RBM in Digital Financial Services awareness campaign

RBM in Digital Financial Services awareness campaign Featured

By Memory Kutengule Chatonda

Blantyre, August 19, Mana: Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) has embarked on a 30-day awareness campaign to increase adoption and usage of Digital Financial Services (DFS) among Malawians.

The DFS includes mobile money, mobile banking, ATM transfers and internet banking.

In an interview with the Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Monday, campaign team leader for Blantyre, Paul Nthala, said so far the campaign has started on a good note, with Blantyre District Council officials and community members at traditional authorities Chigaru and Kunthembwe expressing their full support.

“This campaign aims to bridge the gap between the traditional use of paper money and the adoption of digital financial services.

“On this, key issues we want to address include lack of awareness about available DFS platforms and their benefits, limited understanding of how DFS can improve financial security, reduce risks, and offer greater convenience,” he said.

Nthala added that the campaign will also address concerns around accessibility for both rural and urban populations and also tackle the digital divide by encouraging the adoption of mobile money, mobile banking, and internet banking, especially among underserved groups.

The exercise is expected to reach out to 90 percent of the Blantyre population, targeting both rural and urban areas.

"At the end of the campaign, we want people to know the DFS channels and products such as ATM transfers, mobile money and internet banking available on the market and their benefits, among others," he said.

Traditional Authority (TA) Chigaru hailed RBM for taking the campaign to his area.

“My subjects are involved in various income generating activities, but not all of them keep their money in any bank, let alone in a mobile money wallet. So, this campaign has come at an opportune time to turn around the situation; we salute the RBM,” he said.

TA Chigaru added that he will take the responsibility of sensitizing his subjects on the DFS during various meetings in which he will be in attendance.

Chifundo Nsambo, from TA Chigaru, is now ready to transition to using a mobile money wallet because of the various benefits it offers.


“I am a businesswoman at Mdeka Trading Centre and for so long, I have been keeping my money under the pillow. To me, that was my safest place, but today, I have learnt that it's risky to do so because the house can catch fire or anything bad can happen to it," she stressed.

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