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NLGFC challenges Councils to complete projects in time

By Chisomo Kambandanga Nkhata Bay, June 30, Mana: National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) has reiterated the need for district…

REFORD and MHEN hail Kumemeza approach

By Beatrice Bangula Blantyre, June 29, Mana: Phalombe Restored Hope Foundation for Rural Development (REFORD) has described Kum’mwetsa Mother Care…

Time management has improved at Mchinji OSBP

By Tione Andsen Mchinji, June 26, Mana: Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has said time management in handled both passengers and…

NPC, NSO releases 2023 multi-dimensional child poverty report

By Mayamiko Mwikhoma Zomba, June 26, Mana: National Planning Commission (NPC) in collaboration with the National Statistical Office (NSO) on…

District physical planning to protect government land

By Robert Nayeja Nsanje, June 20, Mana: Deputy Director responsible for Quality Assurance in Eastern Region in the Ministry of…

Popular News

By Yamikani Yapuwa Thyolo, July 4, Mana: TNM Plc on…
By Andrew Mkonda Lilongwe, July 4, Mana: Director of Planning…
By Vincent Khonje Mchinji, July 3, Mana: After years of…
By Beatrice Bangula Blantyre, June 29, Mana: Phalombe Restored Hope…

Council and lawmaker hailed

By Steve Chirombo Dedza, June 20, Mana: Councilor for Chilongoni Ward under Dedza Central East Constituency, Boniface Nyombe Wednesday expressed…

Multimillion kwacha project launched

By Steve Chirombo Dedza, June 20, Mana: Director of Public Works (DPW) for Dedza called on the contractor, AWOH Construction,…

Karonga District Council to relocate rice and groundnut mills

By Felix Katemula & George Mponda Karonga, June 19, Mana: To address people’s concerns over environmental and health hazards caused…

Government set to establish 395 civic education hubs

By Memory Chatonda Blantyre, June 14, Mana: Government plans to establish 395 civic education hubs across the country to advocate…

NYCOM to shape the future for youth development

By Patience Longwe Lilongwe, June 12, Mana: Executive Director of the National Youth Council of Malawi (NYCOM), Rex Chapota has…