

Saturday, 25 May 2024 13:55

Use Science to drive policy decisions

By Leonard Masauli

Lilongwe, May 24, Mana: Government has been advised to using complex science to inform decisions and policies at all governance levels in the country.

The remarks have on the sidelines of a meeting at Capital Hotel in Lilongwe on Friday, aimed to build capacity to understand and use complex science in decision making in the country.

Speaking during the meeting, Head of Policy Unit at Malawi Wellcome Liverpool Programme, Dr Rhona Mijumbi said there are huge gaps in the utilization of science in decision making and policies because of low understanding of science research and hence making decisions which have benefitted from science without the science.

“We feel there are significant challenges when decision makers are interacting with complex science in the country, and they affect some decisions that would have been made and the interaction today will help to improve on certain decisions.

“For instance, if the government can identify within its cadres, people who can be trained and communicate using science and be able to support policy makers, teachers, chiefs among others, can help bring a difference in the way decisions are made and add value as we move towards agenda 2063,” she said.

Mijumbi said science is done not only to benefit researchers but to improve people’s health and their well-being, so that it helps to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

Deputy British High Commissioner and Development Director in Malawi, Olympia Wereko-Brobby said COVID-19 showed the importance of taking complex information and translating it to policymakers in a way that people could understand and hence the importance to use science in decision making.

“So, I think it's incredibly exciting. Malawi has a very strong, rich culture of research that we do more to work together with academics, policymakers and development partners to translate that into evidence-based policymaking.

“You will see more and more scientists going abroad and making names for themselves, but then also, more importantly, coming back here and making sure that their contribution to Malawi and its own development is noted,” she said.

A Medical Doctor in the Ministry of Health, Dr Collins Mitambo said there was huge gap between the researchers and the policy makers and hence what researchers produce mot of the times do not reach the policy makers.

“At times, policy makers look for research evidence for policy directions but they are very difficult to find. This is why through World Health Organization (WHO), we established a platform for interaction between a policy maker and a researcher so that policy makers can easily reach out for information they need from researchers,” he said.

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Nkhata Bay, May 25, Mana: Chairperson for Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory Cooperations and State Enterprises, Binton Kumtsaira, said the committee was impressed with progress of the Malawi Rural Electrification Programme 9 (MAREP-9) works.

He was speaking Friday after the Committee's visit at MAREP warehouse in Mzuzu and Chigwere Trading Centre in the area of Senior Traditional Authority Nyaluwanga in Nkhata Bay.

"What the committee has observed complements sentiments made by the Minister of Energy in Parliament indicating that the programme is at advanced stage. The committee has acquired evidence based information on what is on ground,” Kumtsaira said.

He urged continued cooperation between community members and the contractor for smooth implementation of the project at Chigwere.

Director of Electricity in the Ministry of Energy, Million Mafuta said that they expect to complete the programme in all 438 sites across the country by August, 2024.

"So far, we have done almost 35 percent of the work after having resolved challenges that delayed the implementation such as shortage of materials due to shortage of forex," he disclosed.

Senior Traditional Authority Nyaluwanga hailed government for the programme saying it was a sign of its commitment and determination in developing rural areas.

He said among others, people in the area would be accorded with diverse economic opportunities by opening up businesses that rely on electricity once the programme is completed.

"Dairy farmers will be processing and preserving milk for long, hence promoting dairy industry in the area. They currently sell the milk at giveaway price to avoid it from being wasted,” Nyaluwanga added.

He pointed out that health facility in the area and some schools would be connected with electricity thereby to leading improved service delivery in the health and education sectors in the area.

Malawi Rural Electrification Programme (MAREP) is a government programme which is being implemented by Ministry of Energy with the goal of increasing access to electricity in rural and peri-urban areas to transform rural economies and reduce poverty.

By Memory Chatonda

Blantyre, May 25, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) plans to construct state-of-the-art computer laboratories in 75 schools across the country to bridge the digital gap, as 6 million learners from government schools have no access to internet services.

MACRA’s Economic Regulations Manager, Linda Kambale said this on Friday during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Connect a School (CAS) project through the Universal Service Fund, at Zingwangwa Secondary School in Blantyre.

She said each laboratory would have a capacity of holding up to 60 computers.

Kambale said in the first phase, each laboratory would be provided with 20 computers and each school will be connected to the internet for three years.

"Previously, we have had ICT initiatives targeting rural masses, but these faced several shortcomings hence the adoption of this laboratory concept.

"In the first phase of this project, MACRA is constructing these laboratories in 75 schools, including 73 community day secondary schools, one national government secondary school, and one pilot primary school," she said.

According to Kambale, the project aligns perfectly with government's vision of providing students with the essential tools and skills needed to thrive in the digital era.

" This initiative does not only bridge the digital divide but fosters an inclusive and forward-thinking educational environment, thereby laying a robust foundation for Malawi's socio-economic growth and ensuring that no child is left behind in the digital era," she added.

Principal for Zingwangwa Secondary School, Steven Kungala expressed gratitude to MACRA for the timely and generous of the computer laboratory yet to be constructed at the school.

"The construction of this computer lab will enable our school to upgrade our makeshift computer lab thereby allowing students to have greater access to modern tools, resources, and opportunities that are essential in today's digital age," he said.

A representative of the students, Dudufye Chigombwa said she anticipates to use the internet to access information relevant to her studies and also explore various opportunities for career development.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Blantyre City South, Noel Lipipa hailed MACRA for the project saying he was excited to see the impact that the project would make to the school and communities at large.

He called for concerted efforts among the school authorities, communities, and students to properly manage the computer lab to ensure that it serves its intended purpose.

CAS project, the first of its kind in the country, will bring to life the National ICT Policy and align with the Malawi 2063, which is youth-centric and puts digitalization at the heart of the nation's transformation.

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 24, Mana: Minister of local government, unity and culture, Richard Chimwendo Banda has said efforts government is putting in place to develop the education sector will be rendered unfruitful if students are not dedicated in their studies.

He made remarks on Friday at Mvera Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) when he presided over the ground breaking ceremony of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) lab being constructed at the school by the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA).

Making a heartfelt appeal, Chimwendo Banda said government is striving to provide quality education, with one of the efforts being the provision of the smart labs, but these can only bear fruit if students work hard.

"There are many stumbling blocks you may face like poverty, but poverty must not be an excuse. There is peer pressure, laziness, which may affect your studies. But you should know who you are and what you want to be, because where there is a will there is a way.

"We are all here for you and we are doing a lot like providing bursaries, infrastructure and teachers amongst other things to aid your studies. You can have all these, but if you do not work hard and have self-esteem, you cannot realize your dreams and all these efforts will go in vain," he said.

Chimwendo Banda added that this is a testimony that government is thinking of digitalization at another level.

"We hope our students will do well through research, learning new things, and developing their skills. And by also providing free internet to the community (at a 100 meters’ radius) will propel development," he said.

The minister then said this is another huge milestone for Mvera as it adds on the development of Mvera as an innovative city.

He said the project which seeks to construct 75 labs, 73 in CDSS's, one in a national secondary and another in a primary school, is also an achievement towards the creation of 1 million jobs for Malawians.

Director of Human Resources and Administration at MACRA Mary Botomani said there is a severe digital divide between rural and urban setups.

She said over 6,000 learners in both public primary and secondary schools do not have access to the internet, observing this is alarming.

"That is why we decided to come up with this intervention which at least seeks to bridge that gap. Apart from that it will also equip our young ones with digital skills they need to strive in this 21st century.

"All in all this complements governments agenda of transforming Malawi into a digitalized nation, and empowering the youth technologically as pillars for national development," she said.

She then asked the contractor to deliver a topnotch structure.

This is the third CDSS to benefit from MACRA`s construction the labs in Dowa after Mponela and Kabwinja.

The labs are being constructed under MACRA's Universal Service Fund.

By: Andrew Mkonda

Lilongwe, May 24, Mana: Central East African Railways Company Limited (CEAR) says it will resume its railway operations within and outside Lilongwe soon.

In a letter addressed to Lilongwe district council notifying them about the development, the company has since requested the council to remove and relocate all the people who were doing their businesses within the railway reserve through Balang’ombe, Mweziwawala, and Nyanja railway links.

“Rehabilitation of the railway network from Nkaya to Kanengo which passes through Lilongwe is already underway and is near completion.

“During these works, heavy machinery will be moving back and forth through the railway link, eventually train operation will resume, hence the request,” reads part of the letter.

Reacting to the request, Lilongwe District Commissioner Dr. Lawford Palani said this is a welcome development as the railway transport will ease transportation and businesses will boom, hence contributing to the growth of the economy of the district and the country at large.

“As you may be aware that railway train carries a lot of goods and at the same time we will be connected to other districts like Salima, Mchinji and Southern-region up to Chipata in Zambia.

“Our district is agricultural and is the hub of our country, so the people will have easy access to get into the district and other parts where the railway will be connected,” he said.

Palani then assured CEAR that the council will soon engage all the business committees who are plying their businesses along the railway line, so that they give way to the development of a railway operation.

“I know the people took advantage because the railway line was not functional, but now they will have no excuse but follow proper procedures,” he said.

Government is advocating for railway transport saying a better rail network will help the country to reduce transport costs, lower commodity prices, and increase profits for agricultural produce.

Friday, 24 May 2024 17:30

MRCS launches flag week in Blantyre

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, May 24, Mana: Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) on Friday launched flag week at division level in Blantyre aimed at embarking on fundraising activities by its volunteers in different areas in the district.

MRCS Blantyre Division’ Chairperson, Engineer, Geoffrey Francis Magwede said MRCS volunteers will be moving in various places like schools, markets and churches to fundraise a target of K10 million funds

Magwede disclosed that during the flag week Blantyre Division target to raise K10 million and at national level the MRCS expects to raise K160 million.

President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera launched the flag week at national level in Lilongwe under the theme; ‘Keeping Humanity Alive.’

Blantyre District Commissioner, Alex Mdooko commended the MRCS for providing humanitarian assistance in the district in various ways in time of disasters as was the case during Tropical Cyclone Freddy, saying the MRCS was the first to arrive on the scene for the response.

“When the district was affected by the Tropical Cyclone Freddy, MRCS was the first organization that came to our rescue,” he said.

The District Commissioner therefore encouraged people in Blantyre to support the MRCS during the flag week

By Tracy Mtegha

Mzuzu, May 24, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is constructing a computer laboratory at Elangeni Community Day Secondary School at Elangeni in Mzimba District to provide students access to digital resources.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) manager for MACRA, Gabriel Alli said the initiative is also aimed at providing students and surrounding community members with access to modern technology.

The computer laboratory which is set to be equipped with computers and WI-FI Internet and other ICT equipment is expected to serve as a hub for learning, research and innovation within the community.

“Once the construction is done, the school will be provided with 60 computers which will be given in three phases. This initiative is going to benefit students here and surrounding community members as they will have access to free internet for a while,” said Alli.

Councilor for Kafukule Ward, Penjani Chirwa asked for stakeholder collaboration in monitoring the construction project to ensure there is good workmanship and encourage transparency and accountability.

In his remarks, head teacher for the CDSS, Frances Mzumala bemoaned shortage of teaching and learning materials at the school and expressed hope that the situation will improve with the computer laboratory as some of such materials will be accessed digitally.

MACRA, with support from Universal Access Fund, is set to construct 75 computer laboratories in schools across the country.

Friday, 24 May 2024 17:19

Group donates trollies to Kasungu DHO

Richard Kagunda

Kasungu, May 24, Mana: United Kingdom based Malawians under the group Friends of Kasungu on Thursday donated trollies to Kasungu District Health Hospital in a gesture meant to ease mobility of patients and transporting dead bodies at the facility.

The group’s representative in Malawi, Martin Chirwa said the donation is a response to the hospital’s dire need for mobility assets which include trollies and wheelchairs.

“We have it on record that the facility is lacking wheelchairs and trollies, a situation that makes it difficult to move patients from one point to another hence our coming to respond to the need.

“We also understand that there are several other challenges that the facility is facing and we will always come in within our means to reduce the need gap,” Chirwa said.   

Receiving the four trollies worth K1.25 million, Clinical Officer at the hospital, Edwin Jumbo thanked the group for what he said was timely support for the district’s referral facility.

 “There are many challenges which we can talk about, one being mobility of patients, for example, to and from the theatre. So we are thankful to Friends of Kasungu – UK Chapter for the trollies which will make us easily move our patients around the hospital whenever necessary," he said

Jumbo also called on well-wishers to support the hospital in other areas of need with items such as beds and wheelchairs.

Founded in 2019 to help in mobilising aid for quality service delivery back home, Friends of Kasungu – UK Chapter has previously donated various items like beds, mattresses and personal protective equipment to the hospital which serves a population of about a million people.

By Sarah Munthali


Lilongwe, May 24, MANA: Governments and stakeholder organisations have been asked to prioritise health of poverty-stricken communities in Africa who are grappling with effects of climate change.


Speaking during a virtual press briefing ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA 77) scheduled for 27th May to 1st June, 2024, Amref Health Africa’s Group Chief Executive Officer Dr Githinji Gitahi said floods and drought have affected communities in Africa including Malawi.


Gitahi said there is need to empower affected communities to be at the centre of any health interventions by countries and organisations to maintain a healthy population.


“We need to localise health strategies when dealing with issues like reducing maternal and neonatal diseases, malaria, HIV and cholera,” he said.


He further said affected youths fail to access sexual reproductive health (SRH) services within their reach.

“The world must start addressing the Africa health agenda because people in Africa are the most vulnerable, especially poor countries as only 46 percent of the people have access to health services as defined by the Universal Health coverage.


“During discussions at WHA and other global health summits and including the G20 summit, there is need to address this,” he said.


Meanwhile, Gitahi said, Amref Health Africa is supporting Malawi with financial aid to purchase medical and health supplies for communities among other interventions.


World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti noted that there are improvements in health service access in some countries.


She said there is need to train health care workers at different levels and ensure health supplies are delivered to communities to guarantee health care access for all.


 “The World Health Assembly will discuss progress and challenges towards the UHA [Universal Health Access] coverage. 


“There is more to do; but I am encouraged that there is progress in Africa. Some countries have implemented a health insurance so that households do not have to pay direct out of pocket,” she said.


Recently, Minister of Health Khumbidze Kandodo Chiponda said Malawi Government is committed to provide a conducive environment for stakeholders to ensure Malawi addresses challenges affecting efficient health service delivery.


She hailed Amref Health Africa and other development partners for collaborating with Ministry of Health in addressing key challenges in the four priorities of service delivery, namely, human resource for health, health financing, and social determinants of health.


“The organisation is supporting us in infrastructural development. They are also helping us improve our human resource through their scholarships to 15 girls. This initiative will contribute to increasing the number of nurses and midwives in Malawi.


“This is a vital step towards reducing the health worker-patient ratio in line with the WHO standards,” Kandodo said.


Key moments and outcomes expected during the Health Assembly include the approval of WHO’s 2025–2028 strategy to address health-related implications of climate change, ageing, migration, and advances in science and technology.


The Health Assembly will feature high-level participation from political leaders and ambassadors, and representatives from civil society and non-State actors, underscoring the global commitment to advancing the public health agenda.

By Edson Levison

Mzimba, May 24, Mana. Women in Mzimba have commended Global Health Corps and International Training and Education Centre for Health (I-Tech) for carrying out cervical cancer screening services in Mzimba.

According to Wezi Zimba of Jenda, the initiative will enhance increased awareness on cervical cancer amongst stakeholders including women in the district.

“This initiative will save many lives of women and girls as they will be empowered to seek medical assistance when diagnosed with cancer,” said Zimba.  

She encouraged women and girls in the district and the country as whole to be going for cervical cancer screening for them to know their status.

“This initiative should motivate us to talk about the disease with fellow women and dispel any misconceptions which can counteract the aim of the initiative, “she said.

Another woman, Letina Phiri of the same area said any delay in seeking medical treatment for those found positive makes it hard for doctors to treat the disease if diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Community nurse for Jenda Health Centre, Felistus Lungu commended women in the area for patronizing the facility for cervical cancer screening services.

Lungu also urged women and girls who are HIV positive to undergo cervical cancer screening once annually and those who are negative should go for the service once after every three years.

Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor for I-Tech who is also an alumnus for Global Health Corps, Mafayo Phiri, said it is unfortunate that most women across the country shun cancer screening.

“We need to increase awareness interventions on screening as well as addressing the information gap,

Phiri said the organization will soon be rolling out cervical cancer screening in various health facilities in the district.

Almost 3,245 women in 2023 went for cancer screening services in the district.