Communities appeal NGOs to invest more in disaster risk reduction

Communities appeal NGOs to invest more in disaster risk reduction

Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, August 14, Mana: Communities in Nsanje have asked non-governmental organizations to put much resources on disaster risk reduction in the district other than putting much focus on post disaster recovery when all is lost.

Chairperson of a group of volunteers in disaster risk management at Nthole Village, Charles Bishop told Malawi News Agency on Thursday in an interview that prioritizing disaster risk reduction will reduce impact of disasters on communities.

“A lot of organizations come with various interventions when a disaster occurs and as of now, few organizations are working on disaster-related activities. We therefore appeal to all non-governmental organizations to continue complimenting government efforts in reducing disaster risks” he said.

Group Village head Simenti said that communities were planting trees and bamboo as one way of reducing the speed of flooding water in their area.

“We need technical and material support so that we can achieve our desire of reducing the risk of floods that hit the district almost every year,” he added.

He therefore applauded Concern World for its continuously supporting disaster-related activities through Zurich Project.

“Through the Zurich Project, we have been oriented on Disaster Risk Management (DRM ACT 2023). Through the same Zurich Project, Concern Worldwide has also helped us to do participatory vulnerability and capacity assessment,” Group Village head Simenti added and called on more interventions from various players on disaster risk reduction.

He said community members only need support from various players in implementing activities that are meant to restore the environment through afforestation, adding that the community members took it upon themselves to plant trees, bamboos, and building houses that can withstand disasters

District Disaster Risk Management Officer in Nsanje, Dan Mandala also observed that most organization only respond to disasters as opposed to look into ways and means of reducing disaster risks.

"As disaster office, we advocate for risk reduction such that we work in collaboration with other NGO's to reduce disaster risks,” he added.

Nsanje Civil Society Organisation Network Chairperson, Mike Dansa said it was worrisome that organizations put much emphasis on recovery and distribution of relief items only.

“We need long-term projects that will change the lives of the community. Most of the NGOs come when disaster strikes. We have to admit this and as CSOOs, we will sit down to encourage each other to come up with interventions that will help to reduce disaster risks,” said Dansa.

He added that most of the organizations have short-term projects, which are characterized by low impacts on the lives of people.

“We have been hearing reports that Nsanje has a lot of organizations but people are still poor because short projects have less impact on the lives of people. People out there want capacity building on how they can build resilient houses, people want support to construct dykes,” Dansa added.

Nsanje is mostly prone to floods such that people are mostly affected by flood almost each and every rainy season.

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