network, as it will connect and direct you to buy a bundle electronically. This is an affordable bundle compared to other data available in the country.

“This means that on top of the mobile data provided by TNM and Airtel networks, there is an alternative which a customer can choose from. We hope that the coming in of Yathu network brings competitive markets, pricing and affordable networks for access to data bundles,” he said.

Yathu data will be operated by cooperatives in order to allow rural and hard to reach areas across the country access the network service.

So far we eight cooperatives have been registered and will start operating the network in the piloted districts. 

“This will help to test the model where we want to ensure that even rural and hard to reach areas have access to internet,” said Suleman.

Chairperson for one of the licensed cooperatives, Click and Connect Cooperative, Kettie Kamwangala, commended MACRA for the initiative saying it will help create more jobs in the digital industry.

“Apart from that, more Malawians, mostly in the rural areas, will now have access to data. This service has already started creating employment to most people in the digital industry.

“As such, we will make sure to bring the service closer to people that do not have enough money to spend on data,” said Kamwangala.

In Malawi, 80 percent of the population live in rural areas where internet penetration is a challenge.

By Donald Zimba


Lilongwe, February 20, Mana: The Greenbelt Greenhouse Limited (GGL) says it has now started reaping fruits of agriculture commercialization after exporting 70 tons of bell pepper to South Africa since November 2023 and realizing about US$65,000.


According to Sales and Marketing Manager Tamandani Chanza, the company is making significant strides that will go a long way to contributing to forex generation for Malawi.


Chanza said: “Today we are exporting three tons of bell pepper to South Africa where we have secured markets. This trip is the 26th in four months. And that should show you that we are quite serious with the venture.”


Asked on how GGL managed to stay competitive on South African Market, considering that South Africa is a major food and vegetable producer and exporter globally, Chanza was quick to point out that as a company they are very serious on quality control, starting from the greenhouses to processing and packaging.


“Everything is precise and regulated in the pump house, starting from the amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticide that each plant gets.


“And even the amount of light that the plants get is regulated to make sure the plant gets only what it needs to have quality produce; that way, no market would reject our product,” she explained.


Commenting on the development, Agriculture Production Manager for the Greenbelt Authority (GBA), Mesiah Moleni, disclosed that at first they had challenges with securing markets, as they were only supplying to local markets.


“With the South Africa deal, we are hopeful to penetrate more external markets. We are in talks with Democratic Republic of Congo and Botswana. I must say as an authority we are satisfied with what GGL is doing,” said Moleni.


Apart from forex, GGL has also contributed to job creation in the country, having employed about 130 Malawians.


This development comes barely days after President Lazarus Chakwera delivered his 4th State of the Nation Address where he emphasized that agriculture commercialization was one of the sure ways of getting Malawi out of the economic challenges experienced in 2023.

By Petro Mkandawire


Blantyre, February 20, Mana: TNM Super League’s Bangwe All Stars Football Club has organized a fundraising dinner and dance on February 24 at Sogecoa Golden Peacock Hotel in Blantyre to raise funds for the team’s operations.


Speaking with Malawi News Agency on Tuesday, the club's Chief Executive Officer Chikumbutso Mathumba said they have decided to host the dinner after the team’s assessment on what resources the team would require in 2024 season.


He said the team developed a number of fundraising activities to help prepare for the 2024 football season, adding the club thought of starting with the dinner which was seen as a great opportunity to raise more funds to help in smooth running of the club.


“It is the first time our team decided to organize such kind of fundraising event because with the experience that we had in the previous season, we have established that we may not have sufficient funds to enable us to run the team throughout the season,” said Mathumba.


Mathumba further said the team realized they have resources equivalent to 50% of the team’s total budget, adding they are now fetching for the remaining 50%.


However, Mathumba expressed optimism that stakeholders and other well-wishers will support them with the remaining amount.


The event charges have been split up for entry into various categories which include single entry at K25,000 and double entry at K40,000, adding they have organized special tables like Platinum which is at K3 million, Gold at K2 million while Silver Table is at K1 million.


He said the event will be spiced up with different well-known musicians like Skeffa Chimoto and Gibo Pearson, among others.


Speaking with sports analyst Kim Kamau, he commended Bangwe All Stars for the initiative, saying the team has developed a good source of income, as it will help to minimize challenges faced by the club, pointing out that it is not easy for a football club to organize such kind of event.


“Well-wishers and other stakeholders can influence the circumstances of football here in Malawi. There is need for funds for our football clubs to grow, so it’s a good move by Bangwe All Stars, as this will boost the team’s performance,” said Kamau.

By Joel Phiri


Mzimba, February 20, Mana: Communities in the area of Traditional Authority Mzukuzuku in Mzimba have expressed excitement with construction of K77 million Mtuzuzu Health Post, saying it will help ease challenges people were facing when sick.


In an interview on Tuesday, Patrick Gondwe from Mhlaba Village said before construction of the health post, they used to travel long distances to Vibangalala Health Post and Mzimba District Hospital to seek medical help.


‘‘We only had a health surveillance assistant who would treat us all. When faced with serious medical conditions we would travel to Mzimba District Hospital and other health facilities, some located 13 kilometres away,’’ said Gondwe.


Another community member, Alick Jere, said having a medical facility in close vicinity will help people in the area prevent needless deaths.


Member of Parliament (MP) for Mzimba South West, Raymond Nkhata (DPP), praised government for constructing the health post in his constituency, saying most people were spending a lot to seek medical help from far away hospitals.


In his remarks, health surveillance assistant for the area, Nathaniel Mlowoka, said he treats over 150,000 people a month.


‘‘Most people come to seek help for malaria and diarrhea. Construction of this health post will surely go a long way in alleviating a huge workload that was there,’’ said Mlowoka.


According to director of health and social services for the council, Dr Prince Chirwa, opening of the health post awaits construction of staff houses and furnishings, such as beds, mattresses and other materials for the hospitals.


M’mbelwa District Council constructed the health post with funds under Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) project.

By Margret Praise Kalua


Nkhata Bay, February 20, Mana:  Lack of disability friendly structures at Kalambwe Primary School in Nkhata Bay is said to be preventing learners with disabilities from performing to their full potential.


The school's head teacher Florida Kampira made the revelation on Monday when Malawi Council for the Handicapped (Macoha) donated writing materials to 60 learners with and without disabilities, as one way of promoting inclusive education.


Kampira said the school is also grappling with lack of teaching and learning materials for learners with disabilities.


"Our school is a combination of learners with and without disabilities. However, the environment is a bit challenging since there is inadequate teaching and learning materials and disability unfriendly infrastructure which is negatively impacting learners with disabilities.


"Learners with disabilities are capable of achieving great things but they are often bullied and suffer from inferiority due to discouraging sentiments regarding their disabilities. We are thankful to Macoha for always remembering them,” Kampira said.


In his remarks, a 12-year-old standard seven learners with disability, Hope Phiri, said they fight for the available little resources, such as braille books and some struggle to enter classes that have stairs instead of lumps.


Assistant Rehabilitation Officer for Macoha in Nkhata Bay, Matatiyo Chirambo, said they are advocating for community based inclusive development in which education is one of the components and they are set to assist about 200 learners with disabilities in the district with writing materials.

By George Mponda


Karonga, February 20, Mana: Director of Health Services for Karonga District Health Office, Dr. David Sibale, has disclosed that they have recorded 243 cases of viral conjunctivitis disease in five days, from Monday to Friday last week.


An outbreak of the disease, also known as pink eye, was announced by the district health office on February 13.


Speaking in an interview with Malawi News Agency on Tuesday, Dr. Sibale attributed the spread of the disease to knowledge gaps and travelling of people to and from neighboring Tanzania.


Sibale said: "Knowledge gaps usually exist at the beginning of any outbreak and what happens is that it keeps on spreading until a lot of people become infected that's when they become aware of the problem and start to act. 


“Another reason is that there is a lot of travelling through Karonga to Tanzania and back which can also fuel transmission of the disease."


He said there are still some cases which have not yet been detected, adding that people in the communities are talking of having eye conditions.


Sibale explained that the district is currently promoting health education through various means so that many people should be aware of the outbreak and follow health guidelines.


In a separate interview, Senior Chief Karonga said there is need for massive awareness campaigns to be conducted in the district.


"What I have noted is that there appears to be so much awareness messages through phones but I think there should be more work being done on the ground by reaching out even to the hardest to reach areas in the district where phone signals are a problem," he said.


Viral conjunctivitis is a disease which affects the eyes and it is caused by a virus that can easily spread from person to person. Signs and symptoms include; pink or red colour in the white part of the eye, swelling of the conjunctiva (eye lining), increased tear production, itching, eye discharge, painful eye and visual disturbance.