

By Andrew Mkonda & Rennie Tembo


Lilongwe, March 2, Mana: World Bank Senior Social Protection Specialist and Co-Task Team Leader, Ivan Drabek, has expressed satisfaction with different interventions that beneficiaries under Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) are undertaking to protect their catchment areas from different catastrophes.


Drabek made the remarks Friday during a field tour at Mgongonda Micro Catchment Area in Nathenje, Lilongwe.


The tour was aimed at appreciating progress of the project implementation under the Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods Project (SSRLP).


He said it is interesting and encouraging to see that beneficiaries and traditional leaders have taken ownership of the project.


“It is impressive to see interventions beneficiaries are doing in their catchment areas. Listening to them explaining knowledge and skills gained from field assistants and teaching others who are not part of this project is amazing,” he said.

Brabek assured beneficiaries that the Bank will do all it can to reach the targeted number of beneficiaries and increase their wages due to impact of the recent devaluation.

National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) Social Support for Resilient Livelihood Project Coordinator, Paul Chipeta, assured beneficiaries of receiving their wages on time saying all the challenges that were causing the delay have been sorted out.

One of the beneficiaries, Potiphar Alufeyo, thanked World Bank and all stakeholders for the initiative saying apart from conserving the environment, the project has also assisted in improving their livelihoods.

“I used to harvest little due to climate change but with the knowledge and skills gained from this project such as pit planting basins, manure making and gully reclamation, I am optimistic that this year I will have bumper yields,” he said.

He asked World Bank to continue with the project so that as many people as possible benefit from the project.

SSRLP is a US$516 million project funded by the World Bank and the Multi Donor Trust Fund partners (USAID UK-FCDO, EU, Ireland, Iceland and Norway).

The project’s components are the CS-EPWP, Social Cash Transfer Programme and the Livelihoods Support and is being implement in all the 28 districts across the country.

Saturday, 02 March 2024 15:15

Mega farm empowers communities in Salima

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, March 2, Mana: A mega farm under Greenbelt Authority (GBA) in Salima has transformed lives of community members who are benefiting from the initiative through employment.

Speaking during a media tour of the 100 hectare Chikwawa Irrigation Scheme located in the area of Senior Chief Khombedza, one of the beneficiaries, Owen Mwase, described his experience at the scheme as life changing.

He said before being employed at the farm he used to struggle to make ends meet especially feeding his family.

He said after being employed at the farm as a casual labourer he now affords a decent life.

"I have managed to buy twenty chickens and two goats and buying food for my household is not as difficult as it used to be. Our area is marred by food insufficiency since our crops did not do well the last farming season," he said.

Mwase is happy that he now affords to send his children to school saying he pays school development fund and buys notebooks for his primary school going children using wages realized from the farm.

Another beneficiary, Kerita Lyson, commended the initiative saying she is now independent and no longer depends on her relatives to take care of her four children as she receives K16,100 in wages every Friday.

Lyson said, through the wages, she has managed to rent one hectare of land where she has planted maize and is assured of food sufficiency.

Group Village Headman Mwazawala under Senior Chief Khombedza, in whose area the mega farm is located, is highly appreciative that most of his community members are employed at the farm.

"Government would have singled out any area in Salima but they chose this area. I do not take this for granted. Many people in this area were struggling financially and were food insufficient. Therefore, the timing for establishing this farm is good.

"One notable thing I have observed is that people working at the farm are organized and are jealously guarding it from ill intended people. The maize is doing well and we are anticipating bumper harvest,” he said.

BGA Chief Executive Officer, Eric Chidzungu, revealed that the Authority plans to expand the mega farms to scale up more job opportunities and ensure food security in the country.

"We believe in collaborating with communities to give them ownership hence solely depending on local workers for the success of the farm,” he said.

He expressed satisfaction that despite Salima having experienced dry spells in the past two weeks, Chikwawa Scheme is estimated to produce more than 280 metric tonnes of maize this season.

Chikwawa Irrigation Scheme has, currently, employed 140 locals manning the 100-hectare farm in the district.

By Gift Chiponde

Lilongwe, March 2, Mana: Minister of Youth and Sports, Uchizi Mkandawire, says tourism remains government's crucial sector in the implementation of the Agriculture, Tourism and Mining (ATM) strategy.

Mkandawire, who was representing Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule, made the remarks at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe Friday evening during commemoration of 35 years of service by Satguru Travel Group.

Mkandawire disclosed government’s commitment to accelerating tourism growth to ensure that Malawi remains one of the favourable tourism destinations in Eastern and Southern Africa.

He said government's commitment in improving the sector is manifested in the increased allocation to Ministry of Tourism in the 2024/2025 budget which will help the ministry carter for both tourism and wildlife sectors.

The Minister commended Satguru for its contribution to the country's tourism sector which he described as outstanding.

Satguru in Malawi Branch Manager, Swapnil Karkhile, hailed Ministry of Tourism for its commitment in promoting and championing tourism growth.

"As a company, we commend Ministry of Tourism for its active role in ensuring that the sector is revived," said Karkhile.

Satguru Travel Group was established in 1989 in Kigali, Rwanda.

In Malawi, the organization started its operations in 2011. So far, the company has won over 15 world travel awards.

Satguru Malawi has been leading in the travel agency awards in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

By Sellah Singini

Lilongwe, March 2, Mana: Minister of Labour, Agnes NyaLonje, has described the National Skills Competition as an incentive for Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training (TEVET) trainees to demonstrate their skills and help raise skills levels across Malawi.


Speaking at Lilongwe Technical College on Friday during the closing of the first ever National Skills Competition, NyaLonje said the competition gives the trainees an opportunity to be creative, innovative and develop abilities to work under pressure.


She said Malawi’s socio-economic development agenda requires competitive skills to enable the country produce products and services that can compete on both local and international markets.


"It is worth noting that, currently, the TEVET system, through TEVET Authority, is striving to produce more artisans with skills that can match up to the acceptable national and international standards," NyaLonje said.


She said this, in turn, will result in improved quality of Malawi's national infrastructure and increased national employment, including in major projects, rather than relying on imported labour.


"It will facilitate a culture of innovation, which lies at the heart of economic growth," she added.


NyaLonje said, the competition environment also encouraged trainees to produce quality work well beyond their qualification levels which demonstrates to industries that the trainees can meet labour market standards.


She, therefore, urged all students to take competition as a springboard from which they must push and aspire to participate in international skills competitions.


TEVETA Board Chairperson, Pyoka Tembo, said 117 contestants participated in the regional competitions in April last year from seven technical colleges from the Northern Region, eight from the Southern Region and nine from the Central Region.


32 of the 117 contestants, who proceeded to the national round, received awards for doing well in their various disciplines such as automobile mechanics, tailoring and design, bricklaying, fabrication and welding, ICT as well as plumbing.


The competition has helped trainees develop key employability skills in areas such as problem solving, time management, effective team work and communication.

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, March 1, Mana: Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Liana Kakhobwe Chapota, has urged the public and stakeholders in the water sector to take an active part in planting trees in the country in order to conserve and sustain water sources.

She made the plea in Lilongwe on Friday when she presided over the tree planting exercise organized by Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) in partnership with Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) at Lilongwe River catchment area at Malingunde.

Chapota said trees play a greater role in conserving water sources such as rivers and dams hence the need for more trees to be planted if water sources are to be conserved and sustained.  

“It is an undeniable relationship between trees and water sources because trees give a good vegetative cover which helps to conserve water resources hence the need to plant more trees to sustain water sources,” Chapota said.

She applauded LWB and MHC for initiating planting of over 6,000 trees at Malingunde saying, once they grow, the trees would assist protect Lilongwe River catchment area while at the same time sustaining availability of water in the river.

She, therefore, urged the two institutions to continue planting trees in order for the country to have more trees that would assist in water conservation.

“My advice to LWB and MHC is that planting of trees should be an ongoing exercise not only in the rainy season but also off season,” she said.

LWB Board Member, Lingalireni Mihowa, said the exercise was organized to plant trees that would protect Lilongwe River catchment where the Board sources its water.

“We thought of planting trees to conserve Lilongwe River which supports our ability to supply quality water to the people of Lilongwe,” Mihowa said.

MHC Board Chairperson, Reverend Jaleck Kachipanda, said they partnered with LWB in tree planting after noting the role that LWB plays in supplying water to the people of Lilongwe including those living in MHC houses.

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, March 1, Mana: Likoma District Education Manager’s (DEM) office has awarded outstanding Standard Eight teachers for good performance of their learners in the 2022/2023 Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE).  

Speaking during the award ceremony on Thursday, Chief Education Officer for Likoma, Zimulange Mhango, said the gesture was aimed at motivating outstanding teachers to continue working hard. 

“As a district we get good PLSCE results but not good enough. That is why we decided to organize these awards to encourage teachers to work harder and send more learners to secondary schools,” Mhango said.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Likoma, Ashems Songwe, said he launched a primary school quiz competition to improve education standards on the island district.

“We want to ensure the district’s performance improves effective this year. Our primary schools should start sending learners to national secondary schools.

“At the moment, we want to buy a multifunctioning printer so that printing services should be within reach. On top of that, government is constructing school blocks and libraries in the district,” Songwe said.

One of the outstanding teachers, Peter Chigoo, who is also Deputy Headteacher for Ulisa Primary School, said he always works hard and gives lessons to learners from 6am to 7am even during holidays and weekends.

By Tikondane Vega

Blantyre, March 1, Mana: First Lady Madame Monica Chakwera has called upon women in the country to continue playing a support system role for the country to move forward, saying women are a beacon of love and solutions to societal problems.

Madame Chakwera was speaking at Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre on Friday during the 2024 Women’s World Day of Prayer.

She encouraged women to continue praying for the country and bring solutions to several challenges the country is facing.

“The change that we need in our families or country requires prayer warriors as such women should avail themselves in every difficult situation. We have several problems that need prayers. Let us all be saviours in such situations,” she said.

The First Lady said Malawi has gone through tough situations like natural disasters which need prayers for things to return normal.

Madame Chakwera read scriptures from Ephesians 4 verses 1 to 7.

National Chairperson for Women’s World Day of Prayer, Esther Grant, advised women to continue exercising love and support in all situations as this is the only solution to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

“You can also pray for those in Palestine who are dying every day and require support from well-wishers like us who are enjoying peace,” said Grant.

In her sermon, Pastor Towera Masiku of Word Alive Ministries appealed to Malawians to love one another and learn to live in peace and harmony.

Masiku encouraged women to support their husbands in all situations as they are support systems in society.

“Always be humble, gentle, patient and tolerant with one another in love,” she said.

Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Jean Sendeza and Mama Cecilia Tamanda Kadzamira were among notable figures who graced the event.

The prayers were inspired by choirs, worshiping, lighting of candles symbolizing a bright future, love for the country and reading of scriptures among others.

Women World Day of Prayer is an annual event held on the first Friday of March. This year the day was held under the theme: “I Beg you… Bear with One Another in Love.”

By Roselyn Phiri

Lilongwe, March 1, Mana: Mwapata Institute, in partnership with Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and National Planning Commission (NPC) has implored stakeholders to strengthen policy actions regarding agricultural research and extension services in the country as one way of maximizing production.

Speaking at an Eminent Speaker Series in Lilongwe on Thursday, Executive Director for Mwapata Institute, William Chadza, said Malawi needs to invest more on local research institutions.

He emphasized that government, development partners and all agencies should invest more in local research institutions saying they have knowledge of the local needs and are in close and direct contact with local communities.

“Therefore, there is higher capability and chances that research and development will succeed if it is driven by local institutions. As such, the discussions were critical as the speakers pointed out a number of important issues on what needs to be done.

“The speakers pointed out that if we are going to move forward with agricultural development and economic growth in the country, at national level, we need to develop our research and extension systems particularly institutional capacity," he explained.

Head of Agricultural Extension Department at LUANAR, Dr Paul Fatch, said from the discussions it is very clear that extension is crucial.

He said the country cannot have productivity without extension with the adequate number of workers.

“We need to have extension workers who are adequately supported and have been given enough information and mandate to drive the transformation agenda," said Fatch.

NPC Director General, Dr Thomas Munthali, thanked Mwapata Institute for organizing such an event and government for recognizing the importance of research and extension services.

The Eminent Speaker Series was held to generate policy actions regarding agricultural research and extension services in the country.

Friday, 01 March 2024 07:50

CFTC proposes extra budget funding

By Levison Lester & Patience Longwe

Lilongwe, February 29, Mana: Executive Director for Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC), Lloyds Vincent Nkhoma, has asked the Parliamentary Cluster Committee on Industry, Trade and Tourism, Media, Information and Communication to lobby government for extra funding amounting to K400 million if the Commission is to serve Malawians better and effective.

Nkhoma made the remarks in Lilongwe on Thursday when he appeared before the cluster committee.

He justified the adjustment saying funds allocated are not enough to cushion the price of fuel and mobility challenges the Commission faces in undertaking its duties.

"Indeed we appeared before the cluster committee. Basically, this is a standard process where we annually come to present our budget and showcase to Parliament what we have achieved the previous year. We also lobby for additional funding if needed by showcasing the programme base focus of what we want to achieve as a Commission.

"Treasury has given us a budget of about K1.51 billion but looking at the programmes, and issues of currency alignment which has happened, and for us to be effective and deliver our mandate, we are proposing for additional K400 million to cushion some of the issues on our work," he said.

Nkhoma said, apart from easing mobility challenges, the request for extra funding to the current budget allocated by Treasury is justifiable as it will help in staff recruitment.

Co-Chairperson for the Parliamentary Cluster Committee on Industry, Trade and Tourism, Media Information and Communication, Susan Dossi, said the lobby for extra funding will happen only if CFTC clearly indicates how the proposed funding will be utilized.

"As a cluster committee, we were informed by CFTC that the budget announced last week is not enough and have asked us to lobby government for extra funding.

“Unfortunately, they have not indicated what they want to do with the extra funds. So, we have agreed for another meeting next week where they will indicate how the extra money will be used," she said.

By Lesnat Kenan

Lilongwe, February 29, Mana: The Embassy of Japan and Partners in Health (Abwezi pa za Umoyo) have signed a grant contract amounting to K120 million for the provision of a Tuberculosis (TB) portable X-Ray machine for Neno District Health Office.

Speaking during the signing ceremony in Lilongwe on Thursday, Ambassador of Japan to Malawi, Yoichi Oya, expressed hope that the provision of the portable X-Ray machine will improve health environment in the district.

"Provision of this TB X-Ray machine will also enhance livelihood and lead the development of the country,” said Oya.

Oya highlighted that the grant is provided under the Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects for Japanese Government aimed at providing financial assistance to non-profit development organizations for implementing project at grassroots level.

Executive Director for Partners in Health, Basimenye Nlema, said the partnership that Neno District Council and Partners in Health have will go long way in ensuring that government's efforts towards elimination of TB by 2030 as outlined in the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Elimination Program strategy are on track.

"There will be timely and early detection of the disease and early TB treatment for patients since the service to help in diagnosis will be closer to people in need especially those suspected to have TB in Neno district,” she said.

District Commissioner for Neno, Rosemary Nawasha, expressed gratitude to the Embassy of Japan for continuously striving to enhance capacity and promote development in Malawi particularly in various sectors of government as well as at local district councils.

"Let me thank the government of Japan through its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project for accepting and approving our grant proposal which Neno District Council co-submitted with its longtime partner, Partners in Health, two years ago. We are excited and grateful to be the recipient of the grant,” said Nawasha.

She added that Neno District faces challenges in delivery of accurate diagnosis and appropriate health services for infectious diseases such as TB hence the grant will go a long way in TB detection and treatment.

The machine will help in TB screening services, laboratory services using microscope and radiology services.