Police unit construction excite communities in Mzimba

Police unit construction excite communities in Mzimba

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, 23 August, mana: People at Kapopo in Traditional Authority M’mbelwa in Mzimba district have expressed excitement with construction of Kapopo Police Unit in the area, saying it will help alleviate challenges of insecurities communities were grappling with due to the absence of police.

Speaking in an interview, group village head Kakomba Nkhata said for a long time people in the area have been living in fear.

‘‘So when we heard that M’mbelwa District Council will construct a Police unit here at Kapopo we were all gripped with a sense of excitement.

“This would mark an end to the long travels we were undertaking to report suspects of various crimes to Jenda Police or Mquocha which lie very far from here, costing one way over K10, 000,’’ said Nkhata.

Village headman Mdolo Zunza said cases to do with rape, theft, and assaults rank higher in the area hence the construction of a police office has given communities hope that they will be secure and safe.

According to Kapopo Community Policing Forum secretary Redson Kamanga, Kapopo communities have been losing a lot due to the absence of a police unit in the area in terms of security.

‘‘The whole idea behind the formation of Kapopo Community Police Forum was born after looking at the volume of crimes the area was registering. Since we have had no Police officers we decided the best way was for us to join hands and start providing security on our own’’, said Kamanga.

Member of Parliament for the area Raymond Nkhata expressed excitement with the construction of the Police unit saying it will boost security in the area.  

According to M’mbelwa District Council director of Public Works Allan Chitete, the construction of the Kapopo Police Unit aims to address security lapses in the area to ensure that communities are living in a safe and secure environment.

‘‘We want people to be living in a secure environment and conduct their businesses without fear of robberies’’, he said.

M’mbelwa Council has used K167 million to construct a Police unit, one staff house and two toilets using funds from the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD).

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