

Wednesday, 10 April 2024 15:45

Sugar production to recommence in Salima

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, April 10, Mana: Salima Sugar Company Limited Tuesday revealed that it has recruited 2,500 seasonal workers to necessitate smooth operation when it commences production of sugar on April, 16,2024, after closing in November 2023.

The development was revealed at Salima Sugar Company premises during the official handover of a small-scale farm to Salima Sugar Company as an operator and the signing of a management agreement between the company and Lingadzi Cooperative in Salima district.

Greenbelt Authority Board Chairperson, Wester Kosamu said at the moment the company has been undergoing reformatory processes after termination of its contract with Aum Sugar Co. Ltd.

"We want this company to benefit Malawians unlike in the past, we are changing how business was run, to produce a commodity that will be available across the country and should be well known on the market," he said.

Kosamu said they have issued distributorship licenses to eligible business people to start distribution of the commodity soon after production commences.

He said in the past there was widespread concerns about availability of sugar produced in Salima on the market therefore they have taken strategic steps to ensure that once production commences the commodity would be available across the country.

"Distributorship contracts are a key strategy aimed at ensuring that the country has a sufficient supply of sugar and effectively addressing the ongoing sugar crisis," the Chairperson said.

He added: "We anticipate more than 200 small-scale sugarcane farmers under Lingadzi Cooperative to get more profits from their farming activities based on the fact that they will now have the opportunity to negotiate the sale prices of their sugarcane with the company."

Senior Chief Khombedza said prioritizing local communities would assist in bringing sanity in his area and instill a spirit of ownership in surrounding communities not to destroy the farm or encroach the land.

"There was growing tension between surrounding communities because they were not benefitting as anticipated from the company therefore they were becoming violent at times, the farmers lacked the chance to negotiate sugarcane prices as a result getting prices below their expectation," he disclosed.

Lingadzi Cooperative Chairperson, Yohane Msalira said members of the cooperative could now look forward to better negotiated prices for their sugarcane, leading to improved financial prospects and livelihoods.

With a landholding of around 500 hectares, Lingadzi Cooperative aims to make a significant contribution to Salima Sugar Company's production activities.

By Chisomo Kambandanga

NKhata Bay, April 10, Mana: District Commissioner (DC) For Nkhata Bay, Rodgers Newa has indicted that the expansion of District’s Council Chamber would promote transparency and accountability as it would allow more people to attend full council meetings.

He said this Wednesday after supervising the K149 million construction project, being implemented with finances from District Development Fund (DDF).

“The Council Chamber is an important infrastructure that is supposed to be a hub for decision making at the council hence it must be befitting for that purpose. The Chamber that was being used was basically in an old state and small in size.

“In the spirit of transparency and accountability, it is a requirement that the Chamber has to accommodate even the interested citizens apart from the councilors, members of parliament and Traditional Authorities," Newa said.

He said he was impressed with the quality of work, adding that with progress taking place and was optimistic that the project would be completed even before the contractual period of 120 days.  

Chairperson for Nkhata Bay District Council, Osman Charge Phiri said all full council members are excited with the upcoming structure because it would give them respect and value during deliberations apart from changing the face of the council.

He urged all stakeholders to work together in intensifying monitoring and supervision up to the time when the project would be handed over.

Chairperson for Civil Society Organizations in Nkhata Bay, Michael Mwenechawa commended the council for the project, saying it would not only benefit full council members but also be used for other activities happening at the council.

According to Acting Director of Public Works, George Gopani, the renovated council Chamber would have a capacity of 60 people as it has been doubled to the previous one.

Wednesday, 10 April 2024 13:17

Residents hail Mtukula pa khomo WA Mmizinda

By Memory Chatonda

Blantyre, April 10, Mana: Beneficiaries of Emergency Urban Cash Transfer Intervention (Mtukula Pakhomo WA Mmizinda) in Blantyre have hailed government for providing them with cash transfers to aalleviate immediate economic hardships they face in day to day life as each of the 43,355 beneficiaries received K150, 000 this week.

One of the beneficiaries, Agness Nthambala from Ndirande Township told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Wednesday that with K150, 000 received under the intervention, she intends to boost her business capital on top of investing part of it in Village Savings and Loan (VSL) group.

“I run a grocery shop to support my three children with food and other basic necessities but currently, the shop is almost empty because I could not afford to raise enough money to restock the shop amidst devaluation. I am glad that I have received K150, 000 from government which will go a long way in supporting my business and I am grateful for the assistance,” she said.

Another beneficiary, Wilson Nedi from Zingwangwa Township said was determined to use the money to contribute to recapitalisation of his hardware business in Limbe market which was affected by the prices shock.

“Besides, I will use the money to purchase food and related basic necessities at my home as one way of creating resilience in the face of price shock that arose from the devaluation,” he said

National Local Government Finance Committee, Shock Sensitive Specialist and Scalable Mechanism Coordinator, Mulder Mkutumula said he was glad that beneficiaries plan to invest the money in small income generating activities to support their families.


“It is imperative that the beneficiaries understand that they need to use the funds very well as we just had El-Nino and this year we may have some food insecurity. They can invest it by joining the Community Savings Investment Promotion (COMSIP) groups like VSL in order to save more money,” he said.


According to Mkutumula, as of Monday this week at total of K6.7 billion had been disbursed through TNM to 43,335 beneficiaries in Blantyre city, with each receiving K150, 000.


Deputy Director of Social Welfare in the Ministry of Gender, Laurent Kansinjiro said was satisfied with the intervention expressing optimism that it would go a long way to create resilience in communities at a time they are facing hardships including hunger.


The K15.7 billon intervention which is under the Malawi Social Protection Support Programme targets 105,000 households in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Zomba cities and is funded by World Bank and Malawi Social Protection Multi donor Trust fund.

By Solister Mogha


Zomba, April 10, Mana: Minister of Mining, Monica Chang’anamuno has ordered immediate stop of alluvial gold mining activities at Traditional Authority (TA) M’biza in Zomba.


The Minister’s order follows reports of various abuses at the mining site and that most of those involved did not have proper documents and were foreigners.


Speaking Tuesday after a consultative meeting with officials from Zomba and Chiradzulu District Councils and community members from TA M’biza, the Minister said her ministry received a number of reports about child labour, sexual abuse, and labour exploitation among other social ills.


She said most of the people engaging in the mining were illegal miners and foreigners without license, adding that this was against the laws of Malawi


“After visiting the site and seriously considering all issues. I order immediate closure of mining activities in Zomba and anyone found doing any mining activity henceforth, will face the wrath of the law,” Chanag’anamuno said.


She added that it was about time to seriously regulate Malawi’s mining industry so that the country benefits from its mineral deposits.


“Mineral exploration is a very serious and sensitive issue that need to be handled with care. As long as I am the minster of mining, I will not accept foreigners siphoning our minerals and no more of illegal mining in Malawi,” the Minister stressed.


Chanag’anamuno has since asked chiefs to be vigilant and patriotic to stop accommodating or shielding foreigners who engage in illegal mining.


Sub Traditional Authority (STA) Idana whose area has been heavily damaged hailed the Minister for ordering closure of gold mine.


The Chief said a lot of immoral activities were happening at the site and that most of people’s land was being damaged due to the mining


“We support the decision and we will make sure that no one is found mining gold until proper procedures have been followed,” she said.


The Traditional Leader said she would encourage her subjects to form cooperatives as proposed by the government and speed up mining registration process.


According to Mining Act, only registered miners are allowed to do mining activities within a specified place.


However, the recent discovery of various mineral deposits has proven shortfalls that require swift action.  

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, April 10, Mana: Some community members in Mzimba have asked the District Council to expedite the operationalization of some structures constructed with funding from the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) Project.

The Community members said this in an interview on Tuesday that the completion of projects such as Mtuzuzu Health Post and Vibangalala maternity wing in Traditional Authority (TA) Mzukuzuku and have given hope for easy access to medical facilities.

A community member of Andrea Village in the area, Emmanuel Nkuna said they cover over 10 kilometres to Kalikumbi Health Centre to access medical help whenever they fall sick.

“We don’t have a medical facility within the vicinity. We only have an under-five clinic that treats kids only. So the construction of this Mtuzuzu Health Post by M’mbelwa District Council is a big step towards alleviation of our problems as far as medical help is concerned.

“The Mtuzuzu health post has given us hope that problems of accessibility to health facility will no longer be an issue once it is opening so we appeal to our M’mbelwa district council to ensure they operationalize it so that we start using it,” he added.

Another community member, Josephine Tembo of Vakaza Village said people encounter a lot of challenges to go to other health facilities such as Mabiri Health Post because they are far apart and it's costly to travel.

“When opened, we will no longer be covering distances to other health facilities such as Vibangalala Dispensary or Embangweni Mission Rural Hospital located very far away to access medical help. We just hope that after its completion in 2023, it will be opened this year so that we start accessing services,” she said.

Speaking on Monday during a review meeting of the GESD projects, M’mbelwa District Council Director of Planning and Development (DPD), Walter Chikuni said the council plans to operationalise the structures this year.

“The GESD funding is in and we are about to start buying all materials for all facilities we built such as health posts, Police offices, and schools. We will buy beds, mattresses and all necessitates for them to be operational,” he said.

According to the Director of Public Works at M’mbelwa District Council, Allan Chitete, Mtuzuzu Health Post was constructed in the 2022/2023 financial year under Cycle 2 of GESD to a tune of K77 million.

By Steve Chirombo

Dedza, April 10, Mana: Stakeholders in the country have been challenged to show commitment towards addressing challenges that Young People Living with HIV (Y+) are facing.

Coordinator for the Resilient and Empowered Adolescent and Young People (READY+) Project under Y+ organization, Lusungu Haraba made the call Monday during interactive sessions with young people living with HIV in Dedza district on Community Led Monitoring (CLM) READY to care score card.

She said that, “We are calling on partners to continue supporting teen club programming to ensure that issues of treatment adherence should no longer exist. Much as we are talking about ending HIV we need to invest more in terms of quality access as well as prevention.”

According to Haraba, READY to care score card was one of the tools they are using in the READY Component to ensure that young people have the capacity and skills to evaluate the health services they are getting in their local health facilities.

She said that as an organization, their expectation was to ensure that young people are capable of receiving quality treatment in terms of HIV much as their efforts target at ending HIV by 2030.

“The agenda 2030 is that everyone should largely contribute to it. So, within the led movement, we are ensuring that youth are resilient, knowledgeable and empowered so that they can easily hold the stakeholders accountable and ensure that the services they are receiving are supportive and the environment is also supportive enough,” Haraba stated

One of the participants, Olivia Njuzi from Mandala area in the district, expressed hope that the session would help them identify challenges young people living with HIV are facing in their localities and in health centres where they go to access medical services thereby registering improvements on the same.

She bemoaned some misconduct among health workers towards young people living with HIV.

Dedza district Y+ Coordinator, Chifuniro Misomali said the district is trying to ensure that Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS) are easily accessible citing availability of YFHS facility in the district.

“The engagement was quite insightful as it empowered us to be responsible on issues that affect us at the same time, enabling us to take immediate action. This calls for collaborative efforts not only among us and other stakeholders will go a long way in ensuring development,” he said

Misomali complained of persistent discrimination against YPLHIV, lack of inclusion and condoms and further called on the youths to always be in the forefront in doing things by among others utilizing their clubs in identifying challenges as well as those who could offer support.

He called on them to lead in ending HIV through use of condoms and other preventive measures as well as getting tested to know their status.

The interactive sessions are done with support from the Global Network of Young People Living with HIV.

Tuesday, 09 April 2024 15:17

Kalindo has a case to answer-court

Reported by Lyte Ali

 Mangochi, April 9, Mana. A Court in Mangochi on Tuesday found Human Rights activist, Bon Kalindo with a case to answer on the allegation that he incited violence, contrary to Section 87 of the Penal Code.

During previous court proceedings, Eastern Region, Prosecution Officer, Superintendent Josephine Chigawa told the court that on November 30, 2023, Kalindo assembled people in Mangochi town without permit and incited them to violence, a development which resulted into damage of government property and individuals’ whose value was not known.

“During the demonstration, people smashed windows of district education offices, the gate at the District Commissioner’s offices, five government vehicles as well as six personal vehicles" added Chigawa.

On Tuesday, Senior Resident Magistrate, Muhammad Chande said that facts brought in court through five state witnesses established that Kalindo has a case to answer.  

Defense counsel, Smart Khalifa told the court that they will parade their own witnesses to the case.

Magistrate Chande therefore adjourned the case to May 7 this year.

During the previous proceeding, Kalindo pleaded not guilty to the charge.

He is currently on bail.

By Rose Cross Mahorya

Mzuzu, April 8, Mana: HIV Prevention and Management Officer for National AIDS Commission(NAC), Francis Mabedi has said journalists have a big role to play in ensuring that the masses are aware of some pieces of legislation on HIV and AIDS and related issues affecting those infected and affected by the disease.

Mabedi said this on Monday during a brief orientation of journalists belonging to Nyika Media Club on the HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Management) Act of 2018 in Mzuzu.

Aside information on the Act itself, Mabedi said there was need for people to know facts about some prevention interventions made available for them.

"The orientation was meant to help journalists familiarize themselves with the provision of the Act and some interventions that are available to help prevent spread and contraction of HIV.

" As we are all aware, journalists have a huge role to play in disseminating information to the public. We believe once they are informed, they will disseminate the right information," he said.

Amongst other things, Mabedi appealed for journalists to report more on the role of parents and guardians in ensuring that children and youths on medication are adhering to the same.

"Of late, there has been a challenge where children and young people are defaulting from taking their life prolonging drugs. Let's help each other to disseminate information that encourages parents and guardians ensure that their children and wards are not defaulting on the drugs so that they grow into productive citizens," he said.

Nyika Media Club Vice Chairperson, Alefa Katsongo thanked NAC for organizing the orientation which she said was insightful to the scribes.

"For journalists to better inform the public, they need to be knowledgeable themselves. It is therefore important that they have been oriented on the HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Management) Act.

"My plea is that the journalists should utilise the opportunity to report more on HIV related issues because the country needs to know that HIV and AIDS is still amongst us and that there are some laws governing its prevention and management," she said.

By Rennie Tembo

Lilongwe, April 9, Mana: Office of Secretary to President and Cabinet has hailed officers from Lingadzi Police Station in Lilongwe for working professionally and tightening security at Capital Hill.

Director of Administration in the Office of Secretary to President and Cabinet, Maxwell Tsitsi hailed the Station on Monday on behalf of the Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC), during an interactive meeting organized by the Office of President and Cabinet (OPC), aimed at appreciating and encouraging the officers for the commendable job they are doing on matters of security at government offices.

His remarks come barely few weeks after Police arrested Black Mussa who was allegedly suspected to have been terrorizing some offices at Capital Hill.

‘’We are pleased that officers at Lingadzi Police Station have come up with different initiatives in order to provide optimum security to the people working at Capital Hill and all government property.

“We would love to see our officers putting more measures and efforts in ensuring security not only here, but the country at large,’’ he said.

Lingadzi Police Station Officer In-Charge, Billy Chimbonga thanked OPC for recognizing their efforts in providing security at Capital Hill and across the country.

“Our officers work around the clock, we didn’t know that they are some people who are recognizing and appreciating our efforts. This is quite commendable and encouraging,” he added.

 The Officer In Charge has since asked private security companies in the country to be very serious and vigilant when employing their security officers by among other things vetting or investigating the behavior or history of the officers they intend to employ.

In March, 2024, Lingadzi Police Station Criminal Investigation Detectives (CID) arrested Black Mussa for allegedly committing a series of break-in incidents at Capital Hill including the offices of the Vice President, Accountant General, Ministry of Finance, Local Government, Economic Planning and Health.

By Ousman Manda

Lilongwe, April 8, Mana: Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule has said encouraging children to write books, and promoting a culture of reading among children will help Malawi to achieve its Vision 2063 agenda.

She made these remarks on Saturday in Lilongwe when she presided over the book launch titled "The Humble Treasure," by Prince Chinyamunyamu.

Kamtukule highlighted the importance of giving children the freedom to be creative without parents pushing their ideas, so children can express their own ideas in their work.

"Let the young ones speak to their fellow young ones in their own language and original ideas, otherwise it will be the parent’s ideas in the book and that’s unproductive," she said.

Prince Chinyamunyamu, a 13-year-old author, expressed gratitude to Kamtukule for her significant contribution during the book launch.

He further hailed his Project Manager, Maureen Masamba, and his parents for their continued support, saying that without them, the publication of the book would have been impossible.

"I would also like to thank Pamela Kuwali, The Country Director for Care International in Malawi, who took me through the fireside chat and question and answer segment of my book launch," Chinyamunyamu added.


He then urged other upcoming authors to embrace their talents and abilities instead of limiting themselves, emphasising that putting limits on oneself can kill dreams.


"I hope the young readers that read my book will understand, from a young age, the pivotal role kindness plays in this world and to begin displaying more and more compassion in their day to day life," he said.