

Thursday, 25 April 2024 07:00

All set for Tanzania Union Day celebrations

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dares Salaam, April 25, Mana: Vice President, Dr Saulos  Chilima is expected to attend the 60th commemoration of the Union Day of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on Friday which will be held at Uhuru Kenyata Stadium in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The Celebrations are held annually to mark the creation of the United Republic of Tanzania when the Republic of Tanganyika and The Peoples Republic of Zanzibar exchanged articles of union on April 22, 1964, and became one state from April 26, 1964.

The Union was inaugurated by President, Julius Nyerere of Tanganyika and Sheik Abeid Aman Karume, leader of the Revolutionary Government in Zanzibar.

Chilima is set to arrive in Tanzania on Thursday for the celebrations which represent unity kinship, common struggle, and vision amongst the people of the former two sovereign states.

President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan is expected to lead the commemorations.

Currently, preparations are at an advanced state for one of Tanzania’s big days, which will be graced by Heads of State and dignitaries from other African countries like Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, South Africa amongst others.

By Salome Gangire

Neno, April 24, Mana: Learners at Nandzanga Primary School in Neno District have hailed Neno District Council for constructing a K35 million classroom block under Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) which will accommodate learners in senior classes that used to travelled long distances to access education.

Before the construction of the school block, standard 7 and 8 learners were travelling up to 10 kilometres to another school to access education as Nandzanga was a junior primary school that only enrolled standard 1 to 5 learners due to limited classrooms.

A standard 8 learner, Gift Mphalumo said on Wednesday that before the construction of the school block, most learners were not performing well in class due to fatigue as result of long distances.

“We are now learning in a good environment but also not travelling long distances which has greatly improved our performances in class,” Mphalumo said.

Nandzanga School Head teacher, Patuma Mkango said the new classroom block has provided a better learning environment and was sure this will continue improving leaners performance.

She disclosed that the school registered a 100 percent pass rate in last year’s Primary School Leaving Certificates of Education (PSLCE) examinations.

Mkango added that all the 22 candidates that sat for PSLCE examinations passed and were selected to various secondary schools including Community Day Secondary Schools.

“In the past standard 6 learners were transferred to other schools which were far away. This also affected their performance because they were travelling long distances,” she added.

In the meantime standard 6 learners are accommodated under a shelter used for school feeding programme which members of the community built to bridge the gap.

According to school authorities, a new block is under construction with funds from Malawi Education Reform Programme to accommodate the standard 6 learners.  

Chief Education Officer (CEO) for Neno, Sonnex Likharuwe said the council was committed to provide conducive learning environment for quality education

He added said that the new school block has helped to upgrade the junior school into a full primary school which has also turned the school into an examination centre for standard 8 learners.

The CEO added that the additional block also minimised school dropouts in senior classes as leaners (in senior classes) from Joliji village access education with short distance.

“In the past, most learners were dropping out of school in senior classes as they were travelling long distances to attend schools to nearby schools which are far,” he said.

Director of Planning and Development for Neno District Council, Charles Lomoni said construction of Nandzanga Primary School block supported by GESD has reduced learner-classroom ratio.

“The classroom block has also managed to improve learning environment as this has been a dream for the district. Our district has not been performing well in the past,” he said.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024 18:11

Nyalonje hails partners for donations

By Patience Longwe

Lilongwe, April 24, MANA: Minster of Labour, Agnes Nyalonje has said review of labour laws is important in the productivity of labour officers because currently work environment is changing due to global economic crises that challenge both business and government.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Wednesday during the 2024 annual labour conference, Nyalonje said current changes require resources for officers to flexibly respond to circumstances, as such donations received from partners will help officers to achieve sustainable development.

"With the help of partners I am happy to report that the Ministry has secured a donation of 20 motor cycles from Limbe Leaf, which will soon be distributed to the beneficiary districts.  We have also received a donation of six motor vehicles from the EU Zantchito project and two motor vehicles from JTI.

"Labour officers are the public face of the Ministry of Labour, with responsibility to provide guidance on, and enforce, the labour laws which promote decent work standards that are internationally recognised as critical for sustainable economic development.

In his remarks, EU Zantchito Project Consultant, Johannes Mandowa said review of labour laws is eminent because of the new developments happening in working sector.

Mandowa said there is need to sharpen labour laws in relation to new work dynamics for the workers to be efficient in the country.

"There is a lot happening out there, the proliferation of formal sector and medium enterprise needs a review in order to promote decent work," He said.

He added that there is a need to bring cooperation in work sector in order to thrush out areas that hinders efficient work.

"Labour officers are promoters of decent work so we are bringing them together in this year's annual labour conference with an aim to bring cooperation. We want to standardize the application of work environment," He said.

By Robert Katuli

Lilongwe, April 24, Mana: The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has paid back about K9.5 billion to tobacco farmers in the country as refund for the deductions the farmers were subjected to between 2014 and 2019.

This was disclosed on Wednesday at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe during a meeting between MRA and tobacco farmers.

MRA Deputy Commissioner (Lilongwe Domestic Taxes) Janet Kholowa said the Authority was applying and deducting withholding tax on the farmers’ tobacco sales at the auction floors at a rate of three percent from 2014.

"When a farmer brought his or her tobacco to the auction floors, there was a law that mandated the auction to withhold three percent from the sales.

"It was now up to the farmer to bring the financial accounts of the business to MRA so that we could see whether the farmer made profits or not," she explained.

Kholowa further said that this was like making the deductions in advance before properly assessing the profits the farmer made.

"Many times we could see that the farmer never made any profits at all, so that he wasn't supposed to be deducted withholding tax or was not supposed to pay tax, hence we had to process a refund to the farmer. So, this amount is from 2014," she added.

A representative of the tobacco farmers, Lyson Artwell Banda, who is also Group Village Head Kasangazi, confirmed that MRA has refunded them their money from 2014 to 2019.

"The money reached this amount because we weren't getting refunds in the past. We are thankful to the current administration, as it has initiated so many things for the good of the farmer.

"In the past years, we weren't benefitting from our tobacco farming because of the taxes that weren't helping us. We were, however, lucky in 2020 when this government reduced the tax at the auction floors from three percent to one percent," said Banda.

The one percent rate of the withholding tax, which Banda is referring to, was arrived at by government, through MRA, as a way of correcting the situation and doing away with the past anomalies.

The new rate is also being calculated basing on the total tobacco sales and not profits, as it was the case before.

With this arrangement, the tobacco farmers have now no need of providing MRA with any information about how their business has performed and, on the other hand, MRA has also been spared from going through the process of refunding the farmers whenever they have not made profits.

The total amount of money, K9,491,710,628,12, has been refunded to a total of 14,800 farmers' clubs, with one club comprising at least ten members.

By Blessings Preston Memena and Tracy Mtegha.

Mzuzu, April 24, Mana: Mzuzu Police have arrested five people in Sonda for alleged theft of property belonging to Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom).

Speaking Wednesday in an interview with Malawi News Agency, Assistant Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police Station, Rose Chipyola said the suspects were arrested on Tuesday following a report from Escom’s security officers who were on duty in the night of Monday at Mazamba in Chikangawa area.

According to Chipyola, the officers intercepted a motorcycle rider transporting property suspected to belong to Escom and the suspect managed to escape.

“The officers intercepted the rider who abandoned the motorcycle with Escom wire on it. They then reported the issue to Mchengautuba Police Unit where detectives through intelligence collection managed to arrest the rider,” said Chipyola.

Shen added that later, police arrested four other suspects at Sonda after they were suspected of melting stolen Escom wire to make aluminum pots.

“The suspects are currently in police custody for further investigation and had their property confiscated,” Chipyola said.

She said the suspects are, Manson Simbeye 30 of Namapanje Village, Raymond Simbeye 35 of Bulamawe Village both from Traditional Authority (TA) Wenya Chitipa District.

“The others are Shadreck Sambo 20 from Mwaphoka Village under TA Kabunduli in Nkhata Bay District, Patrick Mpepu 29 of Maholya Village and Emmanuel Bamusi 42 of Mukumpha Village both under TA Nkhumba in Phalombe District,” said Chipyola

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, 23 April, Mana:  Minister of Gender, Community development and social welfare, Jean Sendeza has called on Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) beneficiaries in Mwanza to buy maize to be in line with government's objective of addressing food insecurity among households that have no food in the district

The minister made the call at the launch of Vertical Expansion Lean Season Response and Horizontal Expansion Lean Season Response under SCTP at Mofati Village in the area of Inkosi Kanduku Maseko in Mwanza on Tuesday.

“This cash is not meant for beers or polygamy but to buy maize so that households should have some food and even multiply the money through some investments,” said Sendeza.

Among 8,443 households that are expected to benefit from the initiative, 1,858 are already on the SCTP and will receive K200, 000 cash with some top ups covering a period of four months under Vertical Expansion Lean Season Response.

The rest will receive K200, 000 for the same period under Horizontal Expansion Lean Season Response that is targeting non-members of SCTP who also received maize from Department of Disaster Management Affairs.

European Union (EU) Ambassador to Malawi, Rune Skinnebach commended the cordial relationship which exists between Malawi and EU on social protection and other development initiatives in the country.

“EU is committed to ensuring that Malawians are alleviated from poverty through our partnership,” said Skinnebach.

A SCTP beneficiary, Janet Sitiyanjana 46, from Tchereni Village at Inkosi Kanduku Maseko area hailed government for the intervention, saying this will improve her household food situation.

“I went to tailoring school using the money I received last time in order to sustain and expand source of income. This helped me to send my children to school,” said Sitiyanjana, a mother four children.

Member of Parliament for Mwanza Central Nicholas Dausi commended government for launching the initiative in the district saying this was a commitment to address hunger situation in the district.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, April 24, MANA: Chief Justice, Rizine Mzikamanda SC has said the newly launched E-court system will help to resolve disputes conveniently, efficiently as well as timely in course of delivering justice in the country.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Wednesday in Lilongwe after the launch, Mzikamanda said E-court system is a giant step in the administration of justice saying marginalized communities will be able to access justice without geographical challenges.

He said, 85 percent of people in the country live in rural areas where access of justice is minimal hence development of E-court system will help in achieving equitable justice.

"E-court system which has been launched today is important because it will help in administration of justice in the country. E-court system will bring justice closer and takes justice to the people. People will not be required to travel long distances to access justice. E-court system will also help to reduce delays of justice," He added.

Mzikamanda further urged users of E-court system to embrace good utilization of the technology in order to achieve its intended purpose.

"I have encouraged the users not to turn the system into a white elephant. With technical support they have received, am hoping that there will be minimal challenges in terms of usage of the system," He added.

UNDP Resident Representative, Fenella Frost said the system will not only help the government in saving money through court proceedings but also help people living in rural areas to access justice timely.

Frost further said the first phase of E-court system has covered 20 sites ranging from courts, police stations and prisons.

"The great advantage of E-court system is that it brings justice closer to the population. Many Malawians in rural areas travel long distances to access justice so this system will help to reduce travel costs. This is a pilot phase and the sites covered ranges from local courts, prison and police," She said.

In his remarks, Commissioner General of Malawi Prison Service, Masauko Ng'ombeyagwada Wiskot said E-court system has come at a time when Malawi prisons are struggling with the problem of congestion.

Wiskot added that currently there are 16,200 prisoners in the country which is higher number compared to 8,000 inmates which are supposed to be accommodated in Malawi's prisons.

"As you might be aware that Malawi Prison Service is facing a number of challenges and one of them is overcrowding. We look at E-court system as a way of reducing congestion because prisoners will be able to access justice while in prison. Suspects or prisoners who have appealed for their conviction needs transport to be escorted to courts so this system will help to reduce travel costs," He said.

E-court initiative is a digital platform which has been designed to link up prison and police stations with the courts, with an aim to provide access of justice to vulnerable groups in far reaching communities.

By Gift Chiponde

Lilongwe, April 25, MANA: Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu has said the opening of the Malawi Embassy in Tel Aviv and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Temporary Employment Workers in the Agriculture Sector is a clear indication of government's commitment to strengthening relations with the state of Israel.

Kunkuyu made the remarks in Lilongwe, Wednesday, during a press briefing on the recent trip made by the Malawi delegation to Israel.

The Minister indicated that the delegation had an opportunity of opening a new Embassy in Tel Aviv which he said is a remarkable achievement in cementing diplomatic ties with the government of Israel.

He also said the delegation managed to sign the MoU with the state of Israel for Temporary Employment Workers in the Agriculture Sector which will see 3,000 workers benefiting from the initiative.

Among other engagements, Kunkuyu said the leader of the delegation, Nancy Tembo met Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, to discuss various bilateral topics, and they also had an opportunity to meet with Malawian workers who are currently working on Farms in Israel where they expressed satisfaction with the initiative, he said.


In addition, The Minister said the Malawi delegation also had meetings with the Israel Builders Association, where the association promised to come to Malawi to make formal recruitment of workers in the construction industry with an estimated 80,000 workers to benefit from the initiative.


Kunkuyu further disclosed that the delegation also met airline owners in Israel to ensure that those who will be recruited will have access to cheap air tickets and transportation. Emphasizing that the Ministry of Labour will be leading in the recruitment process with the agreement.

In her remarks, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nancy Tembo said government of the state of Israel has vast opportunities that Malawi is expecting to benefit from in various sectors which need Malawians who are serious and willing to work in Israel according to the agreement signed.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024 14:01

Three in cooler for robbery in Phalombe

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, April 25, Mana: Police in Phalombe are keeping in custody three men for allegedly committing robbery with violence after being on the run since 2022.

Phalombe Police Station, Public Relations Officer,  Jimmy Kapanja said the three suspects were arrested on April 23, 2024, during a Ndakuona operation through intelligence driven investigations led by team of detectives.

He added that the suspects are Lloyd Godfrey Maluwa, 23, from Natchaya Village, Traditional Authority Nyezerera, Zondiwa Mwesera Axis, 26, from Tchasi Village also from Traditional Authority Nyezerera and Frank Muthena, 28, from Lipa Village Traditional Authority Kaduya all from Phalombe district.

“The trio are connected to the case of robbery which occurred during the night of December 10, 2022 at Nyezerera Trading Centre where the businessperson Prescott Kampake was attacked and robbed of cash amounting to K585, 000. HP laptop, laptop bags and Bluetooth speaker. All valued at K 2,624, 500 and the criminals have been at large since 2022."

The police said the three suspects will appear in court soon to answer charges of robbery.

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, April 24, Mana: Youths in Phalombe have commended Phalombe District Council for constructing Mpasa Youth Resource Centre which expects to provide essential youth friendly services for youth development.

One of the interim committee members at the resource Centre, Gift Moyenda told Malawi News Agency on Tuesday that the Centre will be a one stop Centre, for most youth activities and expressed hope that the Centre will facilitate youth participation at district level.

“As a district, this is our first ever youth resource Centre and we are optimistic that youth participation in skills development will increase and contribute to district development. Youths will learn a lot of things and will become entrepreneurial to employ others,” he said.

He added that accessibility to health youth friendly services would also increase as some youths shun away from these  services at health facilities for fear of been seen by  parents or relatives when seeking services.

Moyenda further said the youth resource Centre will offer various sporting activities and expressed hope that this will make the youth physically fit.

District Youth Officer, Halson Bulangeti said the youth resource Centre will make a significant difference in the lives of young people as it expects to provide access to essential information and services.

He added that the Mpasa Resource Centre will also provide space for youth networking and will become a hub for innovation and skill development for youths in and outside Phalombe.

Mpasa Ward Councilor, Benard Komwa said he advocated for the construction of the youth resource Centre to ensure that youths at Mpasa and surrounding areas have the opportunity to learn various vocational skills and be economically self-reliant on top of becoming relevant for job opportunities

“The hall which is part of the resource Centre will be hired to communities and the council for meetings and other activities for income generation,” he added.

Phalombe District Council spent K60 million to construct and procure equipment for the youth resource centers using Government to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) funds and is expected to start its operation soon.