

By Sylvester Kumwenda in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, April 25, Mana: Malawi High Commissioner to Tanzania, Andrew Kumwenda, says Malawi can borrow a leaf from the United Republic of Tanzania’s story which saw the development of a successful nation based on unity, trust, respect and dedication.

He made the remarks in an interview in Dar es Salaam on Thursday ahead of Tanzania’s Union Day to be held Friday at Uhuru Kenyatta Stadium.

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima is expected to join the celebrations.

He said Tanzania’s story is remarkable which Malawi and the rest of Africa can learn from.

"It is a story of peace, unity, understanding and overcoming differences where two totally different states agreed to become one. This is not an easy thing but proved that, with unity, anything is doable. This is something we can all emulate from in fostering unity and development in our countries.

"With Malawi joining the celebrations, it not only shows how much we value our bilateral relationship with Tanzania but also respect the values and history of our neighbour," said Kumwenda.

He said Tanzania has been an important neighbour who has bailed Malawi in numerous occasions including during the cyclone Freddy disaster.

He described the two countries as sisters who have always been there for each other during good and bad times.

"Cyclone Freddy was devastating to Malawi and Tanzania was one of the countries who gave a lot of assistance to Malawi, not that they have much, but because of their spirit. So, our relationship is deep. We are proud that we are part of the celebrations and we will continue to be there for each other," he said.

This is the 60th anniversary in the history of Union Day of Tanzania.

The day is held annually to commemorate the union of former states of the Republic of Tanzania and the Peoples Republic of Zanzibar which created the United Republic of Tanzania on April 26, 1964.

By Rose Cross Mahorya

Mzuzu, April 25, Mana: Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Mzuzu City have asked Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to be fair in accrediting CSOs which will be involved in voter civic education in preparation for the 2025 general elections.

The remarks were made Thursday by Peter Mumba of Apause Organisation in Mzuzu during a stakeholder engagement organised by MEC on revised electoral laws, constituency and ward boundaries and voter registration centres.

He said failure to observe fairness in accreditation procedures will cost some Malawians their right to participate in electoral process.

"The amendments have brought in a number of changes and there is need for enhanced proper civic education for the citizenry to able participate in the voting processes.

“For instance, polling time has been revised to 6am to 4pm yet in the past it was from 6am to 6pm. People should know these changes for the elections to be fair and free,” said Mumba.

He appealed to development partners to support MEC with resources so that hard to reach areas are reached with information.

MEC Commissioner, Calorine Mfune, said CSOs play crucial roles in information dissemination including that of electoral processes hence the engagement.

"CSOs and political parties are our important partners because they provide electoral related civic education to the citizenry,” said Mfune.

The meeting is one the meetings the MEC is holding countrywide in preparation for voter registration ahead of the 2025 general elections.

The meeting was attended by CSOs, Mzuzu City Multiparty Liaison Committee, registered political parties, traditional, faith and religious leaders.

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, April 25, Mana:  People in Traditional Authorities (TA) Khosolo and Mabilabo in Mzimba District have commended M’mbelwa District Council for the construction of a K23 million Kanjuchi Police Unit with support from Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD).

In an interview on Wednesday, Frank Magawa, of Sauti Banda Village in the area of TA Khosolo said people have, for a long-time, been grappling criminal acts as they did not have a police facility.

He expressed concern that due to absence of a police unit in the area, people take the law in their hands when dealing with suspected criminals

 He, therefore, said this will be history once the project is completed.

“We spend between K3, 000 to K10, 000 on transport to take criminal suspects to Eswazini Police Unit and Jenda Police Station respectively.

 “We hope that once functional, the facility will help address issues of security in our area and also assist in curbing crime and ease challenges associated with reporting crimes,” said Magawa.

TA Khosolo said the police unit has instilled hope in communities in terms of safety and security thereby enhancing peace in the area.

Spokesperson for Jenda Police Station, Mcfarlen Mseteka, concurred with the community on security challenges that people face in the area.

“There has been no police presence because we don’t have a unit here. Luckily, we have a new police office block which is at finishing level. We expect the council to fast track the remaining works so that it becomes functional soon,” said Mseteka.

Director of Planning and Development for M’mbelwa District Council, Walter Chikuni, said the Council plans to have most GESD supported projects operational within the year.

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, April 25, Mana:  People in Traditional Authorities (TA) Khosolo and Mabilabo in Mzimba District have commended M’mbelwa District Council for the construction of a K23 million Kanjuchi Police Unit with support from Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD).

In an interview on Wednesday, Frank Magawa, of Sauti Banda Village in the area of TA Khosolo said people have, for a long-time, been grappling criminal acts as they did not have a police facility.

He expressed concern that due to absence of a police unit in the area, people take the law in their hands when dealing with suspected criminals

 He, therefore, said this will be history once the project is completed.

“We spend between K3, 000 to K10, 000 on transport to take criminal suspects to Eswazini Police Unit and Jenda Police Station respectively.

 “We hope that once functional, the facility will help address issues of security in our area and also assist in curbing crime and ease challenges associated with reporting crimes,” said Magawa.

TA Khosolo said the police unit has instilled hope in communities in terms of safety and security thereby enhancing peace in the area.

Spokesperson for Jenda Police Station, Mcfarlen Mseteka, concurred with the community on security challenges that people face in the area.

“There has been no police presence because we don’t have a unit here. Luckily, we have a new police office block which is at finishing level. We expect the council to fast track the remaining works so that it becomes functional soon,” said Mseteka.

Director of Planning and Development for M’mbelwa District Council, Walter Chikuni, said the Council plans to have most GESD supported projects operational within the year.

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Nkhata Bay, April 25, Mana: People of Kamwala in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kabunduli in Nkhata Bay are pleased to see a K48 million Kamwala Health Clinic and staff house construction project completed.

The structures have been built under Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) Program with the goal of bringing child and expectant women health care services closer to the community.

Speaking Wednesday when media toured the facility, Leni Mwale, a mother of two from the area said under five children can now get required vaccines as the clinic is operational.

"As I am speaking, my baby has already been given one of the vaccines. We do not need to travel to Mapale Health Centre in Mzuzu for similar services including family planning methods,” said Mwale.

She appealed to authorities to consider bringing piped water to the facility and later upgrade it into a dispensary.

Health Surveillance Assistant in the area, McCloud Kaunda, said currently mothers and about 1,250 under five children get disease preventive, health promotive, curative and education services which contributes to a health community.

Councillor for Chitheka Ward in Nkhata Bay West Constituency, Patrick Manda, said the clinic is a sigh of relief to the community.

"With the topography of the area and Nkhata Bay in general, it was hard for expectant mothers to walk long distances to access health services in Mzuzu.

He, therefore, commended government for the development and assured community members that authorities will continue to lobby for funds to have piped water and solar power connected to the facility.

Nkhata Bay District Council Director of Planning and Development, Edgar Chihana, was impressed with the impact of GESD projects on communities in the district.

“These projects contribute to improved service delivery. I urge communities to have a sense of ownership over the structures for them to last long.

GESD is implemented through National Local Government Finance Committee.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 10:21

Tikoliwe rejoices over drilling of borehole

By Winfrida Kamwana

Mchinji, April 24, Mana: Residents of about four Villages under Senior Group Tikoliwe in Traditional Authority (TA) Mlonyeni are now all smiles after a well-wisher has drilled a borehole them

The Dubai based well-wisher, Annie Makolera has drilled a borehole for them after a long time of struggling to have access to potable water.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, Chief Tikoliwe expressed his gratitude over the development stating that now his people would have access to potable water.

“Access to potable water has long been a challenge in this community which has affected a lot of areas both developmental and health. We really appreciate the donors for doing something so remarkable for us, their help will not be taken lightly,” he said.

Social Media Influencer, Gerald Kampanikiza who represented the well-wisher said the decision to provide a borehole to Tikoliwe came after noting that people in the area were walking a long distance to fetch water.

“People walked a long distance to fetch water which endangered their lives. Not only that, the water these people were consuming was not safe exposing them to water-borne diseases,” he explained.

Kampanikiza stated that three more areas in the country would benefit from the same project t is in all the remaining three regions.

“The well-wisher hopes to help more areas and has since asked the ones benefiting from these works to take care of the properties so that they last longer,” he added.

One community member, Mercy Mwale appreciated the well-wisher saying the intervention would assist in solving challenges such as divorces that centered around misunderstandings that came with fetching water from a long distance.

“Despite walking a long distance to fetch water, fights would break at the water source because the water was not enough for everyone and no one wanted to go back home without water,” she stated.

Mwale appealed to various key stakeholders to take care of the borehole.

A whistleblower, Ephraim Zulu provided the video to Kampanikiza and his team expressed his excitement over the intervention appreciating the well-wisher for choosing his village as one of the beneficiaries.

“This village has been sidelined mostly in developmental projects and seeing that one of the challenges has been handled, I am very grateful,” he noted.

Zulu explained that access to potable water has not been the only challenge, there was issues to do with early marriages among the youth, the increase in sexual transmitted diseases and problems in accessing health support since Mchinji District Hospital is far from their area.

The idea to drill a borehole came about when Kampanikiza and his team posted on their Facebook page stating that a well-wisher was ready to provide potable water to any community which prompted Zulu to provide the video to the team.

The project costed about K 8.2 million.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 09:52

Malawi to observe world vaccine week

By Vincent Khonje

Mana, April 24, Mana: Malawi is observing World Immunization Week from Wednesday April 24 to 30, 2024.

The Commemoration this year is significant as it marks 50 years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI).

During a Media tour to various health facilities across the country, Ministry of Health Spokesperson, Adrian Chikumbe expressed confidence in Malawi's readiness for the immunization week.

"We have prepared very well for this week, ensuring that vaccines are readily available to all those in need. Relevant stakeholders have also been consulted for community mobilization," he said.

At the Ntaja Health Centre in Machinga, there was an anticipation that the week would provide great results in as far as immunization is concerned.

EPI Focal person, William Palichina said all was well as important stakeholders have prepared well.

"We anticipate a good week of protecting people from different ailments. We have enough supply of vaccines and we hope to intensify administration of the vaccines in all health facilities," he explained.

A mother at Bereu Health Centre in Chikwawa, Joyce Nyirenda emphasized the importance of immunization, particularly for under five children.

"Vaccination is not just a medical procedure, it is a shield that protects our children from life-threatening diseases. So it is important that all the children are vaccinated by taking advantage of this week," she said.

Throughout the week, health workers in the country will come together to recognize their role in safeguarding the health and well-being of generations to come.

By Innocent Chunga

Nkhotakota, April 25, Mana: Serengeti Energy Limited Wednesday handed over two houses to two vulnerable community members and 60 mattresses to Kasamba Community Day Secondary School in the area of Senior Chief Malengachanzi in Nkhotakota.

Speaking at Kasamba Community Day Secondary School, Plant Manager for Nkhotakota Solar Power under Serengeti Energy Limited, Paul Mhango, said they would continue supporting the people surrounding the plant through programmes that include Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

He highlighted that as private power producers in the country, they would continue supporting communities based on their different needs in the district.

"We have done the two projects to a total budget of K88 million as part of our CSR package to the communities surrounding the solar energy plant and we will continue assisting them through such projects in the district," Mhango said.

Headteacher for Kasamba Community Day Secondary School, Precious Kacholala, said the support of mattresses has come at the right time saying they will be used by female students that will be residing at the school once the water is restored at the hostels at the facility.

One of the beneficiaries of the two houses at Liwewe 2 Village, Hajat Amidu applauded Serengeti Energy Limited for their timely intervention.

"Thank you Serengeti for remembering me in my tough times, I was staying in a tiny mud house, if it is possible, do the same to more people surrounding your company help them also," she appealed.

Serengeti Energy Limited produces 21 megawatts and adds to the national grid from solar power in Nkhotakota, plans are underway to have another plant in the area which will have its CSR focused on uplifting the lives of people surrounding the plant in the district.

By Rennie Tembo

Lilongwe, April 25, Mana: Malawi has signed a charter with Africa Strategy Mining Group, which would assist in transforming the nation through sustainable mineral extraction.

Speaking during the signing ceremony on Wednesday, Minister of Mining Monica Chang’anamuno said the agreement would help safe guarding the country’s minerals and address issues affecting companies and miners.

By signing the pact, Malawi becomes an official member of the group.

“I am very happy with what we have achieved through this Mining Investment Forum and am very optimistic of the positive impact the agreement is going to bring.

“For a long time we have not been working as a team, as a result others have been taking advantage of us by taking our raw materials and benefiting from our natural resources, so its high time African countries benefit from the mining industry,” she said.

Chang’anamuno thanked President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera for showing commitment in transforming the mining industry in the country.

She urged the stakeholders and investors to continue with the spirit of collaboration, sharing knowledge and experiences in mining and also conserve the environment as they do mining activities in different sites.

Secretary General for Africa Strategy Mining Group, Moses Engadu said this agreement would play an important role in growing the mining sector and to get fair deals to Malawi and other African countries.

“As we all know Africa has vast quantity of mineral resources, but often times we do not benefit from these minerals and our duty is to negotiate better deals and foster collaboration among our countries.

“This agreement then will help us explore opportunities hence improving the mining sector, which can be instrumental in boosting the economy and improving the livelihood of our people by creating worth, job and business opportunities,’’ he said.

Engadu noted that lack of technical skills among miners, oneness, lack of funding and insufficient resources that are required to exploit minerals being some of the challenges affecting the growth of the mining sector.

Sovereign Services Limited’s Technical Manager, Andries Kruges said he was very optimistic that the agreement would help them know what their colleagues are doing and it’s going to address some of the problems that were affecting mining companies.

The two-day Malawi Mining Investment Forum was held under the Theme “Transforming the Nation through Sustainable Mineral Extraction”.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 09:16

Bottom sides have daunting fixtures

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, April 25, Mana: Bottom three sides in the TNM Super League have daunting fixtures this coming weekend as they face inform teams in the week four of the season.

The three sides are Dedza Dynamos, Baka City and Bangwe All Stars who are yet to register a win for the season and are in relegation battles.

Dedza have managed two draws against FCB Nyasa Big Bullets 1-1, Silver Strikers 1-1 and lost 3-0 on the road against Civil Service United.

Baka City lost in a Karonga derby 1-0, got beaten Mzuzu Hammers 2-1 and drew with Mafco 1-1.

Bangwe All Stars have lost two away games against FOMO 1-0, Silver Strikers 3-1 and drew with Karonga United 1-1 at home.  

This weekend, Dedza Dynamos is on the road to face Moyale Barracks who are on third place on the log in Mzuzu Stadium on Sunday.

The game promises more fireworks as the home side have won two game against Mafco 2-1 and Civil Service United 3-0.   

Dedza Dynamos have proved to be tough playing at home and have not done well playing away and in their second outing they need to collect maximum points.

Newcomers, Baka City will play against FCB Nyasa Big Bullets who are fifth on the table at Kamuzu Stadium on Saturday.

They will be playing a team that has not won any game at home this season and they are coming from a 3-0 win over Chitipa United last Sunday in Karonga.

Baka City should brace themselves for highly competitive game owing to the fact that the defending champions will be looking for maximum points in order to enhances their championship ambitions.  

Current league leaders, Mighty Mukuru Wanderers will on Sunday be hosted by Bangwe All Stars at Mpira Stadium.

The Nomads have won twice against FOMO 3-0, Creck Sporting 3-0 and were forced to a 1-1 draw against Kamuzu Barracks at Kamuzu Stadium.

Bangwe All Stars need to work outside the box if they are to stop wanderers which is in a great scoring form.

A win for Wanderers will increase their points tally to 10 points from four games while for Bangwe they will jump out of relation zone.

Another epic battle is on Saturday in Area 47, while second placed Silver Strikers will play host to Mafco.

Mafco’s form this season has started on a bad note and they need to pull up their socks in order to register a catch up win. 

They lost to Moyale 2-1 in their opening match, they drew with Kamuzu Barracks 1-1 at home and they pulled 0-0 against Baka City away.

A Soccer fan from New Gulliver in Lilongwe, Dick Bester viewed that the three bottom sides need to play with their lungs out if they are to move out of drop zone.

“They are all capable of turning the tables if they put up a hard working spirit. They need to start collecting maximum points in order to survive in the league,” he said.

Another Football follower from Kawale, Nelson Phiri said the fixtures will provide a litmus test for the three teams.

He said the three teams should expect tough encounters and they should avoid losses with big margins.

The TNM Super League weekend fixture as follows and kick off 2:30 pm.


FCB Nyasa Big Bullets vs Baka City @ Kamuzu Stadium

Silver Strikers vs Mafco @ Silver Stadium

Creck Sporting vs Mzuzu City Hammers @ Civo Stadium


FOMO vs Chitipa United @ Mulanje Park

Karonga United vs Mighty Waka Tigers @ Karonga Stadium 

Civil Service United vs Kamuzu Barracks @ Civo Stadium

Bangwe All Stars vs Mighty Mukuru Wanderers @ Mpira Stadium

Moyale vs Dedza Dynamos @ Mzuzu Stadium

By Thandie Chinthambi

Mzuzu, April 25, Mana: Mzuzu City Council has revealed that inadequate funding was having an effect on progress to rehabilitate roads which are in bad shape in the City.

Spokesperson for the Council, McDonald Gondwe disclosed this Wednesday that the Council was aware of challenges which road users are experiencing due to the state of most roads within.

He said once the Council acquires adequate funds from government, it would ensure maintenance works on the dilapidated roads are made.

"We do acknowledge that most roads are not in good condition and we want to assure the residents of Mzuzu that we are doing our best to ensure that rehabilitation happens as soon as possible", Gondwe said.

The Spokesperson said as one way of finding a solution to the problem, the council has advertised for contractors who would work on the road rehabilitation project while waiting for funding from government.

One of the Taxi Operators in Mzuzu, Captain Lucky said as taxi operators, they are usually faced with potholes in roads in the course of their work which brings them problems.

"It becomes difficult for us to operate as the roads are full of potholes. May the council please help us in maintaining the roads around the city", Lucky said.

Another road user, Mphatso Chigona said the condition of the roads endangers people's lives as accidents are inevitable.

"As bicycle operators, we sometimes get involved in road accidents as we try to avoid the potholes. We will be grateful once the roads have been maintained," he said.