Community expresses concern over South Rukulu Bridge construction delays

Community expresses concern over South Rukulu Bridge construction delays Featured

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, September 3, Mana: People living in Mbalachanda, Traditional Authority (T/A) Chindi in Mzimba have expressed concern over the lack of a bridge on the South Rukulu River, saying it creates mobility challenges when it rains.

Speaking in an interview, Group village head Ulela Kachali said lack of bridge on South Rukulu River has resulted in many problems for the communities.

‘‘For instance, we rely on Mbalachanda rural hospital but when they cannot treat us here we are referred to Euthini or Mzambazi hospitals. But to get to Euthini we have to cross over the South Rukulu River which becomes impassable during the rainy season. Some people have lost lives before due to delays to get them to the hospital in time’’, he said.

‘‘Some learners in community day schools have to cross over to Euthini which they fail to do during the rainy season resulting in absenteeism. We appeal authorities to act on our concerns. This bridge is so important to us’’, Kachali added.

A civil servant residing in the area also expressed concerns, saying when it rains South Rukulu River swells and it becomes risky for one to cross.

‘‘As civil servants, we lose training opportunities when they take place during the rainy season in Mzuzu and other areas. Even our salaries we go to Euthini to access banks. 

“Just to cross the other side and connect to Euthini and then to the rest of the areas we use improvised boats. It is risky. We cannot travel outside Mbalachanda it becomes almost impossible,’’ said the civil servant who refused to disclose his name.

Group village head Kachali said is fed up with delays in having the bridge completed by authorities adding they have resorted to local resource mobilization among villages.

‘‘We are asking each village head to mobilize money amounting to K15,000 from his subjects so that we can raise K6 million in total and construct a make-shift bridge across the river so we could lessen our mobility challenges.

“This is just a desperate measure to save the situation because it becomes dire during the rainy season and our livelihood is disturbed. Most essential services like banks and schools are at Euthini. When it rains and becomes difficult to cross, most people suffer,” said Kachali.

‘‘Even school-going children cannot cross over to a community day school in Euthini. Business people risk their lives travelling on risky improvised boats to cross. We wish the government did something to improve our situation in terms of completing the bridge which was abandoned’’, said group village headman Chikoma Botha.

Mbalachanda Village Development Committee (VDC) chairperson, Jimmy Nyirenda said having no bridge results in communities being cut off from the rest of the country hence the need for authorities to complete the bridge construction to lessen their mobility challenges.

M’mbelwa District Council Director of Public Works Allan Chitete in an interview admitted the sorry state of the bridge but referred the matter to Roads Authority.

‘‘The road that connects Euthini and Mbalachanda passes through South Rukulu River and there is indeed no bridge. That road and bridge is not under our jurisdiction as council but Roads Authority. We have written Roads Authority about the state of the road and the lack of bridge’’, said Chitete.

In an interview, Roads Authority spokesperson Portia Kajanga asked for more time to cross check facts about the matter.

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