Catholic men urged to be their brother's keeper
By Arnold Namanja
Blantyre, February 2, Mana: Parish Priest for Saints Peter and Paul (Chilobwe) Parish in the Catholic Archdiocese of Blantyre, Fr. Simon Moffat, has urged members of the Catholic Men Association (CMA) to take interest in the welfare of their fellow members as one way of proclaiming the word of God.
Speaking over the weekend during mass for CMA members at the Parish, Fr. Moffat said men needed to be interested in the welfare of others through their deeds, words and providing counsel so that all mankind could receive salvation.
Reflecting on the biblical story of Abel and Cain in Genesis 4:1-6 and Luke 5:17-28 where Jesus healed a man from paralysis, the priest said the CMA should also consider the two parables as a guiding principle in life.
He said just like the sick person who was brought before Christ on a stretcher through the roof of the house, CMA should also draw inspiration by supporting others to reach to Christ for their spiritual needs.
Moffat said Jesus Christ has the power to help people in all of their troubles, adding, "From the scriptures today, we learn that Jesus forgives us our sins, we need to help people come closer to God and we also need to support others orally and spiritually.
"Sometimes, our own conduct is a deterrent to others to come closer to God. Today, we need to ponder on our life and see if we indeed help people come nearer to God."
Catechist for Chilobwe Parish, Patrick Magombo, observed that the CMA was one of the groups that needed a lot of attention, saying it had lagged behind other associations in the church.
He therefore commended Fr. Moffat for bringing innovative ideas meant to revive the association, expressing optimism that the CMA would thrive for the betterment of the church.
He, therefore, encouraged Catholic men to participate in all church activities from diocese, deanery to ward (mphakati) level to make meaningful impact to the values and ideals of the Catholic teaching.
Chairperson for Chilobwe Parish CMA, Abesious Chinthaka, thanked the pastoral team at the parish for considering the mass for CMA and asked that the event should be held regularly.
Chinthaka, however, encouraged Catholic men to cultivate a spirit of unity in order to contribute to the church's growth.
He also asked CMA members to take part in various activities of the church.
“I would like to invite all men to this year's St. Joseph the Worker Day which falls on May 1, which is also a public holiday in Malawi. It is important for us to patronize this event because Joseph is the Patron Saint for CMA," Chinthaka added.
After the mass, the CMA members went into breakaway sessions which were meant to develop some strategies, vision and objectives as guidelines for driving the CMA through the next three years.
Domasi college welcomes state-of-the-art infrastructure
By Thom Ali
Lilongwe, February 2, Mana: Modern infrastructure at Domasi College of Education has brought excitement among students and staff at the institution, which has worn a new face of state of the art infrastructures initiated by the Malawi Government with support from the Government of Japan.
The modern structures – under the project initiated by Malawi Government with support from Government of Japan – consist of a library, computer laboratory, lecture theatre, lecture rooms, hostels, staff offices, science and chemistry labs, among others.
Speaking to Malawi News Agency, the college’s deputy principal Gilbert Phiri said the initiative will among others help improve the college’s teaching standards.
"With this initiative, some challenges have been addressed at the institution. Shortage of classrooms and hostels and other facilities are no longer an issue,” Phiri said.
He further commended the governments of Malawi and Japan for the project, noting that the initiative will help to increase access to quality education in the country.
Registrar for the college, Adriano Guwera, emphasized that the project has been beneficial, as it has helped to increase office space, bed spaces for students, learning space, enhanced learning of science and ultimately helped to increase the enrolment.
Guwera further indicated that the institution also received a Special Needs Education Room with full equipment.
A final year student at the college, Bright Maunde, expressed gratitude for the modern infrastructure at the institution, saying it has helped to provide learning materials, such as science and biology labs which will improve students’ performances.
Domasi College of Education offers undergraduate courses with the aim of training teachers in the country.
Inadequate funding affecting ECD activities in Zomba
By Emily M'mangisa
Zomba, February 2, Mana: Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Affairs visited Tigwirizane and Namiwawa Community Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) in Zomba where it discovered non-effectiveness of early childhood development (ECD) due to low funding and poor infrastructure.
Speaking when the committee visited the two facilities at Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba recently, chairperson of the committee, Savel Kafwafwa, observed that the ECD sector was underfunded to sustain most of the CBCCs operations.
He said adequate funds should be allocated to activities in the ECD sector to ensure effectiveness, adding that there was need for a national budget that should address ECD needs.
“Zomba receives K500,000 per month to manage ECDs, against 4,000 caregivers in the 943 CBCCs,” added Kafwafwa.
He however said the problem is not only common in Zomba but the entire country, hence the need to advocate for increased funding to ECD programmes.
Zomba District Commissioner Reignhard Chavula said the district faced many challenges in the ECD sector but could be addressed by adequate funding.
“Some issues can be handled at council level; we can set aside some resources but still we need the legislatures to lobby for more funding,” she added.
ECD Coordinator in Zomba, Jane Majawa, said lack of motivation to caregivers was another major setback in achieving best results in the ECD sector, adding that most caregivers opt to go for income rewarding undertakings other than remain volunteers in CBCCs.
She also cited lack of infrastructure and limited recreational equipment as some challenges that affect the ECD in most CBCCs in Zomba.
“In our case, a care centre is housed in a church with compromising sanitation facilities on top of no feeding programme,” Majawa added.
Zomba District Council has plans to introduce many CBCCs to prepare children for primary education to ensure effective education system.
SDA Blantyre/Chiradzulu Zone choir to launch first CD album
By Alex Mlanga
Blantyre, February 2, Mana: Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Blantyre/Chiradzulu Zone choir will launch its debut album, ‘Muyamikeni Yehova’, on February 9, 2025 at Kanjedza SDA Church in Blantyre.
Zonal choir director for the all-female vocal choir, Eglyn Mulinde Misikani, said the eight-song album was recorded in April 2024, adding that songs in the new album were well composed and very well arranged to aspire and revive the soul.
“Songs in the album ‘Muyamikeni Yehova’ were masterly composed to glorify God because of greater things God did to our choir.
“One popular song in the album is about Jesus’ second coming and the consequences of sinful behaviour. Most of the songs in the album are well known in our zone and the majority love them,” said Misikani.
Other songs in the album include Mtima Khalachete, Ndilimwana Wakeyo, Ndili mu Mtendere ndi Yesu and Chokani.
Cavalry Nice Group, Upcoming Kids from Maranatha and Male Voices from Kasupe will perform at the ‘Muyamikeni Yehova’ album launch, while other prominent groups are yet to confirm their participation.
Philanthropist Triephornia Mpinganjira and Mulanje legislator Kondwani Nankhumwa are among the many Adventist sisters and brothers expected to come to the launch, according to the choir director.
“This is a must-attend event. The songs are for everyone and we can’t wait to share the songs with gospel music lovers,” she added.
Machinga to plant 1 million plus trees
By Charlie Ligomeka
Machinga, February 2, Mana: Machinga District Council has launched the 2024-2025 Forestry Season to plant over one million trees to ensure vegetative cover in places that require trees to address land degradation and other environmental related problems.
Machinga District Commissioner Rodrick Mateauma launched the district level forestry season at Mdikila Primary School in Traditional Authority (T/A) Nkula’s area on Wednesday under the theme: ‘Restore forest and land to secure food production’.
Machinga District Forestry Officer Henry Kagulo said the district had already planted 500,000 trees and was committed to reach the one million target with participation of various sectors and community members.
He expressed hope that community members will be enthusiastic to plant many trees, saying the target was possible to achieve.
“With the Climate Smart-Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP), we're confident of exceeding our target to plant up to two million trees,” Kagulo added.
Under CS-EPWP, communities are encouraged to adopt environmental-friendly practices, such as tree planting to address land degradation that affects their livelihoods.
A standard seven learners at the school, Harriet Fredson, pledged to plant more trees at home and further encourage fellow learners to do the same in this forest season, running from 15 December 2024 to 15 April 2025.
T/A Nkula hailed the launch, saying it has set the pace for his subjects to plant and care for trees in their homes and all places that deserve forest cover.
Machinga planted 1,168,816 trees in the 2023/2025 Forestry Season with a survival rate of 67%, following a prolonged dry spell in the last forestry season.
Veep urges Zomba SDA Central Church congregants to proclaim gospel of hope
By Emily M'mangisa
Zomba, February 1, Mana: Vice President Dr. Michael Usi has urged Zomba Central Seventh Day Adventist Church members to become beacons of hope by spreading the gospel as the church launched 2025 Evangelism Year meant to reach out to many souls that need spiritual healing, hope and salvation.
Usi who also attended Sabbath prayers at the church, urged the members to be beacons of hope for the future.
“As Christians, we should lead the way in spreading the gospel, despite facing challenges. We must also pray for our country, recognizing that even in government, the devil is present,” he added.
The Vice President further said Christians should not let jealous take charge of their spiritual their life.
Preacher for the day, Dr. Ernest Kaonga, called on evangelists to prove they are instruments of the church in preaching the word to the nation, saying launch of the 2025 Evangelism should be a renewed mission to reach out to lost and wounded souls.
He further urged evangelists that they should be bold enough to go out to proclaim the gospel of hope as Malawi needs God to take charge in everything for the betterment of citizens.
Kaonga called on Malawians to open up to allow God be in charge of their undertakings.
“Let's amend our ways if we want to see change and let God take charge in everything because He is the only one who has answers to our challenges. He is the one responsible to change our current status as a nation,” Kaonga said in his sermon.
Taking his turn, President of Eastern Malawi Conference, Dr. Sanned Lubani, said launch of 2025 Evangelism Year was also meant to mobilize resources to make evangelism in 2025 fruitful and impactful.
He therefore commended Vice President’s presence at the launch saying this was a motivating factor to the mission to evangelize
Government committed to ensure fair treatment for all workers
By Pempho Kantayeni
Lilongwe, January 31, Mana: Minister of Labor, Vitumbiko Mumba has said that his ministry has the mandate to enforce labour laws and protect both employees and employers for better working conditions and environment.
Speaking during the Boma Likutinji press briefing Friday, in Lilongwe, Mumba said the ministry acknowledges various challenges employees face in work places across the country and expressed his concern that a lot of labours do not know their rights.
He said the ministry of labour intends to create awareness campaigns where many employees will to be educated of their rights as employee’s so that they should not be taken for granted.
“1 May will not just be a mere labours day celebration but will be the launch of workers’ rights awareness campaign, so will work with Malawi Congress Trade Union (MCTU), Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM), other unions and stake holders to raise awareness on employee workers’ rights” he Said.
Mumba further said his office is working on reviewing some labour laws as he has noticed with great concern that there are gaps in some of the labour laws and regulations and there is need to address the matter to improve the welfare of the people of Malawi.
“The main aim is to ensure that labour laws are effectively implemented, fairly protected, and that workers rights are upheld,” he said.
He also emphasised that a nations strength is built on the dignity of its labourers therefore it is important of uplift the livelihood of labourers as it helps uplift the economy and secure a better future.
Minister hails MERP
By Emily M'mangisa
Zomba, January 31, Mana: Minister of Basic Education Madalitso Kumbauwa Wirima hailed the Malawi Education Reform Programme (MERP) for decongesting learners through the construction of school blocks across Malawi.
Speaking in Zomba this week when she visited Matiya Primary School in Zomba City, the minister observed that the newly constructed school block under MERP provided a conducive learning environment for learners.
He said the Ministry of Education was pleased with the construction of blocks in many primary schools in the country, which has reduced overcrowding in classes.
“There have been a lot of challenges in the sector mainly in basic education where most primary schools lack school blocks, desks, and WASH facilities. I am just very happy that MERP is coming as an intervention,” the minister added, saying better quality education is key to sustainable human development.
Chief Executive Officer for Zomba City Council, Archangel Bakolo expressed gratitude with construction of classroom blocks under MERP.
“MERP has dressed our educational nakedness in the city. Through the project, we have seen construction of school blocks in highly populated schools in Zomba City,” he said.
Head teacher, Nellie Mkwaso said the school block constructed under MERP was a facelift at Matiya.
“I am happy that Matiya has a new face with the construction of the new school block. We had few classrooms, but all is history because the new block has brought good learning environment,” added Mkwaso.
Group Village Head Chikanda also hailed MERP saying the new school block will contribute to quality education for children in the area.
14-year-old girl Chikondi Benson, a standard 7 learner thanked Ministry of Education for identifying Matiya School as a beneficiary of the school block construction project, saying the new block was a motivating factor for girl child education.
Currently, the school has an enrollment of 1,783 learners, 862 boys and 921 girls.
Matiya School at Chikanda Township is among the six primary schools in Zomba Urban that have benefited from MERP.
Man arrested for duping Magistrate in fake Facebook estate agency deal
By Aliko Munde
Chitipa, February 1, Mana: Government has directed that one National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) staff be housed at Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) for smooth implementation of the Farm Input Loan Programme.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Benedicto Chambo made the directive on Friday in Chitipa District during the closing of the national launch of the programme.
Chambo said it is difficult for farmers to travel long distances to access NEEF products especially the Farm Input Loan Programme popularly known as Fertilizer loan.
“The Director of Agriculture for Chitipa should provide one room for NEEF staff at EPA office for smooth implementation of the programme,” Chambo said.
He then asked farmer beneficiaries to use the fertilizer for the intended purpose, advising that part of the fertilizer can also be used for winter cropping.
NEEF Chief Executive Officer, Humphrey Mdyetseni acknowledged the delay in the distribution of the fertilizer but said this year's distribution will start in September.
Senior Chief Mwabulambya thanked the Government for introducing the initiative which he said is unique and need to be promoted.
“The Farm Input Loan Programme is better than Agriculture Input Programme (AIP), we need to promote it because it is a unique programme,” he said.
Mercy Mughogho, Chairperson for Alinafe Namasasa Women Group in Senior Chief Mwabulambya, thanked National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF), for the programme which she said has come at the right time when rains have just started.
Mughogho said her group will grow maize on a 14 acres’ land and will use the 25 bags of fertilizer which the groups had received.
“We applied for the farm input loan because we have land with little resources. With the coming of this programme we have been assisted and we are going to use the fertilizer for the intended purpose. We want to contribute to ending hunger in the country and empower ourselves economically,” Mughogho said.
Minister commends Kasinthula Aquaculture staff, pledges more support
By Leah Malimbasa
Chikwawa, January 31, Mana: Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change, Dr. Owen Chomanika, has applauded staff at Kasinthula Aquaculture Centre for their dedication which he said is vital to Malawi’s goal of becoming a self-reliant and prosperous nation.
Chomanika was speaking on Friday during a familiarization tour at the centre in Chikwawa.
“I want to assure you that every contribution you are making, regardless of your position, is not taken for granted. You are playing a crucial role in the nation’s journey toward self-reliance and wealth creation,” he said.
He added that he noted the challenges that the centre was facing, particularly in funding and understaffing.
“We will look into possible solutions to support the centre’s operations,” said Chimanika.
Deputy Director of Fisheries in the Department of Fisheries, Brino Chirwa said Kasinthula Aquaculture Centre has about 300 hectares of land and if fully utilised, it can significantly contribute to Malawi 2063 agenda.
Chirwa further highlighted that the dream of having proper infrastructure for a fish mega farm can also boost the country’s economy.
“This centre was established in 1974 to demonstrate feasibility of commercial fish farming and currently aquaculture has a lot of potential, including the proximity of both local and urban markets,” said Chirwa.
Chirwa added that from the year 2024 till date, the centre produced over one million fingerlings.