

By Ireen Mseteka

Likoma, March 22, Mana:  Likoma Agri Enterprise will soon embark on cage fish farming project which has been sponsored by National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) to the tune of K32.5 million.

Speaking Thursday, when he briefed stakeholders on the project, Chairperson for Likoma Agri Enterprise, Asante Mankhokwe said the project will among others address issues of fish depletion in Lake Malawi.

 “People should expect improvement in fish production since we will be culturing adequate fish that will be supplied within the district and the surrounding districts,” said Mankhokwe.

In his remarks, Vice Chairperson for Likoma District Council, Barnabas Sambamo applauded NCST for supporting the project which he said would go a long way improving   people’s nutrition status and creating employment opportunities among others.

“The coming in of this project will see increased fish catch which will be sold to other districts thereby enhancing economic empowerment at district and household level,” said Sambamo.

According to District Fisheries Officer (DFO) for Likoma, Richard Banda, the K32.5 million grant will be used for construction of cage culture in the waters of Lake Malawi, this project will be at Madimba in the district.

In cage culture, fish are confined in cages which are constructed of wire or fibre netting suspended from a floating frame.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, 22 March, MANA:  President Lazarus Chakwera on Thursday, left the country to attend an extraordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit meeting scheduled to take place in Lusaka Zambia, on 23rd March 2024.

Upon departure at the Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe, Chakwera was welcomed by Vice President Saulos Chilima, government officials, traditional leaders and religious leaders.

 Speaking before departure, Chakwera said the meeting will tackle issues to do with National Security as well as food security in the SADC region which has also  affected many African countries.

“As you know food security is number one priority in the country, so attending this meeting will help us to discuss strategies on how we can make sure that food is available to each and every household in the country”, Chakwera said.

The Malawian leader is expected to return on Saturday 23rd March at 17:30 hrs.

Malawi is a founding member of SADC and joined the regional bloc at its formation as the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) in Lusaka, Zambia, in April 1980.

By Tracy Mtegha   

Mzuzu, March 22, Mana: Residents and travellers to and from Ching’ambo and Chiputula locations in Mzuzu City are facing communication challenges following destruction of a bridge on a road that connects the two areas.

Mzuzu has for the past few days been receiving rain which has led to damage of most roads including Chiputula- Ching’ambo Road.

Speaking, Thursday in an interview, Councillor for Chiputula Ward, Hewet Mkandawire said the current budget for Mzuzu City Council (MCC) cannot meet rehabilitation works of the bridge.

 “The current budget has already been depleted and I have to use personal resources to fix this bridge as the council does not have emergency backup resources to meet such scenarios,” said Mkandawire.

Public Relations Officer for the MCC, McDonald Gondwe said the council is fully aware of the damages that have caused by rains on some roads in the city.

“The council has appealed for assistance to address the issues from the general public but none has come forward.

As of now we are relying much on Constituency Development Fund and locally generated revenue and these funding windows are not enough for us to embark on emergency related issues,” said Gondwe

One of the concerned residents of Ching’ambo area, William Manda said the destruction of the bridge makes it difficult for motor vehicle users to drive on the road.

By Margret Praise Kalua

Nkhata Bay, March 22, Mana:  Youths in Traditional Authority (TA) Nyaluwanga in Nkhata Bay have decried lack of youth friendly reproductive health services (YFRHS) infrastructure and confidentiality in providing such services to them at Chikwina Health Centre.

This was said on Thursday during an interface meeting between youths and duty bearers that was organized by Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme (LISAP) under their project  ‘Everywhere youth Empowered’ which is being implemented in the area.

District Youth Network representative, Edward Kaunda described the situation as a recipe for sexually transmitted infections, teenage pregnancies and early marriages among youths since they are shy to seek for the services, resulting into high school dropouts in the area.

"We want privacy in accessing medical supplies like condoms and services like guidance and counseling by trusted service providers because this will protect us from sexually transmitted infections, teenage pregnancies and early marriages in situations where we cannot abstain,” said Kaunda.

He therefore asked health authorities in the district to intervene in the situation by providing them an YFRHS room at the health facility and increase the number of service providers.

"It is an open secret that the youths are indulging into sexual activities so we need to join hands with duty bearers in addressing the challenge because once these services are not available near them, chances are high that they can land into these problems," he added.

Deputy Youth Friendly Health Services Coordinator, Dithia Mjojo said they will improvise a room at the health facility by end of April this year to enable them access the services in privacy and confidentiality. 

TA Nyaluwanga said through area development committee together with the youth themselves, they will mold bricks to construct the facility at the health Centre this year.

Executive Director for LISAP, Jonathan Vumu said they have embarked on advocacy to unearth issues that directly affect the youth in sexual reproductive health especially in TA Nyaluwanga.

Vumu said with support from Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D)-Canada they are targeting 940 adolescent boys and 1200 adolescent girls both in and out of school, aged 10 to 24 years so that they can live life to their full potential.

Vumu said: "As an organization, we have already started addressing the challenges they have raised by engaging duty bearers, mostly the health sector so that they are treated in a dignified manner if they want services such as sexual reproductive health services among others."

By Moses Nyirenda


Lilongwe, March 22, Mana: One of the country’s nonprofit organizations working in waste management, WASTE Advisers is set to host networking meeting dubbed ‘Lilongwe think tank networking event’ on March 27, 2024 in Lilongwe.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Thursday, Project Officer for the organization Geoffrey Mphangamo said the networking event aims at addressing issues affecting cities as well as promoting businesses involved in the secular economy.


“The event aims at bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders including government officials, city councils, corporate social investment representatives, eco-entrepreneurs in the circular economy sector and potential investors.

The central theme of the event revolves around collaborative thinking and action and it focuses on devising innovative strategies to address our cities most pressing challenges such as waste management as well promoting businesses involved in the circular economy,” Mphangamo said.

He added that the event is a follow up on the work the city summits which were conducted in 2023 in the country’s cities initiated particularly in the domain of waste management and promotion of circular economies.


He also said that during the event, a number of activities will take place which include the launch of European Union (EU) funded project.


“Three main activities will take place; first will be the launch of the project financed by EU called ‘Building Better! Post – covid Economic Recovery through a National Recycling Campaign Project’, this is a four-year project being implemented in the country’s four cities.

“Secondly, we will have a "Green Arena" where entrepreneurs will pitch their innovative ideas directly to potential investors and participants will be evaluated not just on the viability of their business proposals, but also on their potential impact on environmental sustainability,” he said.

One of the country’s renowned Environmental Activists, Matthews Malata hailed WASTE Advisers for organizing Lilongwe think tank networking event.

“The event is a very big opportunity for all players that are working in the waste management sector and secular economy to come together and see how they can collaborate, coordinate and make stronger impact together in environmental management and secular economy,” Malata explained.

WASTE Advisers was launched in the country as an independent organization in 2018 and its mission is to empower people in the communities to improve their own environment and livelihood by building sustainable sanitation and solid waste management systems.

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Nkhata Bay, March 22, Mana: District Commissioner for Nkhata Bay, Rodgers Newa has advised traditional leaders in Nkhata Bay to be in the forefront protecting fish in Lake Malawi to control depletion of valued species.

Newa said this Thursday, during stakeholder’s engagement meeting in the district aimed at equipping chiefs with rightful information about fishing and how they can deliver the same to the masses.

Newa said chiefs have a critical role to play in educating the masses in their communities on the need of preserving fish in the lake for the good of upcoming generation because they are the custodians of culture.

“I am happy to see that almost each and every Traditional Authority (TA) that has bordered with the lake is present here. This entails the trust that we have in you. There is an outcry that valuable species of fish like chambo are declining in the lake.

“Through this meeting, we need to critically find solutions together and then you should pass on the message to your communities because we know you have the capacity and people have trust in what you tell them unlike any other person,” Newa said

District Fisheries officer for Nkhata Bay, Delings Kamenya said the meeting was organized as one way of encouraging participatory fishing management.

“In participatory management, we share responsibilities in terms of management of aquatic resources. We realize the role that traditional leaders play to conserve the fish resources.

They have authority over people and we know that people out there know what is legal and illegal in as far as fishing is concerned and there is need for collective efforts to jealously guard the lake because people will not stop depending in fishing for survival,” Kamenya said.

In his remarks, Senior chief Mkumbira said the meeting was an eye opener on their roles, as chiefs, in conserving fish and provided a platform for the chiefs to network, share experiences and skills.

The meeting was organized by Nkhata Bay district council with support from USAID funded Restoring Fisheries for Sustainable Livelihoods in Lake Malawi (REFLESH) Project.

By Patience Longwe & Lesnat Kenan

Lilongwe, March 22, Mana: Minister of Trade and Industry, Sosten Gwengwe, has encouraged partnerships and collaboration in resource mobilization amongst cooperatives in order for them to thrive in their business.

Gwengwe made the remarks in Lilongwe on Thursday when Commercial Farmers Cooperative Society (COFACO) hosted a business breakfast.


The event was held to facilitate information sharing between Malawi's captains of industry in agribusiness, development partners, donors and financiers with agriculture focused products to share opportunities.


Gwengwe said not only is partnership and collaboration important but also innovation which cooperatives and other related agencies should adopt.


"Mega farmers and the agribusiness players are increasingly using innovative approaches and scientific research, combined with traditional knowledge to increase the production of their field, diversify their crops, boost their nutrition and build climate resilience.

"It is for that reason that large scale farmers, commercial estate farmers and agribusiness owners with large farming estate, diversified livestock, aquaculture and agro-processing business ventures, organized themselves into a society to advance Malawi's economic development,” he said.

Controller of Agriculture Extension and Technical Services in the Ministry of Agriculture, Alfred Mwenefumbo, highlighted the importance of the meeting to large-scales farmers saying farmers are getting interested to engage and hear more from prospective donors and financiers about mega farms.

"Malawians with big farms are getting interested to hear more from donors, including banks, and take advantage of such gathering to progress in their activities,” he said.

COFACO was registered in 2017 with Ministry of Trade and Industry. It works alongside the Ministry of Agriculture and the Mega Farm Unit

By Leah Malimbasa

Chikwawa, March 22, Mana: Principal Secretary for National Unity in the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Dr Elizabeth Gomani Chindebvu, has called on traditional leaders and religious leaders to take a leading role in mind-set change for Malawi to achieve the Malawi 2063(MW2063).

Chindebvu was speaking Thursday in Chikwawa during a training workshop for traditional leaders and religious leaders which focused on mind-set change, hard work, wealth creation, prosperity and self-reliance.

“It is important to adopt a new mind-set to drive Malawi’s development forward. Malawi’s development blueprint, MW2063, has three pillars and seven enablers and among these enablers, mind-set change stands out as a crucial aspect championed by the ministry,” Chindebvu said.

She said Ministry of Local Government engaged traditional and religious leaders to align them with the MW2063 and empower them to guide their subjects and congregants towards prosperity and self-reliance.

She expressed optimism that messages that promote hard work will effectively be conveyed.

Senior Chief Ngabu acknowledged that leaders have the responsibility to encourage their subject to change their mind set towards sustainable development.

“Self-reliance is important. We should do away with dependence on hand-outs from government and organisations,” he said.

The Senior Chief added that people should contribute towards development and good policies should be put in place to encourage community participation.

Senior Chief Mlilima said Malawi needs concerted efforts and active citizen participation to achieve meaningful development.

Apart from Ngabu and Mlilima other traditional leaders that attended the meeting were senior chiefs Kasisi and Makhuwira as well as Traditional Authority Ngowe.

Faith leaders from African Evangelical Church, Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) Apostolic Faith Mission of Malawi and Living Waters Church also attended the meeting. 

By Ernest Mfunya

Mangochi, March 22, Mana: Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Youth Wing and born free women in Mangochi on Wednesday donated food and nonfood items, which includes rice, sugar and soap, to patients at Mangochi District Hospital.

Speaking after making the donation, MCP Director of Youth in Mangochi, Isaac Adani, said they decided to cheer up patients, especially children admitted to the pediatric ward, to show how responsible the youths are in caring for patients.

Adani said MCP empowers youth in the country to be good citizens by playing significant roles in the society.

"In most cases, youths are regarded as agents of violence but we, in MCP, are always trained to be responsible. We are encouraged to contribute towards improving livelihoods of people in our society.

"As such, we decided to cheer patients at Mangochi District Hospital to help in bring hope amongst those in hospitals said Adani.

In-Charge for Mangochi Hospital Pediatric Ward, Blessings Juma, commended MCP youth and born free women for the gesture describing the donation as timely.

He said the donation will go a long way in alleviating problems that patients face while at the hospital.

"We are humbled for the gesture. The donation will assist our clients who lack basic needs while admitted to the hospital as the hospital alone cannot manage to support each and every patient admitted here,” said Juma.

One of the guardians at the children’s ward, Ester Dagalasi, expressed concern that a number of patients in the ward have no relatives to support them as most come from long distant places such that they lack basic necessities.

Dagalasi described the support as significant saying it will make a difference during their stay at the hospital.

By Rosalia Kapiri

Lilongwe, March 21, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has described the Four Nations Football Tournament as an event that connects people beyond nationalities by bridging the gap between nations through promotion of unity amongst the countries involved.

He was speaking at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on Thursday evening during a presidential dinner hosted for football teams in the Four Nations Tournament currently underway in Lilongwe.

Chakwera said Malawi is determined to take sports development to greater heights through various sports projects taking place in the country.

He cited such projects as the Griffin Saenda Complex, the National Aquatic Centre and various stadiums currently under construction in multiple districts across all the country’s three regions.

“For us in Malawi, we are determined to take all sports disciplines in which we have a competitive advantage to the next level; and football is one of them. This determination is the reason why sports development is part of our human capital development strategy at the heart of the Malawi 2063 (MW2063),” said Chakwera.

Football Association of Malawi (FAM) President, Fleetwood Haiya, applauded the president’s gesture saying it is beyond the demonstration of dedication to football commitment in the country.

Haiya said: “This tournament is a testimony of real partnership among the four countries of which the concept was conceived by the football association committee presidents of the four nations. We appreciate FIFA’s support to cushion the general organization of this tournament. We will give value of the support we have received from our partners and remain resolute in transforming the vision towards the MW 2063 goals.”

Minister of Youth and Sports, Uchizi Mkandawire, expressed his ministry’s continued support to all programs intended to develop sports in the country.

In her remarks, representative of the International Football Association, who is General Secretary for Zimbabwe Football Association, Yvonne Mapika Manwa, thanked President Chakwera for opening up and taking time to host them as players and officials.

The Four Nations Tournament, which kicked off on the 20th March this year, is the first ever to happen in this part of the SADC region. It has as brought together senior and junior teams of the four countries of Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia and Malawi, the host.